首页> 外文会议>16th International congress on animal hygiene : animal hygiene, health and welfare as corner stones of sustainable animal production >Detection of vvhA Gene of Vibrio vulnificus and trh Virulence Genes of Vibrio parahaemolyticus from Samples of Ostrea edulis Collected from the Black Sea using a PCR-Based Method

Detection of vvhA Gene of Vibrio vulnificus and trh Virulence Genes of Vibrio parahaemolyticus from Samples of Ostrea edulis Collected from the Black Sea using a PCR-Based Method


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Ostrea edulis,also known as the European flat oyster,is a well-known freshly-consumed food product,pertaining to the human diet for centuries.Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio vulnificu.s represent two foodborne pathogens with pronounced lethality,usually found to be optimally developing in estuaries.where this oyster species is normally collected for food purposes,in the end the risk for the consumer's health being a high one through the consumption of this food product.In this study,a number of 200 samples of European flat oyster was collected and analyzed using a polymerase chain reaction(PCR)-based method,in order to detect the presence and isolate the targeted foodborne pathogens.In a secondary step,the PCR-based method was used to reveal the presence of the specific virulence genes,vvhA for V.vulnificus,and trh1 and trh2 genes of V.parahaemohticu.s.The results revealed that 46 samples were positive for the presence of V.parahaemohticus.of which 23 were positive for the presence of trh1 and 18 for trh2.Considering V.vulnificus,38 samples out of 100 were positive,of which 34 presented the vvhA virulence gene.These data suggest that the European flat oysters represent a high risk for the consumer's health,not only through the presence of two of the most important foodborne pathogens in Europe and worldwide,but mainly through the presence of the specific virulence genes.
机译:食用牡蛎(Osrea edulis),也被称为欧洲扁牡蛎,是一种众所周知的新鲜食用食品,与人类的饮食有关已有数百年之久。食用这种牡蛎通常是出于食品目的。最终,通过食用这种牡蛎产品,消费者的健康风险很高。在这项研究中,欧洲牡蛎的200个样本数量为200个。使用基于聚合酶链反应(PCR)的方法进行收集和分析,以检测是否存在并分离出目标食源性病原体。第二步,使用基于PCR的方法揭示特定毒力基因的存在, vvhA为V.vulnificus和trh1和trh2基因的副猪嗜血杆菌。结果显示46份样本均为副猪嗜血菌阳性,其中23份为阳性考虑到V.vulnificus,在100个样本中有38个样本呈阳性,其中34个呈现vvhA毒力基因。这些数据表明欧洲牡蛎不仅对消费者有害,而且对消费者的健康构成高风险。欧洲和世界范围内存在两种最重要的食源性病原体,但主要是通过特定毒力基因的存在。



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