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Improvements in Valves for Stopping and Controlling the Passage of Steam and other Fluids.



12,103. Thompson, W. H., and Thompson, R. June 3. [Cognate Application No. 24,607, A.D. 1908, dated Nov. 16.] Lift valves; seats.-The hand-wheel of a screwoperated lift valve is arranged so as to operate between the usual gland on the bonnet and the valve body. In one form, shown in Fig. 1, the valve seat c2 is formed on the underside of a perforated cup c held in position by a nut D engaging a screwed shank c4. The valve stem B passes through a stuffing-box E formed in the shank, and is connected by a washer f4 and nut f3 to the handwheel f which has a screwed boss F engaging the screwed shank. A spring f2 is inserted between the nut and the hand-wheel to allow for expansion of the spindle. In a modification, a removable seat is secured to the cup and a separate sleeve is screwed on to the shank to receive the hand-wheel. In a further modification, the sleeve passes into the valve body, where it is secured by a flange and nut. In another modification, the hand-wheel has a second screw-thread, of different pitch, to engage with a screw-thread on the end of the valve spindle, which is provided with a square part to prevent it from rotating. In the form shown in Fig. 5, the hand-wheel engages a screw-thread on the end of the valve spindle and is rotatably mounted on the coupling-nut D, where it is retained by a flanged ring d' which also carries the bolts d2 of the gland.
机译:12,103。汤普森(W. H.)和汤普森(R. Thompson),6月3日。[专利申请第24607号,公元1908年11月16日。 -螺旋升降阀的手轮布置成可在阀盖上的普通压盖和阀体之间运行。在图1所示的一种形式中,阀座c 2形成在穿孔杯c的底侧上,该穿孔杯c由与螺纹杆c 4接合的螺母D保持在适当位置。阀杆B穿过在柄中形成的填料函E,并且通过垫圈f 4和螺母f 3与手轮f连接,该手轮f具有与螺纹杆接合的螺纹凸台F。弹簧f 2插入在螺母和手轮之间,以允许主轴膨胀。在一个变型中,可移动的座椅固定到杯子上,并且单独的套筒拧到柄上以容纳手轮。在另一种改型中,套筒进入阀体内,在此通过法兰和螺母固定。在另一种变型中,手轮具有不同螺距的第二螺纹,以与阀杆端部的螺纹啮合,该阀杆的端部具有方形部分以防止其旋转。在图5所示的形式中,手轮与阀芯端部上的螺纹啮合,并可旋转地安装在联结螺母D上,并由法兰环d'固定,该法兰环还装有法兰。压盖的螺栓d 2。



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