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Defense breakthrough, running and shooting, running and shooting: Defense breakthrough, new sports defense breakthrough



The concept is a new sport that combines running and tanks. This is a series of games and passing in Pei tank studio, involving two disciplines: shooting and penalty. Six events are possible, and the running distance varies with different events. For Pettitte, shooting and scoring will also change with the game and distance. 6 events: sprint: 3 1km laps for men, 3 800m laps for women, 2 shots, chase: 5 800m laps for men, 5 600m laps for women, 4 shot interval passes: 5 1km laps, 4 individual shot interval passes: 5 1km 200 laps,4 mixed jumping steps: 3 for men, 800m + 100m, 3 for women, 600m, jumping super sprint: 5 for men, 500m, 5 for women, 400m, 4 for jumpingThe invention includes the fields of sports, leisure and animation in cities, schools, extracurricular activities, sports clubs and various sports associations.Figure 1: starting, figure 2: aerial view of the workshop, figure 3: ground view of the workshop, figure 4, penalty tower
机译:这个概念是一个结合跑步和坦克的新运动。 这是一系列游戏,并在裴坦克工作室传递,涉及两所学科:射击和罚款。 六个事件是可能的,并且运行距离因不同的事件而异。 对于Pettitte,射击和评分也将随着游戏和距离而改变。 6事件:Sprint:3 1公里的男士圈,女性3 800米圈,2次拍摄,追逐:5 800米圈为男性,5 600米圈为女性,4次拍摄间隔通行证:5个1km圈,4个单独的射击间隔通行证:5 1公里200圈,4个混合跳跃步骤:3男性,800米+ 100万,3款为女性,600米,跳跃超级冲刺:5男性,500米,5款为女性,400米,4用于跳跃本发明包括体育领域,休闲 城市,学校,课外活动,体育俱乐部和各种体育协会的动画。文件1:开始,图2:车间的鸟瞰图,图3:图4,禁区4,禁区的地面视图



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