首页> 外国专利> Circuit arrangement for applying commands or other control pulses to line sections of a direct switching system

Circuit arrangement for applying commands or other control pulses to line sections of a direct switching system



796,223. Automatic exchange systems. POSTMASTER GENERAL. June 14, 1954 [June 15, 1953], No. 16459/53. Class 40 (4). In a system in which trunks have characteristic pulse positions in a recurring series of such positions, arrangements for providing these trunks with signals such as supervisory or metering signals, comprise signal transmitting systems having pulse storage means capable of storing combinations of the pulse trains indicative of the trunks to which the signals are to be applied and means for feeding the pulse storage means over a common path with the necessary pulse trains. The pulse storage systems may be of any type, e.g. cold cathode tubes each associated with a particular pulse train or magnetostrictive delay lines, or as described in the detailed description mercury delay lines. Fig. 1 illustrates a lay-out to which the invention is applicable and shows a group GRP1 of circuits, of which CT1 is one, provided with a transmit and a receive highway GT1, GR1, each circuit modulating a pulse provided by the coincidence of pulses on two pulse train carrying leads PDL1, PDL2. The group is provided with a common supervisory circuit SUP1. The various supervisory tones to the subscribers of Group GRP1, and subscribers to which they are connected are provided over PL71, PL70, respectively. The circuit also provides over lead PHL5 signals for holding a connection between the calling and called subscribers. The circuit receives off-hook signals over GT1, GR1SP1/SP from the respective ends of the connection and also signals indicative of the receipt of " answer tone ", i.e. tone received from a succeeding exchange signalling the reply of the called subscriber, by circuit BPF1, over lead AT1. All the signals consist of pulses (modulated if necessary) in the time positions utilized during the setting up of the call to the circuit CT1. The circuit SUP1 is also fed over lead PIL9 with pulses used for establishing a connection between the calling subscriber of the group and a register. Lead PL20 is fed with pulses fed to the modulator/demodulator circuits connecting called subscribers to the group highways at a time when the called circuit is selected for connection by a marker. Lead PL90 carries the pulse to be used for connection of the called circuit to the calling circuit, being either from leads PL20 or PIL14 according as the call is or is not between subscribers of the same group. The unit is also provided with D.C. marking leads indicative of the supervisory functions it has to perform. Thus GML1, GML2 respectively indicate that busy and NU tone must be reverted to a calling subscriber; GML3 that a called subscriber must receive ringing current; GML4 that the connection must be on a calling party release basis; GML5 ... GML8 by being marked in different combinations, that one out of 15 possible fees is to be charged. When a marker MKR1 is taken into use it emits D.C. on lead DCL60 and also if circuit CT1 is to be called a corresponding lead ML1 is marked in the multiplex MX5 associated with the group. The multiplex pulse output is pulse lengthened to produce an inhibiting potential for gate SG61 whose output feeds lead GML2. If the number received in the marker is not in use, no output is received from MX5, so that GML2 receives D.C. potential to indicate that NU tone must be reverted. The output of MX5 is also connected to gate PSG59 whose inhibiting lead is provided with pulses indicative of all busy circuits in the group. If the wanted circuit is busy no pulses appear on its output so that no inhibition is placed on gate SG60 and D.C. now passes to lead GML1, indicating that busy tone must be reverted. Signals on GML3 ... GML8 may be provided as a result of called number and class-of-service information held by the register to which the marker MKR1 is connected. In one embodiment. Figs. 3 and 4 (not shown), separate circulating systems are provided for each of the facilities required, each circulating system carrying a pulse train indicative of the connection requiring the facility. In a second embodiment, Fig. 5, economy in delay lines is effected by using them in combination, each combination representing a facility; and also by using some delay lines of longer delay time so that several trains of pulses may be accommodated in one circulating system. Thus the delay lines TD105 ... TD109 have a circulation time of 6 times the pulse repetition period. This time is divided into three periods, each period being allotted to a different group of circuits so that these delay lines are common to three groups, the circuit shown in the upper part of the Figure being associated with the first group. Each of these latter periods is divided into two sub-periods, each representing a different facility. For this purpose three group pulse trains GP1 ... GP3 and two facility pulse trains FP1, FP2 are provided as shown in Fig. 6, which also shows a channel pulse train CP1. In the equipment associated with the first group, delay lines TD101 ... TD 103 are used to control tone sending and have a circulation period equal to the pulse repetitior time. TD101 is used to indicate, by the presence or absence of a pulse train whether the line is a calling or a called line. TD102, TD103 are used for sending busy and NU tone respectively to a calling circuit and for providing ringing tone and answer tone to a called circuit. TD102, TD103 are used in combination to provide meter tone. In the common equipment at times FP1, TD105 and TD106 are used to remember that the called subscriber has answered and to control the sending of answer tone, and TD107 ... TD109 perform releasing functions. At times FP2, TD105 .. , TD109 perform metering functions. Delay lines D110, D111 are used to transfer information from times FP1 to FP2. Busy tone, NU tone and ringing. If the circuit is a calling circuit its pulse appearing on PIL9 is recorded in TD101 and if the called circuit is busy marking on GML1 admits the train also to TD102. Coincident pulses from these two sources pass through gate POG101, for modulation by busy tone at M61 whose output is reverted to the calling subscriber over PL71. Similarly NU marking over GML2 admits the calling pulse to TD103 and coincident pulses from TD101, TD103 are modulated with NU tone at M62. When a called subscriber is to be rung a marking on GML3 admits the called subscriber's pulse train on PL20 to TD102. The output of the latter, modulated by interrupted ringing tone, is forwarded over lead PL71 to the called party's line circuit, which is of the type described in Specifications 722,173 or 722,174, where it is converted to interrupted ringing current. During each burst of ringing current, the subscriber's line circuit reverts its pulse train over GT1 to gate PCG93 which passes it to the modulator M64, fed by ring-back tone, for backward transmission over PL70 to the calling subscriber. When the called party answers, his line circuit reverts a continuous pulse train which is passed by gate PG93 which is only opened during the interruptions of the ringing tone. The output of PG93 feeds the suppression lead of gate PCG63 to delete the pulse train from TD102, so tripping the ringing. Called party answers. When the called party answers, his pulses, received over GT1, are fed by PG93 to gate PCG105, which is opened by GP1 pulses to admit a GP1 " version" of the called party's pulses to gate PCG114 which is opened by FP1 pulses to pass a GP1/ FP1 version to the circulating system TD105. The output of TD105 gated by FP1 pulses at PCG113 passes to PCG74 which is opened by PX pulses at intervals greater than 200 ms., these pulses being sufficiently long to admit any pulses present in the circulating system. This permits the pulse in TD105 to be stored in TD106. Whilst these pulse trains are in both TD105 and TD106 they produce an output pulse train from PCG115 which is fed via the group gate PCG106 to TD103. Pulses from TD103 are modulated with answer tone at M65 for backward transmission over PL70. The circulation of TD103 is maintained via PSG104 except when pulse GP1 is present when it must be maintained via PSG107 during the FP2 period and by reinsertion from PCG115 via DM103 during the FP1 period. If metering information is held in the present exchange, however, an FP2 version of the pulse will be present as explained later on lead PL84 to suppress the pulse in TD103 so that no answer tone is sent. This moreover removes the inhibition on PSG109 so that during the next FP2 period the pulse from PCG115 is applied to suppress the circulation from TD105 at PSG108, so preventing any further insertion of the pulse into TD103. In the event of no metering information being present answer tone is sent until the occurrence of the PY pulse which passes the pulse via PCG86 to the suppression gate PSG108 to stop the circulation in TD105. Incoming answer tone passes straight, through the exchange on a tandem call. Moreover, the resulting pulses on AT1 are fed via DM101 to the common equipment in the same way as local offhook pulses from GT1 with the same results. Metering. The FP1 versions in TD105, TD106 are combined in DM102 and delayed by D110 to form FP2 versions of these pulses. GP1 versions of the called subscriber's pulses on PL90 are fed to gates PG101 ... PG104 controlled by markings on the metering indication leads GML5 ... GML8 and FP2 versions of these pulses are formed in gates PCG123, PCG125 ... PCG129 and recorded in the circulating systems TD106 ... TD109. The outputs from these are gated out at times FP2 in gates PCG122, PCG124 ... PCG128 and are applied via DM64 to lead PL84 for reasons explained above. Coincidence of the pulse on PL84 with that emitted by D110 at gate PCG87 also causes the insertion of an FP2 version of the pulse in TD105 during the next PA pulse. The pulse train is also applied to gates PCG80 ... PCG83. These are fed with pulse trains P
机译:796,223。自动交换系统。邮编一般。 1954年6月14日[1953年6月15日],编号16459/53。 40级(4)。在这样的系统中,其中躯干在一系列这样的位置的重复出现中具有特征性的脉冲位置,用于向这些躯干提供诸如监督或计量信号之类的信号的装置包括具有脉冲存储装置的信号传输系统,该脉冲存储装置能够存储指示以下内容的脉冲序列的组合:信号将被施加到其上的主干,以及用于在具有必要的脉冲序列的公共路径上馈送脉冲存储装置的装置。脉冲存储系统可以是任何类型,例如。冷阴极管,每个阴极管都与特定的脉冲序列或磁致伸缩延迟线相关联,或如详细说明中所述的汞延迟线相关。图1示出了可应用本发明的布局,并示出了一组GRP1电路,其中CT1是一个,具有发送和接收高速公路GT1,GR1,每个电路调制由在两个脉冲串承载导线PDL1,PDL2上的脉冲。该组具有公共监控电路SUP1。分别通过PL71,PL70提供给GRP1组用户及其所连接的用户的各种监控音。该电路还提供超前PHL5信号,以保持主叫用户和被叫用户之间的连接。该电路从连接的相应端通过GT1,GR1 1 接收摘机信号,并且还接收指示“应答音”的接收的信号,即从随后的交换机接收到的信号,指示应答通过电路BPF1在被叫用户上通过导线AT1。所有信号均由在对电路CT1的呼叫建立期间使用的时间位置中的脉冲(必要时进行调制)组成。电路SUP1还通过引线PIL9馈送,该脉冲用于在组的主叫用户和寄存器之间建立连接。当通过标记选择被叫电路进行连接时,给引线PL20馈送脉冲,该脉冲被馈送到将被叫用户连接到群高速公路的调制器/解调器电路。导线PL90携带用于将被叫电路连接到呼叫电路的脉冲,该脉冲来自导线PL20或PIL14,具体取决于通话是否在同一组用户之间。该装置还配有指示其必须执行的监控功能的D.C.标记导线。因此,GML1,GML2分别指示必须将忙音和NU音调回复给主叫用户。 GML3,被叫用户必须接收振铃电流; GML4,该连接必须基于主叫方释放; GML5 ... GML8以不同的组合标记,表示要收取15种可能的费用中的一种。当使用标记器MKR1时,它将在引线DCL60上发出直流电,并且如果要调用电路CT1,则在与该组关联的多路复用MX5中标记相应的引线ML1。对多路复用脉冲输出进行脉冲加长,以产生对栅极SG61的抑制电势,其输出馈给引线GML2。如果未使用标记中接收到的数字,则不会从MX5接收到任何输出,因此GML2接收D.C.电势以指示必须还原NU音。 MX5的输出也连接到门PSG59,门的禁止引线上提供了指示该组中所有忙碌电路的脉冲。如果所需电路处于繁忙状态,则其输出上不会出现任何脉冲,因此不会在门SG60上施加任何抑制作用,并且直流电现在传递到引线GML1,指示必须恢复忙音。 GML3 ... GML8上的信号可以作为标记MKR1连接到的寄存器所保存的被叫号码和服务等级信息的结果而提供。在一实施例中。无花果参照图3和图4(未示出),为每个所需的设施提供了分开的循环系统,每个循环系统都带有指示需要该设施的连接的脉冲序列。在图5的第二实施例中,延迟线的经济性是通过将它们组合使用来实现的,每种组合都代表一种便利。还可以通过使用一些延迟时间较长的延迟线,以便在一个循环系统中容纳几列脉冲。因此,延迟线TD105 ... TD109的循环时间是脉冲重复周期的6倍。该时间被分成三个周期,每个周期分配给不同的电路组,使得这些延迟线对于三个组是公共的,图上部所示的电路与第一组相关。后面的每个时期分为两个子时期,每个代表不同的设施。为此,如图6所示,提供了三个组脉冲串GP1 ... GP3和两个设施脉冲串FP1,FP2。,它还显示了通道脉冲序列CP1。在与第一组相关的设备中,延迟线TD101 ... TD 103用于控制音调发送,其循环周期等于脉冲重复时间。 TD101用于通过存在或不存在脉冲序列来指示该线路是呼叫线路还是被叫线路。 TD102,TD103用于分别向呼叫电路发送忙音和NU音,并向被叫电路提供振铃音和应答音。 TD102,TD103组合使用可提供仪表音。在公用设备中,在时间FP1,TD105和TD106用于记住被叫用户已经应答并控制应答音的发送,并且TD107 ... TD109执行释放功能。在时间FP2,TD105 ..,TD109执行计量功能。延迟线D110,D111用于将信息从时间FP1传输到FP2。忙音,NU音和振铃。如果该电路是呼叫电路,则其出现在PIL9上的脉冲会记录在TD101中,如果被呼叫电路繁忙,则GML1上的标记也会允许列车进入TD102。来自这两个源的重合脉冲通过门POG101,以通过M61的忙音进行调制,M61的忙音通过PL71返回给主叫用户。类似地,在GML2上的NU标记使呼叫脉冲进入TD103,并且来自TD101,TD103的重合脉冲在M62处用NU音调进行调制。当要呼叫被叫用户时,在GML3上的标记允许PL20到TD102上的被叫用户的脉冲序列。后者的输出(由中断的振铃音调制)通过导线PL71转发到被叫方的线路电路,该线路属于规格722,173或722,174中所述的类型,在此将其转换为中断的振铃电流。在每次振铃电流突发期间,用户的线路电路将其脉冲序列通过GT1还原到门PCG93,由门控PCG93将其传递给调制器M64,由回铃音提供,以通过PL70向后发送给主叫用户。当被叫方应答时,其线路电路将恢复一个连续的脉冲序列,该脉冲序列将由门PG93通过,而门PG93仅在振铃中断期间才打开。 PG93的输出馈入门PCG63的抑制引线,以删除TD102的脉冲序列,从而使振铃跳闸。被叫方答案。当被叫方应答时,通过GT1接收的他的脉冲由PG93馈送到门PCG105,门由GP1脉冲打开,以允许被叫方脉冲的GP1“版本”进入由FP1脉冲打开的门PCG114,以通过循环系统TD105的GP1 / FP1版本。在PCG113上由FP1脉冲选通的TD105的输出传递到PCG74,该PCG74由PX脉冲以大于200 ms的间隔打开,这些脉冲足够长以允许循环系统中存在任何脉冲。这样可以将TD105中的脉冲存储在TD106中。这些脉冲序列同时位于TD105和TD106中,它们从PCG115产生输出脉冲序列,该脉冲序列通过组门PCG106馈送到TD103。来自TD103的脉冲在M65用应答音进行调制,以通过PL70向后传输。 TD103的循环通过PSG104进行维护,除非存在脉冲GP1时(必须在FP2期间通过PSG107保持脉冲GP1)以及在FP1期间通过DM103从PCG115重新插入。但是,如果在当前交换机中保留了计量信息,则脉冲的FP2版本将出现,如稍后在引线PL84上所述,以抑制TD103中的脉冲,从而不发送应答音。此外,这消除了对PSG109的抑制,因此在下一个FP2周期中,来自PCG115的脉冲被施加,以抑制TD105在PSG108处的循环,从而防止脉冲进一步插入TD103。在不存在任何计量信息的情况下,将发送应答音,直到出现PY脉冲为止,该脉冲通过PCG86将脉冲传递到抑制门PSG108以停止TD105中的循环。来话接听音直接通过串联通话进行交换。此外,以与来自GT1的本地摘机脉冲相同的方式,通过DM101将AT1上产生的脉冲馈送到通用设备,从而得到相同的结果。计量。 TD105,TD106中的FP1版本在DM102中合并,并由D110延迟以形成这些脉冲的FP2版本。 PL90上被叫用户脉冲的GP1版本被馈送到门PG101 ... PG104,这些门由计量指示导线GML5 ...的标记控制,在门PCG123,PCG125 ... PCG129中形成并记录这些脉冲在循环系统TD106 ... TD109中。来自这些输出的输出在门PCG122中的时间FP2处被门控,PCG124 ... PCG128,由于上述原因,通过DM64施加到PL84引线上。 PL84上的脉冲与门PCG87上D110发出的脉冲的重合也会在下一个PA脉冲期间在TD105中插入FP2版本的脉冲。脉冲序列也应用于门PCG80 ... PCG83。这些被供给脉冲列P


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