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Standardization of radiation-absorption type density gages



997, 579. Radiation detector for measuring density. ELECTRONIC AUTOMATION SYSTEMS Inc. May 8, 1963 [May 14, 1962], No. 18257/63, Heading G1A. The invention relates to a radiation detector arrangement for and a method of measuring the density of a moving material, for example fluid flowing in a pipe, of the kind in which a detector detects unabsorbed radiation from a radio-active source, which has passed through the material, the arrangement including a calibration circuit for the initial calibration of the arrangement and for periodic calibration to eliminate error in measurement due to delay in source output radiation. In the embodiment shown data or gamma radiation from an isotope 2 is directed through the pipe 4 and unabsorbed radiation is detected by an ionisation chamber 3 whose output is fed through a D.C. amplifier 6 and a cathode follower CF in series with a variable resistor P4 to a centre zero meter 7. The probe 3SP1/SP of the ionisation chamber 3 is also connected through a high resistance R 1 , a calibrating switch S 1 and a potentiometer P 2 to ground, the potential at the slider 9 of P2 being in opposition to that at the switch S 1 end of the resistor R 1 . Initially the pipe is emptied and gauged calibration switches S 1 ,S 2 are set at STD No. 1 position. A variable resistor P 1 connected as shown is then adjusted until the meter 7 reads zero and its sensitivity is reduced by adjustment of a resistor P5. The pipe line is then filled with a first standard sample material of known median density represented as density 1.0 for example and the switches turned to OPR position. P2 is then adjusted until the meter again reads zero, this position of P2 being retained for all subsequent operation until a new basic standardization is required. After further emptying and refilling with a second standard material having a known deviation from density 1. 0 such as either - or + 10% the meter 7 is adjusted to read fall scale deflector by adjustment of P4. With the switches at STD No. 2 position a resistor P3 connected between the junction A between resistors P1 and P2 and the switch S2, is adjusted until the meter again reads full scale deflection. This claibrates the meter for full scale deflection for the voltage at point A which is used henceforth as a reference voltage. After this last step the arrangement is ready for normal density measurement and recalibration may be carried out by emptying the pipe, setting the switches to STD No. 1 position and adjusting P1 until the meter is zeroed, and then setting the switches to STD No. 2 position and adjusting P5 until the meter reads full scale deflection, after which with the switches at OPR position normal measuring may be resumed. In another embodiment (Fig. 2 not shown) after initial manual calibration as above, recalibration is carried out automatically by the operation of a programming system which operates relays controlling the switches and servomotors which adjust the resistors P1 and P5. U.S.A. Specifications 2,675,483 and 2,829,268 are referred to.
机译:997,579。辐射探测器,用于测量密度。电子自动化系统公司,1963年5月8日[1962年5月14日],编号18257/63,标题G1A。本发明涉及一种辐射探测器装置和一种用于测量运动材料(例如在管道中流动的流体)的密度的方法,其中,探测器探测通过的放射性源的未吸收辐射。在该材料上,该装置包括用于该装置的初始校准和周期性校准的校准电路,以消除由于源输出辐射的延迟而导致的测量误差。在所示的实施例中,来自同位素2的数据或伽马辐射直接通过管道4,电离室3检测到未吸收的辐射,电离室3的输出通过与可变电阻器P4串联的直流放大器6和阴极跟随器CF馈入。中心零表7。电离室3的探头3 1 也通过高电阻R 1,校准开关S 1和电位计P 2连接到地面,滑块上的电位P2的图9与电阻器R 1的开关S 1端的相反。最初,将管排空,将已校准的校准开关S 1,S 2设置在STD 1号位置。然后调节如图所示连接的可变电阻器P 1,直到仪表7读数为零,并且通过调节电阻器P5降低其灵敏度。然后在管道中填充已知中位数密度的第一标准样品材料,该材料例如表示为密度1.0,并将开关转到OPR位置。然后调整P2直到仪表再次读数为零,P2的这个位置将保留用于所有后续操作,直到需要新的基本标准化为止。在进一步排空并重新填充具有与密度1. 0的已知偏差的第二标准材料(例如-或+ 10%)后,通过调节P4调节仪表7以读取下降刻度偏转器。当开关位于STD 2号位置时,将调节电阻P3,该电阻连接在电阻P1和P2之间的接点A与开关S2之间,直到仪表再次读取满刻度偏转。这样就保证了仪表在点A处电压的满量程偏差,此后将其用作参考电压。在最后一步之后,就可以为正常密度测量做好准备了,可以通过排空管道,将开关设置到STD No.1位置并调节P1直到仪表归零,然后将开关设置为STD No.来进行重新校准。将其置于2位置并调节P5,直到仪表读取满刻度偏差,然后将开关置于OPR位置,即可恢复正常测量。在如上所述的初始手动校准之后的另一个实施例中(图2未示出),通过编程系统的操作自动地进行重新校准,该编程系统操作继电器来控制开关和伺服电机,所述继电器调节电阻器P1和P5。参见美国规范2,675,483和2,829,268。


  • 公开/公告号US3180985A


  • 公开/公告日1965-04-27






  • 分类号G01N23/08;G01N23/16;

  • 国家 US

  • 入库时间 2022-08-23 15:27:31


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