首页> 外国专利> Internal bus for programmable controller, supporting the TCP/IP protocol, uses multichannel bus that has channel for TCP/IP and has intelligent controller modules with local IP address and TCP/IP stack

Internal bus for programmable controller, supporting the TCP/IP protocol, uses multichannel bus that has channel for TCP/IP and has intelligent controller modules with local IP address and TCP/IP stack

机译:可编程控制器的内部总线,支持TCP / IP协议,使用多通道总线,该总线具有用于TCP / IP的通道,并具有带有本地IP地址和TCP / IP堆栈的智能控制器模块


The internal bus (5) connects all the intelligent modules (20,30) of a programmable controller (50) and allows them to communicate using the TCP/IP protocol. Each module has an IP address (24,34) and a TCP/IP stack(22,32). The bus carries multiple communication channels, allowing simultaneous communication under other protocols in addition to TCP/IP.
机译:内部总线(5)连接可编程控制器(50)的所有智能模块(20,30),并允许它们使用TCP / IP协议进行通信。每个模块都有一个IP地址(24,34)和一个TCP / IP堆栈(22,32)。该总线承载多个通信通道,从而允许在TCP / IP之外的其他协议下同时进行通信。



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