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Continuous dissolving and blending apparatus for use in the manufacture of viscose



PICT:0737185/IV (a)/1 PICT:0737185/IV (a)/2 Apparatus for the continuous admixture of alkali cellulose xanthate with aqueous caustic soda solution in the manufacture of viscose comprises a disintegrator and mixer having an inlet or inlets for the xanthate and caustic soda solution and containing a number of screens of progressively decreasing mesh, agitating mechanism for forcing the xanthate in succession through the screens, and a grinding pump connected to the outlet of the disintegrator and mixer, the pump serving both to meter the flow of material through the apparatus and also to effect a further disintegration of the xanthate. A dissolving unit containing stirring mechanism for completing the solution of the xanthate in the caustic soda solution may be coupled to the outlet of the pump. As shown in Fig. 1 the xanthate is fed into the vessel 78 through the trunk 77, which may be directly coupled to the outlet of a churn such as is described in Specification 707,422. Caustic soda solution is fed into the vessel through a pipe 81 at a rate (controllable by a valve 82) appropriate to the rate of supply of xanthate from the churn. The xanthate receives a preliminary shredding in the uppermost compartment of the vessel 78 by the coaction of the paddle 86 mounted on the driven shaft 85 and the spikes 84 projecting upwards from the perforated plate 83. The paddle 86 has on its undersurface notches 87 which clear the spikes 84. The shredding and stirring action of the paddle 86 is assisted by the radial baffle 88. The slurry passes downwardly through the holes in the plate 83 into a mixing chamber bounded at the bottom by an imperforate plate 89 which has an upwardly and outwardly inclined flange 90 formed with holes of smaller diameter than those in the plate 83. Above the plate 89 is a centrifugal impeller 91 fixed to the shaft 85 which further reduces the size of the solids and forces the material through the flange 90. The mixture descends through a collecting chamber 92 to a second mixing chamber similar to the first and provided with a screen 90a having still smaller holes through which the material passes into a bottom mixing chamber 93 containing an impeller 94 having radial baffles 95 and 96 above and below it. The material leaves the vessel 78 through the outlet 97 and passes through the pipe 102 to the grinding pump 79, entering the latter through the inlet 103 (Fig. 2). The material then passes to the nip between the gear-wheels 98, 100 and thence to the interior of the fixed hollow outlet shaft 101 through fine radial holes 104 drilled through the roots of the teeth of the driven gear-wheel 100. The end of the hollow shaft 101 within the gear-wheel 100 is formed with longitudinal slots 105, and the edges of these slots coact with the radial holes 104 in the gear-wheel 100 to shear any solid matter extruded through the radial holes. The material leaving the pump 79 through the hollow shaft 101 is passed through a pipe 106 (Fig. 1) controlled by a valve 107 to the second stage mixer consisting of a series of interconnected U-tubes 80. Part of the material from the pump 79 may be recycled through the first stage mixer 78 through a pipe 108 controlled by a valve 109. The vertical limbs of the U-tubes 80 contain mechanically-driven stirrers 110 and the temperatures of the U-tubes are controlled by means of a tank or jackets containing a heat transfer liquid. Specifications 737,181 and 737,183 also are referred to.
机译: 在粘胶酶生产中碱性纤维素黄药与苛性苏打水溶液连续掺混的设备包括分解器和具有黄药和苛性钠溶液的一个或多个入口,并包含多个逐渐减小的筛孔的筛网,用于迫使黄药连续通过筛网的搅拌机构以及连接至粉碎机和混合机出口的研磨泵,该泵用于既可以计量通过设备的物料流量,也可以进一步分解黄药。可以将包含用于完成黄药在苛性钠溶液中的溶液的搅拌机构的溶解单元连接至泵的出口。如图1所示,黄药通过主干77进料到容器78中,主干77可以直接连接到搅动的出口,如说明书707,422中所述。通过管道81将苛性苏打溶液以适合于从搅拌器中黄原酸酯的供应速率的速率(可通过阀82控制)进料到容器中。黄药通过安装在从动轴85上的桨板86和从穿孔板83向上突出的尖钉84的共同作用而在容器78的最上室中接受初步切碎。桨板86在其下表面凹口87上清除桨叶86的粉碎和搅拌作用由径向挡板88辅助。浆液向下通过板83中的孔进入混合室,该混合室的底部由无孔板89界定,该无孔板89具有向上和向下的尖角。向外倾斜的法兰90,其直径小于板83中的孔。板89上方是离心式叶轮91,其固定在轴85上,这进一步减小了固体的尺寸,并迫使材料通过法兰90。通过收集室92下降到第二混合室,该第二混合室与第一混合室相似,并设有筛子90a,筛子90a具有较小的孔,物料通过该孔进入底部混合室93,底部混合室93包含叶轮94,叶轮94在其上方和下方具有径向挡板95和96。物料通过出口97离开容器78,并通过管道102到达研磨泵79,再通过入口103进入研磨泵79(图2)。然后,材料通过在从动齿轮100的齿根上钻出的细小径向孔104到达齿轮98、100之间的辊隙,然后到达固定的空心出口轴101的内部。齿轮100内的中空轴101形成有纵向槽105,并且这些槽的边缘与齿轮100中的径向孔104配合以剪切通过径向孔挤出的任何固体物质。通过空心轴101离开泵79的物料通过由阀107控制的管道106(图1)到达第二级混合器,该混合器由一系列相互连接的U型管80组成。泵的部分物料可以通过第一级混合器78通过由阀109控制的管道108将图79中所示的管79再循环。U形管80的垂直分支包含机械驱动的搅拌器110,并且U形管的温度通过罐来控制。或装有传热液体的外套。也参考规格737,181和737,183。


  • 公开/公告号GB737185A


  • 公开/公告日1955-09-21


  • 申请/专利权人 T.M.M. (RESEARCH) LIMITED;




  • 分类号D01F2/08;

  • 国家 GB

  • 入库时间 2022-08-23 23:16:26


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