
A Novel Approach for Two-Stage Stochastic Linear Programming with Recourse


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We present a new algorithm for the two-stage stochastic linear programming problem with complete recourse. This cross-decomposition algorithm employs the Benders (primal) subproblems as in the so-called "L-shaped" method but eliminates the Benders master problem for generating the next trial first-stage solution, relying instead upon Lagrangian (dual) subproblems. (The Lagrangian multipliers used in defining the dual subproblems are in turn obtained from the primal subproblems.) The primal subproblem separates into subproblems, one for each scenario, each containing only the second-stage variables. The dual subproblem also separates into subproblems, one for each scenario which contains both first- and second-stage variables, and additionally a subproblem containing only the first-stage variables. We then show that the substantial computational savings may be obtained by solving at most iterations only the dual subproblem with the first-stage variables and bypassing the termination test.
机译:我们提出了一种具有完全追索权的两阶段随机线性规划问题的新算法。这种交叉分解算法采用所谓的“ L形”方法中的Benders(主要)子问题,但消除了Benders主问题以生成下一个试验的第一阶段解决方案,而是依赖于Lagrangian(双重)子问题。 (依次从原始子问题中获得用于定义对偶子问题的拉格朗日乘子。)原始子问题分为多个子问题,每种情况一个子问题,每个子问题仅包含第二阶段变量。对偶子问题也分为多个子问题,每个子问题都包含第一阶段和第二阶段变量,另外一个子问题仅包含第一阶段变量。然后,我们表明,通过最多迭代仅解决具有第一阶段变量的双重子问题并绕过终止测试,可以节省大量计算量。



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