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Magnetostrictive resonator, road in which the resonator is buried and method of burying the resonator



A first magnetostrictive member 1a is housed in a storage section 2f of a first frame 2a and a second magnetostrictive member 1b is housed in a storage section 2g of a second frame 2b. They are fixed by an adhesive, etc., so as to sandwich a belt-like magnetic member 3 between the frames 2a and 2b. A sealing plate 4a, 4b is fixed to the opposite side of the frame 2a, 2b, forming a magnetostrictive resonator 5. When an electromagnetic wave is applied from the long side direction of the magnetostrictive member 1a, 1b, a magnetic field is applied to the magnetostrictive members 1a and 1b. When the frequency matches the resonance frequency of the magnetostrictive member, the magnetostrictive resonator 5 vibrates with the maximum amplitude. An electromagnetic wave emitted from the magnetostrictive member 1a or 1b can be detected based on mechanical vibration continuing for a short time still after the magnetic field is stopped.
机译:第一磁致伸缩构件 1 a 容纳在第一框架 2的存储部 2 f 中。 a 和第二个磁致伸缩构件 1 b 容纳在存储区 2 中g 第二帧 2 b 。它们通过粘合剂等固定,以便将带状磁性部件 3 夹在框架 2 a 2 b 。密封板 4 a ,4 b 固定在框架 2 < / B> a ,2 b ,形成磁致伸缩谐振器 5 。当从磁致伸缩构件 1 a ,1 b 的长边方向施加电磁波时,a磁场施加到磁致伸缩构件 1 a 1 b 。当频率与磁致伸缩构件的谐振频率匹配时,磁致伸缩谐振器 5 以最大振幅振动。磁致伸缩元件 1 a 1 b 发出的电磁波可以根据持续的机械振动来检测磁场停止后仍然很短的时间。



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