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Improvements in anti-rolling tank systems for ships and other craft



408,796. Stabilizing ships. MINORSKY, N., 611, Ehn Avenue, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. March 20, 1933, No. 8388. Convention date, April 11, 1932. [Class 113 (i).] In anti-rolling devices for ships comprising tanks on either side of the ship and means for varying the weight of liquid ballast in the tanks on one side relatively to that in those on the other side the magnitude of the time-rate of change of the stabilising-moment is continually controlled proportional to the angular acceleration of moment. The time phase of the time rate of change of the stabilising- moment is also continuously adjusted to remain substantially in phase with the angular acceleration of rolling by means of a device responsive to the time rate of angular acceleration to reduce time lags in the stabilizing - system. The tanks 2, 3, Fig. 1 are connected at the bottom by the passage 4, the movement of the stabilizing-fluid from one tank to the other is activated by airpressure applied alternately to the surface of the liquid in the tanks by a blower 6 through connections which are reversed every half period of the roll. Pairs of valves 11, 12, Fig. 2, and 13, 14 placed in pipes 7, 9 connecting the tanks 2, 3 are simultaneously operated in opposite directions through rods 35, 36 and wormgearing from a follow-up motor whereby the tanks are alternately connected to the suction and pressure sides of the blower. In order to produce a rate of flow in the connecting pipes which is proportional to the instantaneous angular acceleration of the ship, an accelerometer 56, Fig. 1, is employed comprising a beam 51 carrying two weights 52, 53 mounted about an axis parallel to the longitudinal axis of the ship and supported in the ball-bearing 54 by the spring 57. This inertia-element is connected by the flexible link 64 to the flat spring 65 controlled by a dash-pot 67 and by the flexible link 70 through the counter-weighted amplifying- levers 71, 72 with a plate 69, Fig. 6, carrying wire-coils 77, 78, in the air-gap of alternating current electromagnets 79, 80 energized by coils 81, 82. These electromagnets are slidably mounted in guides. Angular acceleration of rolling causes proportional angular adjustment of the coils 77,78 thus affecting the flux linkages of the magnets 79, 80. A rod 90, Fig. 4, secured to the sliding-block 85 carries at its lower end a roller 41, associated with a cam 110 operated by a stream-line shaped body 92 located in the lower channel connecting the tanks 2, 3. This body is supported on levers 93, 94, pivotted on axes 95, 96 the lever 93 being centred or controlled by a dash-pot and the oppositely-disposed springs 102, 103. When in response to angular acceleration to port, water flows in the connecting-pipe 4, Fig. 1, in the direction shown by the arrow, the body 4 is dragged to the right, the rod 90 is lowered through the operation of gears 106, 109 on the cam 110. This arrangement constitutes a follow-up system between the angular acceleration of the ship initiated by the accelermeter 56 and the velocity of flow in the tank system. The electrical arrangements controlling the pilot-motor 50, Fig. 7 comprise a direct current generator 117, driven by the motor 116 and connected Ward Leonard fashion with the pilot motor 50. Control of the speed of the motor 50 with the associated valve control of the blower is achieved by varying the field of the generator 117. A series brake 120 on the shaft 48 of the motor 50 with the coil 121 is in series with the circuit of armatures armatures 117, 118. The generator 115 has three differentially-wound split fields 122, 123, 124 of which the two first have a large number of turns of thin wire whilst the latter is made of a smaller number of turns of heavier wire. The fields 122, 123 are connected up to the coils 77, 78 of the angular acceleration instrument through a thermionic system controlled by the modulation of the electromotive forces induced in those coils. The coils 77, 78 are connected to the cathodes of valves 132, 134 which are transformer coupled to power valves 130, 131 working as rectifiers and connected to the split field 122. High ratio transformers 136, 137 are inserted between filter circuits 145, 146 inserted between the plates of the valves 130, 131 and the field 122, these transformers being inter alia connected to the grids of power valves 138, 139 the plates of which are connected to the split field 123. A second follow-up system for the follow-up motor 50 is provided by connecting the split field 124 to a resistor 125 arranged parallel to the shaft 48 of the motor 50. A sliding-contact 126 carried by the travelling-nut 127 contacts with the resistor 125. The central tap of the field 124 is connected to a source of direct current and movements of the contact 126 causes variations in the respective halves of the coil. In a modification a block 150, Fig. 8, of heavy metal employed as the inertia element and working vertically between anti-friction rollers 153, 154, 155, is suspended from a spring 151, the vertical motions of the block, which are damped by the dash-pot 160, control the fluid contents of a chamber 165, these variations being hydraulically conveyed to the surface of mercury in a U-tube 167. A highresistance rod 169 dips beneath the level of the mercury on the second limb of the U-tube and the variations in the levels of the mercury thus causes variations in the electrical resistance between the terminals 171, 172, and further proportional to the instantaneous angular acceleration of the ship. A similar U-tube 713 is controlled by a bellows arrangement controlled by the stream line drag body 92 and a third tube 190 is controlled through the bellows 180 from a nut 127 working on the screwed shaft 48 of the pilot motor 50. The terminal 171 is connected in series with a condenser 192 across the primary of a transformer 175 and the circuit comprising the U-tubes is closed on the source of alternating current supply across the terminals 176, 177, and constitutes a phase shifting network operating two hot cathode grid-controlled rectifiers 186, 187. This arrangement is operatively connected up with a controlling-system of the character indicated in the right-hand side of Fig. 7. In order to eliminate the cumulative error to which apparatus employing integration processes is liable and which would result in liquid ballast accumulating in one of the tanks advantage is taken of a quiescent period in the rolling to remove any accumulated excess. To this end relief valves 208, 209, Fig. 1, on the tanks are controlled by solenoids connected with the differential fields 122, 123 of the generator 115 when a period of quiescence develops both valves are opened. In another modification a propeller 300 placed in the connecting channel 4 is employed to promote the displacements of the liquids in the side tanks. The propeller is driven by the oil-motor 314 connected by the oil-lines 312, 313 to the variable delivery oilpump 314. The control member 309 of the pump is adapted for longitudinal displacement through the screw drive of the pilot motor 50. The velocity of the flow in the conduit 4 controls the flow body 92 which in turn determines the position of contacts 324, 325 of a potentiometer. The contacts are connected across the field 329 of the generator 115 which introduces the required follow up action. In a form in which the tanks are provided with openings open to the sea, the operation of the tanks is improved by fitting over the openings a pivoted casing 401 this casing being tilted from side to side by screw gear operated by a pilot motor 50. An automatic arrangement simultaneously responsive to the amount of water in the tanks and to angular acceleration of rolling is provided to diminish the intensity of the resultant controlling action when the disturbing moment of the waves exceeds a certain predetermined limit. Specification 368,281 is referred to.
机译:408,796。稳定船只。 MINORSKY,N。,美国宾夕法尼亚州斯沃斯莫尔Ehn大街611号,1933年3月20日,第8388号。会议日期,1932年4月11日。[Class 113(i)。]船舶的任一侧,以及用于相对于另一侧改变舱壁上的液舱重量的装置,其稳定力矩的时间变化率的大小与角度成比例地连续控制瞬间的加速。稳定力矩的时间变化率的时间相位也可以通过响应角加速度的时间率的装置,不断地调整以与轧制角加速度基本保持同相,从而减少稳定时间的滞后-系统。图1中的罐2、3的底部通过通道4连接,稳定流体从一个罐到另一个罐的运动由鼓风机交替施加到罐中液体表面的气压激活。通过每半周期反转的连接进行6个连接。放在连接罐2、3的管道7、9中的成对的阀11、12,图2和13、14分别通过杆35、36和来自后续马达的蜗轮蜗杆沿相反的方向操作,从而使罐交替地连接到鼓风机的吸气侧和压力侧。为了在连接管中产生与船舶的瞬时角加速度成比例的流速,采用图1中的加速度计56,该加速度计56包括梁51,梁51承载两个重物52、53,重物52、53围绕平行于轴线的轴线安装。惯性元件通过挠性连杆64连接到由阻尼器67控制的板簧65,并通过挠性连杆70通过弹簧57支撑在滚珠轴承54中。带有板69(图6)的对重放大杆71、72,在由线圈81、82激励的交流电磁铁79、80的气隙中带有金属丝线圈77、78。这些电磁铁可滑动地安装在指南中。滚动的角加速度会引起线圈77,78的比例角调整,从而影响磁体79、80的磁链。固定在滑块85上的图4所示的杆90在其下端带有一个滚子41,凸轮110与由在连接罐2、3的下部通道中的流线形主体92操作的凸轮110相关联。该主体被支撑在杠杆93、94上,该杠杆93、94在轴线95、96上枢转,杠杆93被定心或控制当响应于端口的角加速度时,水沿箭头所示方向在图1的连接管4中流动,当响应于端口的角加速度时,将主体4拖动到在右侧,通过凸轮110上的齿轮106、109的操作使杆90下降。这种布置构成了由加速度计56触发的船的角加速度与油箱系统中的流速之间的跟随系统。 。控制图7中的先导马达50的电气装置包括直流发电机117,该直流发电机117由马达116驱动,并与沃德·伦纳德(Ward Leonard)方式与先导马达50连接。通过相关的阀控制来控制马达50的速度。通过改变发电机117的磁场来实现鼓风机。带有线圈121的电动机50的轴48上的串联制动器120与电枢电枢117、118的电路串联。发电机115具有三个差动绕组。分裂场122、123、124,其中的两个首先具有大量的细线匝,而后者由较少数量的较重的线匝构成。场122、123通过由在那些线圈中感应的电动势的调制控制的热电子系统连接到角加速度仪器的线圈77、78。线圈77、78连接到阀132、134的阴极,阀132、134的阴极变压器耦合到用作整流器的功率阀130、131并连接到分离场122。高比变压器136、137插入在滤波器电路145、146之间。插入在阀130、131和场122的板之间的变压器尤其连接到功率阀138、139的电网,功率板138、139的板连接到分离场123。通过将分离场124连接至与电动机50的轴48平行布置的电阻器125来提供跟随电动机50。由游动螺母127承载的滑动触点126与电阻器125接触。磁场124连接到直流电源,并且触点126的运动引起线圈的各半部分的变化。在修改中,图8的重金属块150用作惯性元件并在减摩辊153之间垂直地工作154、155从弹簧151上悬垂下来,通过阻尼器160减震的块的垂直运动控制腔室165的流体含量,这些变化被液压地传递到水银中。 U形管167。高电阻杆169浸入U形管第二分支上的水银柱下方,因此水银柱的变化会导致端子171、172之间的电阻变化,并进一步导致与船舶的瞬时角加速度成正比。类似的U形管713由由流线拖曳体92控制的波纹管装置控制,第三管190由波纹管180控制,第三管190由在先导马达50的螺杆48上工作的螺母127通过波纹管180控制。端子171该电容器与跨电容器175的初级侧的电容器192串联连接,并且包括U形管的电路在跨端子176、177的交流电源上闭合,并且构成了操作两个热阴极栅极的相移网络。控制的整流器186、187。该装置与图7右侧所示特征的控制系统可操作地连接。为了消除累积误差,采用积分过程的设备应对此负责并且这将导致压载物在一个储罐中积聚,这是在轧制过程中采用了静止期以去除任何积聚的过量物的优点。为此,当静止期发展到两个阀都打开时,图1中的储罐上的安全阀208、209由与发电机115的微分场122、123连接的螺线管控制。在另一个变型中,采用放置在连接通道4中的螺旋桨300来促进侧箱中的液体的位移。螺旋桨由通过油管312、313连接到可变输出油泵314的油电机314驱动。泵的控制部件309适于通过先导电机50的螺杆驱动进行纵向位移。导管4中的流动的“α”控制流动体92,该流动体又确定电位计的触点324、325的位置。触点跨接在发生器115的场329上,该场引入所需的跟进动作。在箱体设置有向海开放的开口的形式中,通过将枢转壳体401安装在开口上而改善了箱体的操作,该枢转壳体通过由先导马达50操作的螺杆齿轮从一侧向另一侧倾斜。当波浪的干扰力矩超过某个预定极限时,提供了一种自动装置,其同时响应于箱中的水量和滚动的角加速度,以减小所产生的控制作用的强度。参考规范368,281。


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