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optical zeitmultiplexer and optical zeitdemultiplexer



The invention relates to a multiplexer and a demultiplexer for time-division multiplexing and demultiplexing of binary data which are in the form of cells having a number of fixed bits. For example, for the time-division multiplexing of cells containing 424 bits, one embodiment includes in particular: - means (120) for multiplying by four the initial throughput of a block of 16 bits of a cell, each cell being partitioned into a sequence of 27 blocks; - means (121) for concatenating the blocks constituting each cell after their throughput has been multiplied. Similarly, a demultiplexer according to the invention includes means for dividing the throughput by partitioning each cell into blocks, separating the consecutive blocks by a gap, and then dividing the throughput successively in each block. Application to a synchronous time-division multiplexed telecommunications networks. IMAGE
机译:本发明涉及用于时分复用和解复用二进制数据的复用器和解复用器,二进制数据是具有多个固定比特的单元的形式。例如,对于时分多路复用包含424比特的信元,一个实施例特别包括:-用于将信元16比特的块的初始吞吐量乘以四的装置(120),每个信元被划分成序列。共27个街区; -装置(121),用于在其吞吐量被相乘之后级联构成每个单元的块。类似地,根据本发明的多路分解器包括用于通过将每个单元划分成块,通过间隙将连续的块分开,然后在每个块中连续地划分吞吐量来划分吞吐量的装置。在同步时分复用电信网络中的应用。 <图像>



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