首页> 外国专利> Improvements in Electric Motor Meters and other Measuring Instruments more especially Designed for Reducing the Effects of Friction in such Instruments.

Improvements in Electric Motor Meters and other Measuring Instruments more especially Designed for Reducing the Effects of Friction in such Instruments.



5369. Davis, A. G., and Haskins, C. D. March 15, 1904, [date applied for under Patents Act, 1901]. Registering observations by instruments; counting- apparatus.-In any measuring instrument having a part 7 which should revolve with as little friction as possible, this part is carried by a flexible suspension 13 from the vertical shaft 15 of a motor 19, which runs at the same average speed as the revolving part 7. In the arrangement shown in Fig. 2, the motor 19 tends to run at a higher speed than that revolving part 7 when an electric circuit is completed through two contacts 33, 34 on the shaft 15 and the revolving part 7 respectively, the contact being thus immediately broken again. The motor thus runs at the same average speed as the revolving part 7, their relative motion being limited by the contacts. Revolutions may be counted by an ordinary counting-apparatus geared to the shaft 15. The invention is shown as applied to an electric meter, the motor 19 being a series electric motor. The revolving armature 7 of the meter is carried by a tubular spindle 6, made in two parts connected by a screw coupling 12, preferably above the centre of gravity of the whole of the revolving portion of the meter ; the suspension 13 is a fibre or wire secured to a plug fitting in the coupling 12 and passing through the tubular spindle 6. The lower end of the meter spindle 6 may be guided by a steel pin 17 in a perforated jewel ; or the upper end of the spindle may nearly fit the suspension 13. The commutator 10 of the meter is shown carried by the meter spindle 6, but it may be carried by the motor shaft 15 and connected by flexible conductors to the armature 7, so that the meter spindle is relieved of the friction of the brushes. Current is supplied to the contacts 33, 34 by brushes touching collars which carry these contacts, the motor and contacts being thus placed in series with a resistance between the supply mains. The armature of the motor is enclosed in a conductive casing 24 which serves as a magnetic brake. The motor shaft may run on a ball bearing. Instead of electric contact being made between the parts 33, 34, the upper of these may be free to turn on the motor shaft 15, and thus to operate a spring-pressed switch carried by a disk on this shaft, with platinum and carbon contacts. Or otherwise, the motor shaft 15 may carry two insulated cam disks, connected in the circuit, the meter spindle 6 being provided with a fork carrying two brushes to touch the projecting parts of the cams and thus to contact them electrically together. In another arrangement, instead of an independent motor 19 and contacts being used, the motor has a straight magnetic bar revolving in a stationary multipolar open-coil armature, each winding of which is separately connected to one end to a segment of a stationary commutator, over which a single brush is carried by the meter spindle 6, so that the motor runs synchronously with the meter.
机译:5369. A. G.的戴维斯(Davis)和C. D.的Haskins(C. D。),[根据1901年专利法申请的日期]。通过仪器记录观察结果;在具有部分7的任何测量仪器中,该部分应以尽可能小的摩擦力旋转,该部分由挠性悬架13支撑,该悬架13来自电动机19的垂直轴15,电动机19的平均速度与在图2所示的布置中,当通过轴15和旋转部分7上的两个触点33、34完成电路时,电动机19倾向于以比旋转部分7更高的速度运转。触点因此立即再次断开。因此,电动机以与公转部7相同的平均速度运行,它们的相对运动受到触点的限制。可以通过齿轮轴上的普通计数装置对转数进行计数。本发明显示为应用于电表,电动机19是串联电动机。仪表的公转枢轴7由管状心轴6承载,该管状心轴6由通过螺旋联轴节12连接的两部分制成,优选地在仪表的整个公转部分的重心上方;悬架13是固定在联接器12中的塞子上并穿过管状心轴6的纤维或金属丝。量表心轴6的下端可以由穿孔的宝石中的钢销17引导。或主轴的上端可能几乎适合悬架13。仪表的换向器10如图所示由仪表主轴6承载,但也可以由电动机轴15承载并通过柔性导体连接到电枢7,因此确保仪表主轴消除了电刷的摩擦。电流通过带有电刷的接触环供应到触头33、34,这些电刷环承载这些触头,因此,电动机和触头与电源之间的电阻串联放置。电动机的电枢被封闭在用作电磁制动器的导电壳体24中。电机轴可以在滚珠轴承上运行。代替在零件33、34之间进行电接触,这些零件的上部可以自由地打开电动机轴15,从而通过铂和碳接触件来操作由该轴上的盘承载的弹簧开关。 。否则,电动机轴15可以带有两个绝缘的凸轮盘,该两个绝缘的凸轮盘连接在电路中,仪表主轴6设置有带有两个电刷的叉,以接触凸轮的突出部分,从而使它们电接触。在另一种布置中,代替使用独立的电动机19和触点,该电动机具有在固定的多极开线圈电枢中旋转的直磁条,该电磁铁的每个绕组的一端分别连接到固定换向器的一部分,电表主轴6承载单个电刷,从而使电动机与电表同步运行。



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