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navigation procedures now essential for calculating a vehicle over ground where distance and device for its implementation



1297406 Doppler navigation; frequency multipliers INSTITUT FRANCAIS DU PETROLE DES CARBURANTS ET LUBRIFIANTS 16 June 1970 [20 June 1969] 29160/70 Headings H3P and H4D A method of Doppler navigation includes transmitting a whole number of cycles of acoustic energy intermittently along at least one direction oblique to a reference direction, receiving reflected signals and measuring the number of integral cycles received during a time #SP1/SP less than the received pulse length and calculating digitally therefrom, the distance travelled in the recurrence period of the intermittent signals. Three transducers 5a, 5b, 5c, on a ship direct pulsed acoustic energy along the edges of a square based pyramid and receive backscattered energy from the sea-bed. By combining the signals from one transducer 5a with each of the other two, the movement of the ship along two orthogonal axes is measured. Choosing suitable parameters for the pyramid the distance travelled is equal to where # 0 is the wavelength of the transmitted energy, N is the number of transmitter cycles in a transmitter recurrence period, N 3 Œ# is the number of cycles in the received signal in a time #SP1/SP and N 2 is the number of transmitter cycles in a time #SP1/SP (Fig. 1, not shown). An oscillator in unit 1, Fig. 5, produces a signal of frequency f 0 which is pulse modulated and fed to three piezo-electric transducers 5a, 5b, 5c. Reflections from the sea-bed are picked up thereby and passed to three band-pass amplifiers 6a, 6b, 6c shown in Fig. 6. The transducers are connected to the primary of transformer 20 whose secondary is connected to a voltage divider comprising resistor 21 and diodes 22a, 22b. When a pulse in transmitted bistable 23 forward biases the diodes such that the input to amplifier 24 in very low. After transmission the diodes are reverse-biased allowing the received signals to be clipped and passed through amplifier 24 to two active filters which together form a band-pass filter. The output from the reference axis amplifier 6b, Fig. 5, in then mixed with a signal, f 0 , and the low frequency component removed leaving a signal 2f 0 +f 1 , where f 1 is the Doppler shift along the reference axis. This signal is used as one input to four demodulators 10a-10d whose second inputs are from the other two channels direct or through #/2 delays 8, 9. The outputs from these four demodulators are passed to frequency multipliers 11a-11d, where the frequency is multiplied by 2SPn/SP, to reduce the error due to fractions of cycles, received in time #SP1/SP by a factor of 2SPn/SP. The input to the multiplier (Fig. 8, not shown) is passed to two parallel limiting amplifiers (36, 37) one of which (37) is also an integrator. Both complementary outputs of the amplifiers are differentiated, rectified, added and applied to the input of an amplifier (40) which feeds a bistable (41) whose output is thus at twice the input frequency. A chain of n such stages produces the desired result. After this multiplication the signals are mixed with a signal of frequency 2SPn/SPf 0 producing two signals at each frequency, 2SPn/SP(f 1 -f 2 ) and 2SPn/SP(f 1 -f 3 ). The pairs of signals at each frequency are applied to limiting amplifiers 13a-13d producing digital signals therefrom and are then fed to units 14a, 14b which produce pulses at outputs C, D respectively if f 1 is greater or less than the other frequency f 2 or f 3 , thus determining the sense of movement of the ship. Amplifier 13a is fed with a signal representing cos 2SPn/SP(f 1 -f 2 )2#t and 13c with the sine equivalent. The positive and negative squared outputs from amplifier 13c are differentiated and compaired in two AND gates with the positive output from 13a. Since sin #t = -sin(-#t), the AND gates will produce outputs representing one pulse per cycle of the input and the particular and gate which supplies the output indicates whether f 1 -f 2 is greater or less than zero, i.e. the direction of travel of the ship. The pulses from the C and D output terminals are fed to computers 16a, 16b shown in Fig. 10. If the first pulse arrives at C during time #SP1/SP, flip-flop 47 is sot through gate 59 such that Q = 0, Q = 1 thus, the pulse passes through gates 53a, 55, 57 to the adding input C of counters 48, 49. The contents of counter 49 is read into register 50 through gate 61. Since the content is now non- zero, gate 64 is closed holding flip-flop 47 in that position. Thus subsequent pulses arriving at terminals C, D are applied to the C and D inputs respectively of the counters which thus measure N C -N D . If, however the first pulse arrives at D, flip-flop 47 is held in the opposite state and the pulses are applied to the opposite inputs of the counters which thus measure N c -N n . At the end of the time #SP1/SP, clock pulses applied through gate 62 shift the register 50 content by p places, i.e. multiplying by 2SPP/SP. The register is then emptied through gate 66 or 67 depending on the relevant direction of travel sensed by unit 14 and selected by flip-flop 47. A resetting pulse RAZ from a synchronizing unit then resets the registers to zero and the process is repeated for the next received pulse. The outputs from computers 16a, 16b are thus a measure of the distance moved in two orthogonal directions (since 2PSP+n/SP = N/N 2 ) in terms of # 0 . Unit selectors 17a, 17b are used to select the display in counters 19a, 19b to be in terms of # 0 , meters or fathoms. The selection is accomplished by a three-way switch to pass the computer output direct to the display or to introduce digital counters to divide by the appropriate factors. In synchronizer 1, Fig. 11 oscillator 68 provides a signal of frequency 2SPn/SPf 0 which is fed to the mixers (12a-12d, Fig. 5) and also to counters 69, 71, 72 which respectively produce pulses at frequency f 0 and at times N 1 t 0 and Nt 0 . The signal of frequency f 0 passes AND gate 73 enabled by gate 79 fed with signals from all parts of the system indicating correct functioning thereof. The first pulse enable bistable 75 and produces pulses indicating t 1 and the reset pulse RAZ. Counter 74 produces an output at t 2 = N 2 T 0 which resets, the bistable 75 whose output thus indicates #SP1/SP. A further pulse from counter 74 at time t 2 +pT 0 is used to initiate read out for the count in register 50, Fig. 10. A similar counter 77 provides synchronzing pulses for the second channel indicating movement in the orthogonal direction.
机译:1297406多普勒导航;倍频器1970年6月16日[1969年6月20日]法兰西卡斯蒂芬石油大学29160/70标题H3P和H4D一种多普勒导航方法包括沿至少一个倾斜于参考方向的方向间歇地发射声波的整个周期。方向,接收反射信号并测量在小于接收脉冲长度的时间 SP> 1 内接收到的积分周期数,并从中进行数字计算,得出间歇信号重复周期中经过的距离。船上的三个换能器5a,5b,5c沿方形金字塔的边缘引导脉冲声能,并从海床接收反向散射的能量。通过将来自一个换能器5a的信号与其他两个换能器的每一个结合,就测量了船沿两个正交轴的运动。为金字塔选择合适的参数,行进的距离等于其中#0是发射能量的波长,N是发射器重复周期中的发射器周期数,N 3Œ#是接收信号中的周期数时间# 1 和N 2是时间# 1 中的发射机周期数(图1,未显示)。图5中单元1中的振荡器产生频率为f 0的信号,该信号被脉冲调制并馈送到三个压电换能器5a,5b,5c。从海床反射的光由此被拾取并传递到图6所示的三个带通放大器6a,6b,6c。换能器连接到变压器20的初级,变压器20的次级连接到包括电阻器21的分压器。和二极管22a,22b。当发射的双稳态23中的脉冲正向偏置二极管时,使得放大器24的输入非常低。在传输之后,二极管被反向偏置,从而允许接收的信号被削波并通过放大器24到达两个有源滤波器,它们一起形成一个带通滤波器。然后,将来自图5的参考轴放大器6b的输出与信号f 0混合,并去除低频分量,剩下信号2f 0 + f 1,其中f 1是沿参考轴的多普勒频移。该信号用作四个解调器10a-10d的一个输入,四个解调器10a-10d的第二个输入来自其他两个通道,直接或通过#/ 2延迟8、9。来自这四个解调器的输出被传递到倍频器11a-11d,其中将频率乘以2 n ,以减少由于在时间# 1 中接收到的周期分数而导致的误差2 n 。乘法器(图8,未示出)的输入被传送到两个并联的限幅放大器(36、37),其中一个(37)也是积分器。放大器的两个互补输出被微分,整流,相加并施加到放大器(40)的输入,该放大器馈入双稳态(41),双稳态(41)的输出因此是输入频率的两倍。由n个这样的阶段组成的链可产生所需的结果。乘法之后,信号与频率为2 n f 0的信号混合,从而在每个频率产生两个信号,分别为2 n (f 1 -f 2)和2 n (f 1 -f 3)。在每个频率上的信号对被施加到限幅放大器13a-13d,从中产生数字信号,然后馈送到单元14a,14b,如果f 1大于或小于另一个频率f 2,则它们分别在输出C,D产生脉冲。或f 3,从而确定船的运动方向。向放大器13a馈送代表cos 2 SP n(f 1 -f 2)2 #t和具有正弦当量的13c的信号。来自放大器13c的正和负平方输出在两个与门中与来自13a的正输出进行微分和补偿。由于sin #t = -sin(-#t),“与”门将在每个输入周期产生代表一个脉冲的输出,而提供输出的门则表示f 1 -f 2是大于还是小于零,即船的行驶方向。来自C和D输出端子的脉冲被馈送到图10中所示的计算机16a,16b。如果在时间# 1 期间第一脉冲到达C,则触发器47通过门59处于关闭状态。因此,Q = 0,Q = 1,因此脉冲通过门53a,55、57到达计数器48、49的加法输入C。计数器49的内容通过门61读入寄存器50。由于现在非零,门64关闭,将触发器47保持在该位置。因此,到达端子C,D的后续脉冲分别施加到计数器的C和D输入,从而测量N C -N D。然而,如果第一脉冲到达D,则触发器47保持在相反的状态,并且将脉冲施加到计数器的相反的输入,从而测量N c -N n。在时间# 1 的末尾,通过门62施加的时钟脉冲将寄存器50的内容移位p个位,即乘以2 P 。然后根据由单元14感测到并由触发器47选择的相关行进方向,通过门66或67清空寄存器。来自同步单元的复位脉冲RAZ然后将寄存器复位为零,并且对寄存器重复该过程。下一个接收到的脉冲。因此,计算机16a,16b的输出是在两个正交方向上移动的距离的量度(因为2P + n = N / N 2),以#0表示。单位选择器17a,17b用于选择计数器19a,19b中的显示,以#0,米或英制表示。该选择是通过三向开关完成的,以将计算机输出直接传递到显示器或引入数字计数器以除以适当的因子。在同步器1中,图11的振荡器68提供频率为2 n f 0的信号,该信号被馈送到混频器(图5的12a-12d)以及计数器69、71、72。分别产生频率为f 0,时间为N 1 t 0和Nt 0的脉冲。频率为f 0的信号通过与门73,而与门73由门79启用,并从系统的所有部分馈入信号,表明其功能正常。第一脉冲使能双稳态75并产生指示t 1的脉冲和复位脉冲RAZ。计数器74在t 2 = N 2 T 0处产生输出,该输出复位,双稳态75,其双稳态输出因此指示# 1 。来自计数器74的在时间t 2 + pT 0处的另一个脉冲被用来启动读出以读取图10中的寄存器50中的计数。类似的计数器77为第二通道提供同步脉冲,指示在正交方向上的运动。



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