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delta learning system for using specialistadvice on revising fehlerhierarchien in diagnostic expert systems



A computer system takes as input an initial fault hierarchy KB0 and a set of annotated session transcripts C = ä&lang& pi j, rj&rang&ü and is given a specified set of revision operators T = äiü where each i ELEMENT T maps a fault hierarchy KB to a slightly different hierarchy i(KB). This revised fault hierarchy i(KB) is called a neighbor of KB, and the set of all neighbors of KB, N(KB)=äi(KB) ü, is KB'S neighborhood. The computer system uses T to hill climb from the initial fault hierarchy KB0, through successive hierarchies, KB1... KBm, with successively higher empirical accuracies over C. The final hierarchy, KBm, is a local optimum in the space defined by the revision operators. At each stage, to go from a fault hierarchy KBi to its neighbor KBi+1, the present invention must evaluate KBi's accuracy over C, as well as the accuracy of each KB' ELEMENT N(KBi). If any KB' is found to be more accurate than KBi, this KB hierarchy becomes the new standard, labeled KBi+1, and the theory revision process iterates, seeking a neighbor of this KBi+1, that is more accurate than KBi+1 over the set of examples C, and so forth. Otherwise, if no KB' is more accurate than KBi, the hill climbing process will return this KBi, and terminate. IMAGE
机译:计算机系统将初始故障层次结构KB0和一组带注释的会话记录C =ä&lang&pi j,rj&rang&ü作为输入,并赋予一组指定的修订运算符T =äiü,其中每个i ELEMENT T都将故障层次结构KB映射到一个不同的层次结构i(KB)。修订后的故障层次i(KB)称为KB的邻居,KB的所有邻居的集合N(KB)=äi(KB)ü是KB的邻居。计算机系统使用T从初始断层KB0到连续的层级KB1 ... KBm进行爬山,并在C上具有更高的经验精度。最终的层级KBm是修订版定义的空间中的局部最优值操作员。在每个阶段,为了从故障层级KBi到其相邻的KBi + 1,本发明必须评估KBi在C上的精度以及每个KB'ELEMENT N(KBi)的精度。如果发现任何KB'比KBi都更准确,则此KB <>层次结构将成为新的标准,标记为KBi + 1,并且理论修订过程将反复进行,以寻找此KBi + 1的邻居,该邻居比KBi更准确在示例C的集合上+1,依此类推。否则,如果没有KB'比KBi更准确,则爬山过程将返回此KBi,并终止。 <图像>



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