首页> 外国专利> Cryogenic immersion freezing plant partic. for food prods. - recycles liq. carbon di:oxide by recompressing exhaust gas

Cryogenic immersion freezing plant partic. for food prods. - recycles liq. carbon di:oxide by recompressing exhaust gas

机译:低温浸没冷冻植物颗粒状。用于食物棒。 -回收液体。通过压缩废气来氧化二氧化碳


Air lock valves are employed as prod. entry and exit for a pressure vessel in which the prod. is immersed in liq. CO2 under a head space of gaseous CO2 at a pressure above atmospheric. An elevator is used to lift the prod. from the liq. and deliver it to the exit. Excess gas from the head space is exhausted to a compressor which delivers it to a condenser reservoir from which liq. CO2 is returned to the pressure vessel. The air locks are pref. of the rotary or spaced shutter types. The exit pref. comprises two air lock valves in succession with an intermediate decompression space from which gas is pumped back to the headspace. Pressure inside the vessel is pref. about 6 bars and the compressor delivers at a pressure of about 12 bars. Used for rapid deep freezing of prods. esp. food prods. on an industrial scale. The installation can handle food prods. as complete items, reduced to small pieces or as particles. In partic. particles which previously tended to agglomerate are now frozen as clean, individual particles. The installation is inexpensive to buy and economic to operate because the CO2 is recycled.
机译:气锁阀用作产品。压力容器的入口和出口,产品存放在其中。沉浸在液体中。在高于大气压力的气态CO2顶部空间下的CO2。升降机用于提升产品。从液体。并将其交付给出口。来自顶部空间的多余气体被排放到压缩机,然后压缩机将其输送到冷凝器储液罐,液化气从冷凝器储罐排出。 CO2返回压力容器。气闸是优选的。旋转或间隔百叶窗类型。退出偏好。包括两个气闸阀,两个气闸阀相继具有中间减压空间,气体从中间减压空间被泵回顶部空间。容器内的压力是优选的。约6巴,压缩机以约12巴的压力输送。用于快速深刺产品。尤其是食物棒。在工业规模上。该装置可以处理食物刺。作为完整的物品,减少为小块或颗粒。特别是。以前倾向于聚结的颗粒现在被冷冻成干净的单个颗粒。该设备的购买价格低廉,而且操作经济,因为可回收二氧化碳。


  • 公开/公告号FR2396248A1


  • 公开/公告日1979-01-26


  • 申请/专利权人 GUILLER JACQUES;


  • 发明设计人


  • 分类号F25D3/10;A23L3/36;F25D17/02;F25D25/04;

  • 国家 FR

  • 入库时间 2022-08-22 19:34:28


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