首页> 外文会议>17th World Congress on Ergonomics(第十七届国际人类工效学大会)论文集 >Development and Evaluation of a Model-based Usability Assessment Tool for Interactive CAS-Systems

Development and Evaluation of a Model-based Usability Assessment Tool for Interactive CAS-Systems




Technological progress in the field of Computer-Assisted Surgery (CAS) not only leads to an enhancement in efficiency and effectiveness concerning therapeutic results but also to a change of the Human-Computer-Interaction characteristics in the operating room (OR). Deficiencies in the use process of CAS systems bring along high potential for hazardous human-induced failures implicating higher risk for patients and physicians during surgical interventions. To enhance safety and reliability in modern surgical work systems the design of the user interfaces has to be not only “ergonomic” -usability and reliability are major characteristics to be taken into consideration for the approval as well as for routine application of medical devices. While experimental and criteria-oriented usability-evaluation of interactive systems are receiving increasing attention from manufacturers of medical devices, the design engineer has to examine and determine the usability of an envisioned system already in a very early developmental phase. In this context the presented mAIXuse method as well as a corresponding software tool have been developed and are currently being evaluated in order to support the application of prospective usability assessment for complex medical devices. Adapted from two model-based methods, the Concur Task Tree methodology and the CPM-GOMS approach, the software tool uses formal, normative models to predict user and system behaviour in order to estimate the usability of a new or re-designed system. The developed prospective usability investigation approach has already been evaluated in comparison to conventional risk assessment and usability evaluation methods and the corresponding software tool has been evaluated in cooperation with medical and industrial partners. The aim of the presented work is to support especially small and medium sized enterprises developing and manufacturing medical devices, taking into account the required usability engineering and risk management process.
机译:计算机辅助外科(CAS)领域的技术进步不仅导致治疗效果的效率和有效性提高,而且还改变了手术室(OR)中人机交互特性。 CAS系统使用过程中的缺陷带来了很大的潜在的人为原因导致的故障,从而在外科手术过程中给患者和医生带来了更高的风险。为了提高现代外科手术系统的安全性和可靠性,用户界面的设计不仅必须是“人机工程学”的,可用性和可靠性是批准和医疗设备常规应用时要考虑的主要特征。尽管交互式系统的实验性和面向标准的可用性评估越来越受到医疗设备制造商的关注,但设计工程师必须在非常早期的开发阶段就检查并确定预想系统的可用性。在这种情况下,已经开发出了当前的mAIXuse方法以及相应的软件工具,目前正在对其进行评估,以支持对复杂医疗设备进行前瞻性可用性评估。该软件工具采用了两种基于模型的方法,即“并行任务树”方法和CPM-GOMS方法,该软件工具使用正式的规范模型来预测用户和系统行为,以评估新系统或重新设计的系统的可用性。与常规风险评估和可用性评估方法相比,已经评估了开发的预期可用性调查方法,并且与医疗和工业合作伙伴合作对相应的软件工具进行了评估。提出的工作旨在考虑到所需的可用性工程和风险管理过程,为特别是中小型企业开发和制造医疗设备提供支持。



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