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The digital data water marking system which utilizes new watermark insertion method and method of detection



(57) Abstract As for water marking system, 1st consecutive parameter for inserting the watermark (v, h), private key K PRI, and 2nd consecutive parameter for detecting the watermark (|H (f)|) Public key K PUB is used. It is impossible, to inform the private key, by the information regarding the public key, elimination or modification of the watermark is impossible. Insertion of the watermark is executed it is done with the filter which possesses impulse response h false noise signal serial by adding to the data which (v) filtering the watermark is done. Detection of the watermark is executed by (f) due to is done searching, whether it includes the noise which filtering the frequency response H to which the said data is beforehand set through the data which is received. This invention is application to the copy protection.
机译:(57)<摘要>对于水印系统,用于插入水印(v,h)的第一连续参数,私钥K PRI 和用于检测水印的第二连续参数(| H(f )|)使用公钥K PUB 。通过关于公共密钥的信息来通知私有密钥是不可能的,消除或修改水印是不可能的。通过将具有脉冲响应h的伪噪声信号序列的滤波器与数据相加来完成水印的插入,该滤波器将(v)对水印进行滤波。由于进行了搜索,因此通过(f)进行水印的检测,该水印是否包括通过接收到的数据对预先设置了所述数据的频率响应H进行滤波的噪声。本发明应用于复制保护。



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