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Method and arrangement for determining the remaining driving range in an electric vehicle



The invention relates to a method for determining the remaining driving range in an electric vehicle with accumulator battery, the energy E removed during a discharge being measured. In addition, for the accumulator battery a characteristic curve which fixes the available charge Qvert for a predetermined discharge current with the available charge Qvert as ordinate and a discharge current as abscissa. When the electric vehicle is travelling, the current removed from the accumulator battery is measured and and integrated over the driving time with the aid of an integrator. From this, the average value I of the power drain is formed with the aid of an average value former. In accordance with the characteristic curve and the average value I of the power drain, the available charge Qvert and the available energy Evert are initially determined and with the aid of two subtractors the remaining energy ERest is determined from the available energy Evert and the energy E already removed and the remaining charge QRest is determined from the available charge Qvert and the charge Q removed. In addition, the power removed from the accumulator battery during travel is measured. It is integrated over the driving time with the aid of an integrator. From this, the partial amount of energy Edt corresponding to a last travel time interval dt is formed with the aid of an adder. This value is constantly updated with an updating period which is small in relation to the specified travel time interval dt. In addition, the path Sdt covered in the travel time interval is measured. From this, the quotient Sdt/Edt is formed with the aid of a divider. This quotient is multiplied by the remaining energy ERest with the aid of a multiplier - and this variable is used as a measure of driving range. In general, it is sufficient to operate with a travel time interval dt which constitutes approximately 10 minutes for determining the specific energy consumption and constitutes the entire travel time since the start of discharging for determining the remaining range, whilst the updating time is 30 seconds. IMAGE
机译:用于确定具有蓄电池的电动车辆中的剩余行驶里程的方法技术领域本发明涉及一种用于确定具有蓄电池的电动车辆中的剩余行驶里程的方法,其中测量在放电期间去除的能量E。另外,对于蓄电池,具有特性曲线,该特性曲线以可利用电荷Qvert为纵轴,以放电电流为横坐标来固定用于规定的放电电流的可利用电荷Qvert。当电动汽车行驶时,将从蓄电池中取出的电流进行测量,并在行驶时间内借助积分器进行积分。由此,借助于平均值形成器来形成功率损耗的平均值I。根据特征曲线和功率消耗的平均值I,首先确定可用电荷Qvert和可用能量Evert,并借助两个减法器,从可用能量Evert和能量E中确定剩余能量ERest。已经从可用电荷Qvert和已去除电荷Q确定剩余电荷QRest和剩余电荷QRest。此外,还测量了行驶过程中从蓄电池中取出的电量。在行驶过程中,需要借助积分器进行积分。由此,借助于加法器形成与最后的行驶时间间隔dt相对应的部分能量Edt。该值以相对于指定的行驶时间间隔dt小的更新周期不断地更新。另外,测量在行驶时间间隔中覆盖的路径Sdt。由此,借助于除法器形成商Sdt / Edt。借助乘数将该商乘以剩余能量ERest-并将该变量用作行驶里程的度量。通常,以行驶时间间隔dt操作就足够了,该时间间隔dt构成用于确定比能量消耗的大约10分钟,并且构成自开始放电以来用于确定剩余范围的整个行驶时间,而更新时间为30秒。 <图像>



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