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Magnetostatic charged particle trap



A charged particle trap having a spherical shell of magnetic material and apherical hollow cavity positioned concentrically within the shell. A polar axis passes through the center of the shell and cavity. The shell is permanently magnetized to produce a double-tapered magnetic field having barrel-shaped flux lines that are concentrated at the cavity poles. The magnetic material has a remanence B.sub.r (&thgr;) that varies in direction and magnitude such that its angular orientation &agr; with respect to the polar axis varies as a function of the polar angle &thgr; of the material's average location in accordance with the equation &agr; =2&thgr;. The magnitude of the remanence B.sub.r (&thgr;) varies according to the following expressions: B.sub.r (&thgr;)=B.sub.r (0) [B. sub.r (&pgr;/2)-B.sub.r (0)] 2&thgr;/&pgr;, for average polar angles between &thgr;=0 radians and &thgr;=&pgr;/2 radians; and B.sub.r (&thgr; ) =B.sub.r (&pgr;/2) [B.sub.r (&pgr;/2)-B.sub.r (0)] (2&thgr;-&pgr;)/&pgr;, for average polar angles between &thgr;=&pgr;/2 radians and &thgr;=&pgr; radians. An equatorial access port passes through the shell and communicates with the cavity. Charged particles entering the cavity via the access port will normally be deflected by the magnetic field into helical paths about the flux lines. As these particles approach the cavity poles, concentrated magnetic fields will cause them to spiral into ever-tightening helixes until they are reflected back into the central region of the cavity where the process repeats.
机译:带电粒子捕集器,具有磁性材料的球形外壳和同心地位于外壳内的球形空心腔。极轴穿过壳体和空腔的中心。壳体被永久磁化以产生双锥磁场,该双锥磁场具有集中在腔极处的桶形磁通线。磁性材料具有剩磁Br(&),该剩磁Br在方向和大小上有所变化,因此其角向&agr;相对于极轴的变化随极角θ的变化而变化。根据公式&agr;确定材料的平均位置= 2&thgr;。剩磁B r(th)的大小根据以下表达式而变化:B r(th)= B r(0)[B。 sub.r(&pgr; / 2)-B.sub.r(0)] 2&thgr; /&pgr ;,对于&thgr == 0弧度和&thgr; =&pgr / 2弧度之间的平均极角;并且B.sub.r(&thgr;)= B.sub.r(&pgr; / 2)[B.sub.r(&pgr; / 2)-B.sub.r(0)](2&thgr;-&pgr; )/&pgr ;,对于&thgr; =&pgr; / 2弧度和&thgr; =&pgr;之间的平均极角弧度。赤道进入端口穿过壳体并与空腔连通。经由进入端口进入空腔的带电粒子通常会被磁场偏转成绕通量线的螺旋路径。当这些粒子接近腔极时,集中的磁场将导致它们螺旋成越来越紧密的螺旋线,直到它们被反射回腔体的中心区域,重复该过程。



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