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combustion engine with several areas of concentration



1. Method for the approximate idealisation of a fuel-independent cyclic process for heat engines. 2.1 Examples of energy conversions in heat engines in practice show that there are still some aspects which require improvement (as regards efficiency - crude oil supplies - pollutant-rich exhaust gases and noise - pollution of the environment). 2.2 The principal features of an improvement are: - increase in the compression ratio (without knocking) - realisation of known ideal processes (in this case isochoric combustion in separate chambers) - free selection of fuel (genuine multi-fuel engine) - combustion at a high temperature level (glow space, good ignition, operational reliability, association of H2O) - increase in power due to an increase in engine speed, principally in diesel engines (ignition delay without any effect) - economy under full load, part load and when idling (air cell insert - good starting conditions as well). 2.3 The arrangement shown provides an increase in efficiency particularly in fuel-injected engines without throttling and maximum compression. The reintroduction of simple two-stroke engines in certain sectors must surely make the above points possible. (No air/fuel mixture scavenging) IMAGE
机译:1.一种用于热机的与燃料无关的循环过程的近似理想化的方法。 2.1在实践中,热机中能量转换的示例表明,仍有一些方面需要改进(关于效率-原油供应-富含污染物的废气和噪声-对环境的污染)。 2.2改进的主要特征是:-增加压缩比(无爆震)-实现已知的理想过程(在这种情况下,在单独的腔室中进行等速燃烧)-自由选择燃料(原装多燃料发动机)-在高温水平(灼热空间,良好的点火,操作可靠性,H2O关联)-由于发动机转速提高而导致的功率增加,主要是柴油发动机(点火延迟没有任何影响)-满负荷,部分负荷和空转时(插入空气室-良好的启动条件)。 2.3所示的布置可提高效率,特别是在不节流和最大压缩的燃油喷射发动机中。在某些领域中重新引入简单的二冲程发动机肯定必须使上述观点成为可能。 (不清除空气/燃料混合物)<图像>



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