首页> 外国专利> Service architecture for telephony viainternet using mobile agents and the protocolode session initiation (SIP), and,The processes paracontrolar mobility of service intra domu00ecniosquando a user moves a first terminalpara a second terminal within a u00fanicodomu00ecnio Internet in this architecture.And paracontrolar mobility service inter domu00ecnioquando a user moves a first terminalem a domu00ecnio Internet headquarters to umsegundo terminal in a second domu00ecnio deinternet

Service architecture for telephony viainternet using mobile agents and the protocolode session initiation (SIP), and,The processes paracontrolar mobility of service intra domu00ecniosquando a user moves a first terminalpara a second terminal within a u00fanicodomu00ecnio Internet in this architecture.And paracontrolar mobility service inter domu00ecnioquando a user moves a first terminalem a domu00ecnio Internet headquarters to umsegundo terminal in a second domu00ecnio deinternet



"Service architecture for telephony viainternet using mobile agents and the protocolode session initiation (SIP), and,The processes paracontrolar mobility of service intra domu00ecniosquando a user moves a first terminalpara a second terminal within a u00fanicodomu00ecnio Internet in this architecture.And paracontrolar mobility service inter domu00ecnioquando a user moves a first terminalem a domu00ecnio Internet headquarters to umsegundo terminal in a second domu00ecnio deinternet ".A service architecture for telephony via internetque uses mobile agents and the session initiation protocol (SIP).The architecture includes a mobile agent that includes scripts (scripts) services for a plurality of services correlatostais as all services of origin or all services determination.An analysis of interaction of services in agentemu00f3vel controls the interactions between the related services.The agentemu00f3vel may include logic to the service of intelligent network (in) the entire world scripts made in language compatible with SIP as call processing language (CPL) ouinterface ofCommon portal SIP (CGI). A terminal equipped with a agency retrieves and executes the service.Paralinguagem adapters each script enable the agency to recover osroteiros of service of mobile agent.In addition, a general and independent adaptadorgeral control interaction paradigm deserviu00e7o between mobile agent and dechamada basic processing functions on the terminal.A repository of implementau00e7u00e3ode service (CRS) contains executable code for all serviu00e7osaos terminal which users can subscribe to.And umaunidade risk management firm service (SMU) creates and updates agentesmu00f3veis according to the signature signed by the user determinal downloading relevant elements of the sir.The arquiteturasuporta mobility of service intra domain and inter domain, eprestau00e7u00e3o service immediately and on request.
机译:“使用移动代理和协议节点会话发起(SIP)的互联网电话服务的服务体系结构,在此体系结构中,用户在服务层内部移动第一个终端设备到第二个终端设备的过程中,服务内部用户的准控制移动性然后,用户将dom的准控制移动服务相互之间的移动将dom的互联网总部的第一终端移动到第二dom deinternet中的umsegundo终端。一种通过Internetque进行电话服务的服务体系结构,它使用移动代理和会话发起协议( SIP)。该体系结构包括一个移动代理,该代理包含用于多个服务相关的脚本(脚本)服务,这些服务与所有原始服务或所有服务确定有关。agentem中的服务交互分析控制了相关服务之间的交互。 agentem u00f3vel可以包括对整个网络中智能网络服务的逻辑以与SIP兼容的语言制作的orld脚本,作为通用门户网站SIP(CGI)的呼叫处理语言(CPL)输出接口。装有代理的终端检索并执行服务。Paralinguagem适配器的每个脚本使代理能够恢复移动代理的服务。此外,移动代理与dechamada基本处理功能之间具有通用且独立的自适应控制交互范式deservi u00e7o。实施者 u00e7 u00e3ode服务(CRS)的存储库包含用户可以订阅的所有servi u00e7osaos终端的可执行代码。umaunidade风险管理公司服务(SMU)根据签名创建并更新agentesm u00f3veis。用户终止签名后下载sir的相关元素。服务域内和域间的arquiteturasuporta移动性,epresta u00e7 u00e3o服务立即并应要求提供。



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