
Integrating a Computer Simulated Laboratory into a Microelectronics Technology Class: A Case Study


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The author teaches a non-credit course in microelectronics to students from industry. To improve the class, a computer simulation was written which duplicates the laboratory operations needed to manufacture a semiconductor chip. The simulation has since been successfully incorporated into the short course. Using the simulation allows students to gain "hands on experience" in microelectronics manufacturing at a dramatically lower cost than could be achieved in a real setting. The cost savings comes from not using laboratory time and from the time compression aspect of a computer simulation. By compressing time, the simulation eliminates the "dead time" associated with waiting for a process to happen but during which no learning is occurring. A second benefit to education, produced by the simulation, is student interaction and involvement in the learning process. While not quantified, there is an observable increase in interaction between the students and their learning environment. They move from passive receptors to active participants in the class. Lessons have been learned on classroom design as well. An ideal room design will be discussed. Adding a computer simulation to the course has proven to be very positive for the quality of the class, for student participation, and for student spirit.



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