首页> 外文会议>15th European workshop on modern developments and applications in microbean analysis, 7th meeting of the International Union of Microbean Analysis Societies >ELECTRON TRANSPORT PROPERTIES OF MONOLAYER GRAPHENE MEASURED FROM SECONDARY ELECTRON MICROSCOPY ACCORDING TO THE SUBSTRATE VARIATIONAL METHOD



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Surface analysis techniques, such as X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), are powerful tools to quantitatively investigate the chemical-state information of materials. With advances in materials science technology, the analysis of atomically thin materials has become practical, although still extremely challenging. The main difficulty lies in the notorious "reflection configuration" of ultrathin materials, which are normally supported by substrates. The material signals are thus inevitably diluted by the signals from the underlying substrates, even in a low-speed electron operation mode. Here, we develop a substrate variational method that enables isolating the pure electron-electron (e-e) signals of ultra-thin materials with four interrelated measurements in secondary electron (SE) microscopy using a white beam technique as shown in Fig. 1. The elastic electron transmission of mono- and bilayer graphene over a wide energy range from 0 to 600 eV can be accurately extracted from a single substrate variational measurement. Furthermore, the electron transport properties of the effective attenuation length (EAL) and the inelastic mean free path (IMFP) can be determined with extremely high efficiency from these measured elastic transmission spectra by using a so-called reverse Monte Carlo (RMC) programme. The RMC programme used herein was inspired by a method of the same name [2] widely applied in the condensed matter sciences to produce atom-based structural models that are consistent with experimental data and subject to a set of constraints. In this work, however, the target has been changed to the unknown IMFP at different energies instead of atom-based structural models, and the corresponding constraints are the elastic transmission measured by the substrate variational method. The RMC programme herein can be summarised as an iterative process for improving IMFP in a conventional Monte Carlo (MC) simulation of electron interaction with graphene. This improvement is accomplished by minimising the differences between the simulated and measured elastic electron transmission of the nanomaterial, as shown in Fig. 2. The substrate variational method represents a benchmark for surface analysis of supported ultra-thin materials, which can provide "free-standing" information that is particularly suitable for two-dimensional (2D) group IV materials, such as silicene, germanene and stanine, which are stable only on particular substrates. This technique expands the energy scale of analysis down to several electron volts and hence allows one to quantitatively probe the e-e interactions of ultra-thin materials on very-low-energy scales. Furthermore, with the use of ordinary SE signals, the new method rivals conventional methods based on core-level signals in signal-to-noise ratio by orders of magnitude, holding great potential for manufacture monitoring and quality control. The substrate variational method: There are multiple names for the present substrate variational method, such as nano-chop-nod method, backscatterer perturbation method and virtual substrate method named in the aspects of the origins, the principle and functions, respectively. When we want to investigate the microscopic and electronic responses of nanomaterials such as electron-electron (e-e) interactions and electron transport, the first approach is to design an experimental setup in transmission mode with an electron probe, as shown in Fig. 3a. A high-energy monochromatic electron beam is used as an electron probe to obtain a well-focussed beam that minimises chromatic aberration of the electron lens. Focussing on measuring the electron transport properties of nanomaterials, only those properties at the energy of the incident beam can generally be obtained from a single measurement according to the signal attenuation of the elastic peak (zero-loss peak). Although these properties can theoretically be obtained by repeating this measurement with different incident electron energy, this is generally difficult because of time-consuming realignment of the electron beam at each electron energy. Particularly for the low energy range (below 1 keV), it is extremely difficult to align the electron beam so that the electron beam size remains constant at any low energy. In addition, we cannot study substrate-supported nanomaterials in this transmission-mode experimental setup, especially 2D group-IV materials such as silicene, germanene and stanine, which are only stable on metal surfaces. This point is particularly important because almost all existing practical applications of nanomaterials in nanometre devices need "semi-infinite" substrates. To investigate the properties of a substrate-supported nanomaterial, we attempted to improve the transmission experimental setup, as shown in Fig. 3b. In this experimental setup, a polychromatic beam composed of a mixture of energies is used to investigate the properties of a target nanomaterial in a more efficient way than the basic transmission configuration. A monochromatic electron beam is injected into the back side of the substrate and corresponding secondary electrons (SEs) are produced as the incident electrons travel through the substrate. Therefore, the substrate acts as a scatterer, scattering a monochromatic electron beam to obtain dispersed electrons. The transmitted spectra emitted from the other side of substrate can be considered as a white electron beam to probe the properties of the attached nanomaterial. The initial energy distribution of these white electrons can be obtained from the control setup measuring only the substrate under the same experimental conditions. Therefore, comparing spectra obtained from these two different experimental setups allows the properties of the target nanomaterial over the whole energy range to be extracted from one pair of measurements. Unfortunately, the transmitted spectrum is not a good choice as a white electron beam to microscopically probe the target nanomaterial because the spatial distribution of the transmitted electrons composed of the primary beam and SEs is broadened by the cascade of elastic/inelastic collisions in the substrate. This broadening is more visible in the lower energy region of the transmitted spectrum of the white electron beam than at higher energy. In other words, the information carried by the white electrons in the SE energy range is completely obscured by the undesired electron signals produced by energy loss or formation of new SEs in inelastic collisions, while white electrons with higher energy travel into the target nanomaterial. Therefore, this primary designed experimental setup is difficult to implement in practical microscopic applications because it is difficult to find a suitable thin substrate. In addition, the energy distribution of transmitted electrons depends on the thickness of the substrate. This dependence complicates the definition of the white beam. If the substrate is too thin, an intense high-energy primary beam is dominant in the white electron beam, which makes the evolution of the low-energy transmission properties of the nanomaterial complicated. Eventually, a suitable thin film substrate was used in this experimental setup as an approximation of a semi-infinite substrate. This possibly makes the final result inaccurate despite the use of a specially designed machine for the transmission experiment. Fortunately, the reflected spectra produced from a semi-infinite substrate are suitable as a white electron beam to investigate the properties of a covering nanomaterial without such shortcomings, as illustrated in Fig. 3c. Reflected SEs from a semi-infinite substrate that can be treated as a backscatterer generally have very high signal intensities that increase dramatically as the electron energy decreases. This reflection-mode experimental setup is often used in commercial electron spectroscopy such as AES and reflection electron energy-loss spectroscopy. It seems that these reflected SE spectra are perfect for use as a white electron beam; however, there is one inherent problem when using reflection mode instead of transmission mode: the incident electron beam will be blocked by the covering nanomaterial before injection into the substrate. Although the attenuation effect can be neglected by using high incident electron energy (generally above 5 keV), the accompanying excited and emitted SEs (denoted as SEs(in) in Fig. 3c) make this experimental setup fail. To overcome this limitation in reflection mode, the substrate variational method is developed and introduced here. The same measurement as that shown in Fig. 3c is performed again using a discriminating substrate in Fig. 3d. It is obvious that the white electron beams produced by the two different substrates are different; however, the accompanying excited and emitted SEs (SEs(in)) should be exactly the same because the attenuation of the incident electron beam by the covering nanomaterial should be totally independent of underlying substrate. As mentioned above, in reflection mode, the energy distribution of the white electron beam depends not on the substrate thickness but on the substrate material, and the white electron beam is mainly composed of SEs. If high-energy electrons are dominant in the white electron beam, low-energy electrons from the nanomaterial originate from two different sources: SEs transmitting the nanomaterial information and SEs newly excited by high-energy electrons. By using the reflected SE spectra as a white electron beam, the former process of transmission of SEs is dominant, and the evaluation of white electrons inside a target nanomaterial can be considered as a linear system in which the response of the target nanomaterial to inject white electrons is a linear operator. Evolution of moving electrons inside any sample can be considered as a linear system. Every linear system satisfies the property of superposition; therefore, different results obtained from different inputs (i.e., white electron beams) or different linear response systems (i.e., target nanomaterials) can be superposed to reveal the linear response systems. It is noted that there are SEs (SEs(in) in Figs. 3c and 3d) excited by the high-energy monochromatic electron beam in the reflection mode. These SEs are offset and not involved in the linear response system. Therefore, it is natural to remove the disturbance of accompanying SEs(in) by simply subtracting two measured spectra through the same target nanomaterial on different substrates under the same experimental conditions. In this case, the white electron beam (that is, the input) for the linear response system of the subtracted SE spectrum (that is, the output) is a newly introduced effective white electron beam that is the subtraction of two spectra measured on two different bare substrates. This new effective white electron beam can be obtained from the subtraction of two spectra measured for a covering nanomaterial layer to evaluate the transmission properties of the target nanomaterial. It is obvious that in this technique, the reflection-mode experimental setups shown in Figs. 3c and 3d together can play the same roles as those in transmission mode, as expected in Fig. 3b, including the coupling of the underlying substrate. The essence difference between substrate variational method and standard data treatment: Generally, the essence of standard data treatment of measured spectra in surface analysis is identifying weak features in core-level signals against a background with the naked eye. To identify these weak features more clearly, spectral subtraction and ratioing techniques are used to supplement standard data treatment. By using these spectral subtraction and ratioing techniques, weak features of signal peaks in measured AES or XPS spectra become relatively obvious, making it easier to judge the origin of these detected signals according to the features in measured spectra. Regardless of whether or not spectral subtraction and ratioing are used, the only way in standard data treatment to judge the origin of a detected signal in a measured spectrum is by analysis of features in the measured spectrum with some prior knowledge such as Auger excitation and X-ray photoemission processes. Therefore, in the standard data treatment, only the measured spectra that have expected signal features contribute to the study of a target sample, as shown in Fig. 4a. The technological process followed in a material study by surface analysis techniques when using the standard data treatment is outlined in Fig. 4b. Generally, three separate steps to study a given material: measuring spectra, identifying signal features and obtaining information, are involved in standard data treatment. First, spectra are measured on the surface of a target sample, generally based on gut instinct without any specific requirements. Spectral subtraction and ratioing techniques are used to help the analyst identify the signal peaks according to the spectral features identified with the naked eye. Finally, information about the target sample can be obtained by analysis of these identified signal peaks with the help of prior knowledge like the electron transport behaviour in the target material. In this standard data treatment, only the signal data points in the measured spectra contribute to the final results or conclusions, while other detected data points, the overwhelming majority of measured spectra, are completely disregarded as unwelcome background. This means a huge amount of information is lost in the standard data treatment, and the concomitant possibility is that only qualitative information about a target sample can be extracted from measured spectra. All of the data points in measured spectra are generally focussed into one piece of information by standard data treatment; i.e., signal intensity. Of course, it is impossible to obtain any valuable quantitative information about a target sample based on this sole piece of information without any support from theoretical approaches. With the help of theoretical support or a control group, limited quantitative information about a target sample can be obtained from the single piece of data (core-level peak intensity) obtained using traditional data treatment. For instance, the transmission properties of a nano-overlayer can be evaluated by a so-called overlayer method (thin film method) from the changes of core-level intensities of substrates in two spectra measured on a bare substrate and covering nano-overlayer in which the core-level intensities are determined using traditional data treatment. Although the interrelationship between spectra measured under different experiment configurations is determined in these techniques, they can be considered as an extension of traditional data treatment because the essence of these techniques is still identifying features in measured spectra with the naked eye. In this work, a new idea is proposed and further implemented to obtain useful information from a combination of interrelated spectra instead of identifying the signal features in these measured spectra. A well-chosen combination of interrelated spectra gives us both an input probe of a "white electron beam" and quantitative output information. In contrast, the traditional spectral subtraction and ratioing of AES and XPS spectra do not give us an input probe. It is obvious that that the type of properties that can be obtained using this combination of interrelated spectra is only determined by how the combination of experimental setups is designed. In the present work, the substrate variational method is one example of many possible combinations of experimental setups to extract information about covering nano-overlayers from measurements of substrate-supported nanomaterial samples with explicit physical meanings. Typical spectra used in the substrate variational method are presented in Fig. 4c. Instead of requiring a signal feature like when using standard data treatment, "white electrons" over the whole energy range, which are equivalent in function to traditional core-level signals, can be created by combining two interrelated measured spectra according to the substrate variational method. Creating trackable "white electrons" from the interrelation between absolute intensities of two interrelated measured spectra instead of expecting a realistic signal in a measured spectrum (relative intensities in one spectrum) is a completely new approach in surface analysis that helps data treatment to move away from depending on identifying signal features with the naked eye. These created "white electrons" can be used to probe the physical properties of target nanomaterials because they can be easily identified before and after interacting with the target nanomaterial. Their changes can be accurately estimated by elementary arithmetic, and are even better than realistic core-level signals because they overcome the weaknesses of core-level signals like weak signals, poor signal-to-noise ratios, limited energies and inapplicability at low energy range. A typical measurement based on the substrate variational method can be generalised into two parts because the experimental setups and corresponding data analysis are designed together following the same guiding principle and cannot be considered as separate processes, as shown in Fig. 4d. Prior knowledge like the physical picture of the experiment should be carefully considered throughout the whole process of implementing the substrate variational method. Because of this, the final results obtained by this method generally have explicit physical meaning, such as electron transmission and reflection of a target sample. Furthermore, all detected data points in measured spectra are useful and contribute equally to the final results when using the substrate variational method. In other words, there is no information about the target sample is lost when the substrate variational method is used, and every two data points in paired spectra measured with and without covering nano-overlayer play an equal role to the sole data point (signal intensity) in standard data treatment. The high efficiency of information obtained by this substrate variational method is the reason why quantitative information about a target sample can be obtained. In fact, the train of thought in the substrate variational method is completely different from almost all existing methods to obtain information from measured electron spectra. The essence of almost every existing method is to screen out useful data points from measured spectra, and draw a conclusion according to the information obtained from these selected data points. Only relative intensities of these useful data points may have the potential to reveal physical properties of a target sample, even absolute intensities are meaningless. Every existing method can be considered as a filtering process in which the "useless" information is removed to leave useful information, which means the absolute amount of information in measured spectra, regardless of its usefulness, is decreased by this process. The presented substrate variational method uses a completely different train of thought, allowing "useless" information to become useful. With the help of substrate variational method, two data points that are useless alone can be converted into one useful data point, which breaks out from the old pattern of thinking in which the useless and useful data points are completely isolated from each other. In this case, the absolute intensity of a measured spectrum has some physical meaning, or more precisely, two absolute intensities of data points including information about both the nanomaterial and substrate can be combined to provide one data point that provides information about just the nanomaterial. Therefore, the efficiency of information transfer in the substrate variational method is very high and none of the information provided by the energy of detected electrons is lost.
机译:表面分析技术,例如X射线光电子能谱(XPS)和俄歇电子能谱(AES),是定量研究材料化学状态信息的强大工具。随着材料科学技术的进步,原子薄材料的分析已变得实用,尽管仍然极具挑战性。主要困难在于臭名昭著的超薄材料的“反射结构”,通常由基材支撑。因此,即使在低速电子操作模式下,材料信号也不可避免地被来自下层基板的信号稀释。在这里,我们开发了一种基板变体方法,该方法可以通过使用白束技术的二次电子(SE)显微镜中的四个相互关联的测量,隔离超薄材料的纯电子-电子(ee)信号,如图1所示。单层和双层石墨烯在0至600 eV的宽能量范围内的电子透射率可以从单个衬底的变化测量中准确地提取出来。此外,可以通过使用所谓的反向蒙特卡洛(RMC)程序从这些测得的弹性透射光谱中以极高的效率确定有效衰减长度(EAL)和非弹性平均自由程(IMFP)的电子传输特性。本文使用的RMC程序是受同名方法[2]启发的,该方法在凝聚态科学中得到广泛应用,以生成与实验数据一致并受一组约束的基于原子的结构模型。但是,在这项工作中,目标已更改为在不同能量下的未知IMFP,而不是基于原子的结构模型,并且相应的约束条件是通过基板变分方法测量的弹性透射率。本文中的RMC程序可以概括为在与石墨烯的电子相互作用的常规蒙特卡罗(MC)模拟中用于改进IMFP的迭代过程。如图2所示,可以通过最小化纳米材料的模拟和测量的弹性电子传输之间的差异来实现这一改进。基底变分法代表了支持的超薄材料表面分析的基准,它可以提供“自由- “站立”信息,该信息特别适用于仅在特定基材上稳定的二维(2D)IV类材料,例如硅烯,锗烯和锡。这项技术将分析的能量范围扩展到几个电子伏特,因此使人们可以在非常低的能量范围内定量探测超薄材料的电子相互作用。此外,通过使用普通的SE信号,新方法可与基于核心级信号的信噪比数量级的传统方法相媲美,为制造监控和质量控制提供了巨大的潜力。底物变化方法:本发明的底物变化方法有多种名称,例如纳米切点法,后向散射扰动法和虚拟底物法,分别从起源,原理和功能方面命名。当我们要研究纳米材料的微观和电子响应,例如电子-电子(e-e)相互作用和电子传输时,第一种方法是使用电子探针在透射模式下设计实验装置,如图3a所示。高能单色电子束被用作电子探针,以获得聚焦良好的束,该束使电子透镜的色差最小。着重于测量纳米材料的电子传输性能,通常只能根据弹性峰(零损耗峰)的信号衰减通过一次测量获得入射光束能量下的那些性能。尽管理论上可以通过使用不同的入射电子能量重复此测量来获得这些属性,但是由于在每个电子能量下电子束的耗时重新排列,这通常很困难。特别是对于低能量范围(低于1 keV),要对齐电子束非常困难,以使电子束大小在任何低能量下都保持恒定。此外,我们无法在这种透射模式的实验装置中研究衬底支撑的纳米材料,尤其是仅在金属表面稳定的2D IV类材料,例如硅烯,锗烯和锡。这一点特别重要,因为纳米设备中几乎所有现有的纳米材料实际应用都需要“半无限”衬底。为了研究衬底支撑的纳米材料的特性,我们试图改善透射实验设置,如图3b所示。在此实验设置中,由能量混合组成的多色光束用于以比基本透射配置更有效的方式研究目标纳米材料的特性。将单色电子束注入基板的背面,并且当入射电子穿过基板时会产生相应的二次电子(SE)。因此,基板充当散射体,散射单色电子束以获得分散的电子。从衬底另一侧发射的透射光谱可以被视为白色电子束,以探测所附着的纳米材料的特性。这些白电子的初始能量分布可以从在相同实验条件下仅测量基板的控制装置获得。因此,比较从这两个不同的实验装置获得的光谱,可以从一对测量结果中提取目标纳米材料在整个能量范围内的特性。不幸的是,透射光谱不是白色电子束以微观方式探测目标纳米材料的好选择,因为由初级束和SE组成的透射电子的空间分布会因基板中的弹性/非弹性碰撞级联而变宽。在白色电子束的透射光谱的较低能量区域中,与在较高能量处相比,这种加宽更为明显。换句话说,由白电子携带的SE能量范围内的信息被非弹性碰撞中能量损失或形成新的SE所产生的不良电子信号完全掩盖了,而具有较高能量的白电子则进入目标纳米材料。因此,这种初步设计的实验装置很难在实际的显微镜应用中实施,因为很难找到合适的薄基板。另外,透射电子的能量分布取决于衬底的厚度。这种依赖性使白光束的定义复杂化。如果衬底太薄,则强电子束在白色电子束中占主导地位,这使纳米材料的低能透射特性的演化变得复杂。最终,在此实验设置中使用了合适的薄膜基板作为半无限基板的近似值。尽管为传输实验使用了专门设计的机器,但这可能会使最终结果不准确。幸运的是,如图3c所示,从半无限大的基板产生的反射光谱适合作为白色电子束来研究没有这种缺点的覆盖纳米材料的特性。来自可被视为反向散射器的半无限基板反射的SE通常具有非常高的信号强度,该强度随电子能量的降低而急剧增加。这种反射模式的实验装置通常用于商业电子光谱学(例如AES)和反射电子能量损失光谱学中。看来这些反射的SE光谱非常适合用作白色电子束。然而,当使用反射模式而不是透射模式时存在一个固有的问题:入射电子束在被注入基板之前将被覆盖的纳米材料阻挡。尽管通过使用高入射电子能量(通常高于5 keV)可以忽略衰减效应,但伴随的激发和发射SE(在图3c中表示为SEs(in))使该实验设置失败。为了克服在反射模式下的这种局限性,本文开发并介绍了基板变化方法。使用图3d中的区别性基板再次执行与图3c中所示的相同的测量。显然,由两个不同的基板产生的白色电子束是不同的。但是,伴随的激发和发射SEs(SEs(in))应该完全相同,因为覆盖纳米材料对入射电子束的衰减应该完全独立于下面的衬底。如上所述,在反射模式下,白色电子束的能量分布不取决于衬底厚度,而是取决于衬底材料,并且白色电子束主要由SE构成。如果高能电子在白电子束中占主导地位,则来自纳米材料的低能电子有两个不同的来源:传输纳米材料信息的SE和被高能电子新激发的SE。通过使用反射的SE光谱作为白色电子束,SE的先前传输过程占主导地位并且,可以将目标纳米材料内部的白电子的评估视为线性系统,其中目标纳米材料注入白电子的响应是线性算子。任何样品内部运动电子的演化都可以视为线性系统。每个线性系统都满足叠加的性质。因此,可以叠加从不同的输入(即白电子束)或不同的线性响应系统(即目标纳米材料)获得的不同结果,以揭示线性响应系统。注意,在反射模式中存在被高能单色电子束激发的SE(图3c和3d中的SEs(in))。这些SE是偏移的,不参与线性响应系统。因此,通过在相同的实验条件下,通过在不同基材上的同一目标纳米材料简单减去两个测得的光谱,即可消除伴随的SEs(in)的干扰。在这种情况下,减去的SE光谱(即输出)的线性响应系统的白电子束(即输入)是新引入的有效白电子束,它是对在两个不同的裸露基板。这种新的有效白电子束可以通过对覆盖纳米材料层测量的两个光谱相减得出,以评估目标纳米材料的透射性能。显然,在这种技术中,反射模式的实验装置如图1和2所示。如在图3b中预期的那样,图3c和3d一起可以起到与透射模式中相同的作用,包括下面的基板的耦合。底物变化法和标准数据处理之间的本质区别:通常,表面分析中测量光谱的标准数据处理的本质是用肉眼识别核心级信号中的弱特征。为了更清楚地识别这些弱特征,使用光谱减法和比例技术来补充标准数据处理。通过使用这些光谱减法和比例技术,在测量的AES或XPS光谱中信号峰的弱特征变得相对明显,从而更容易根据测量光谱中的特征判断这些检测信号的来源。无论是否使用频谱减法和比例分配,在标准数据处理中判断被测光谱中信号的起源的唯一方法是通过对被测光谱中特征的分析,并掌握一些先验知识,例如俄歇激发和X射线光发射过程。因此,在标准数据处理中,如图4a所示,只有具有预期信号特征的测量光谱才有助于目标样品的研究。图4b概述了使用标准数据处理进行表面分析技术进行材料研究后的技术过程。通常,研究给定材料的三个独立步骤:测量光谱,识别信号特征和获取信息,涉及标准数据处理。首先,通常在没有任何特定要求的情况下,基于肠的本能在目标样品的表面上测量光谱。频谱减法和比例技术可帮助分析人员根据肉眼识别的频谱特征识别信号峰值。最后,可以借助先验知识(例如目标材料中的电子传输行为)对这些识别出的信号峰进行分析,从而获得有关目标样品的信息。在这种标准的数据处理中,仅测量光谱中的信号数据点有助于最终结果或结论,而其他检测数据点(绝大多数测量光谱)则完全不被视为不受欢迎的背景。这意味着在标准数据处理中会丢失大量信息,并且随之而来的可能性是,只能从测量的光谱中提取有关目标样品的定性信息。通常,通过标准数据处理将测量光谱中的所有数据点聚焦为一条信息。即信号强度。当然,如果没有理论方法的支持,就不可能根据这一唯一信息获得有关目标样品的任何有价值的定量信息。在理论支持或对照组的帮助下,可以从使用传统数据处理方法获得的单个数据(核心级峰强度)中获得有关目标样品的有限定量信息。例如纳米覆盖层的透射特性可以通过所谓的覆盖层方法(薄膜方法)从在裸露的基板和覆盖的纳米覆盖层上测量的两个光谱中的基板的核心能级强度的变化来评估。核心水平强度是使用传统数据处理方法确定的。尽管在这些技术中确定了在不同实验配置下测量的光谱之间的相互关系,但可以将它们视为传统数据处理的扩展,因为这些技术的本质仍是用肉眼识别测量光谱中的特征。在这项工作中,提出了一个新的构想,并进一步实施了这一构想,以从相互关联的频谱组合中获得有用的信息,而不是在这些测量的频谱中识别信号特征。相互关联的光谱经过精心选择的组合为我们提供了“白色电子束”的输入探针和定量的输出信息。相比之下,传统的AES和XPS光谱减法和比例法并不能为我们提供输入探针。显然,使用这种相互关联的光谱组合可以获得的属性类型仅取决于如何设计实验装置的组合。在当前的工作中,衬底变化方法是实验设置的许多可能组合的一个示例,可以从具有明确物理意义的衬底支撑纳米材料样品的测量值中提取有关覆盖纳米覆盖层的信息。图4c给出了基板变化法中使用的典型光谱。不需要像使用标准数据处理时那样要求信号特征,而是可以通过根据衬底变分方法组合两个相互关联的测量光谱来创建整个能量范围内的“白电子”,这些电子在功能上等同于传统的核心级信号。从两个相互关联的被测光谱的绝对强度之间的相互关系中创建可跟踪的“白电子”,而不是期望被测光谱中的真实信号(一个光谱中的相对强度)是一种表面分析中的全新方法,它可以帮助数据处理从取决于肉眼识别信号的特征。这些产生的“白色电子”可用于探测目标纳米材料的物理特性,因为它们在与目标纳米材料相互作用之前和之后都易于识别。它们的变化可以通过基本算术准确估算,甚至比实际的核心级信号更好,因为它们克服了核心级信号的弱点,例如信号弱,信噪比差,能量有限以及在低能量范围内不适用。如图4d所示,由于实验设置和相应的数据分析是按照相同的指导原则一起设计的,因此不能将基于基板变化法的典型测量分为两部分,如图4d所示。在实施底物变化方法的整个过程中,应仔细考虑诸如实验的物理图片之类的先验知识。因此,通过此方法获得的最终结果通常具有明确的物理含义,例如目标样品的电子透射和反射。此外,在使用底物可变方法时,测量光谱中的所有检测到的数据点都是有用的,并且对最终结果的贡献均相等。换句话说,当使用底物变异法时,没有关于目标样品的信息丢失,并且在有和没有覆盖纳米覆盖层的情况下,成对光谱中的每两个数据点都与唯一的数据点(信号强度)起着相同的作用。 )进行标准数据处理。通过这种基板变化方法获得的信息的高效率是能够获得关于目标样品的定量信息的原因。实际上,衬底变分方法的思路与几乎所有现有的从测得的电子光谱中获取信息的方法完全不同。几乎每种现有方法的本质都是从测量的光谱中筛选出有用的数据点,并根据从这些选定数据点获得的信息得出结论。这些有用数据点的相对强度可能具有揭示目标样品物理特性的潜力,即使绝对强度也没有意义。可以将每种现有方法视为过滤过程,在该过程中,将删除“无用”的信息以留下有用的信息,这意味着该过程会减少所测量光谱中信息的绝对数量,无论其有用性如何。提出的基材变化方法使用了完全不同的思路,从而使“无用的”信息变得有用。借助底物变分方法,可以将两个单独无用的数据点转换为一个有用的数据点,这与旧的思维模式不同,在旧的思维模式中,无用和有用的数据点彼此完全隔离。在这种情况下,被测光谱的绝对强度具有某种物理意义,或更准确地说,可以将包括关于纳米材料和衬底两者的信息的两个数据点的绝对强度进行组合,以提供仅提供关于纳米材料的信息的一个数据点。因此,衬底变化方法中的信息传递效率非常高,并且没有丢失由检测到的电子的能量提供的信息。



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