首页> 外国专利> The composition of perfume, consumer product, compositions for the treatment of fabric, the product personnel, for the treatment of superfu00eccie hard and for the treatment of the air, and,Method for providing benefu00eccios of mood positive, particularly, benefu00eccios of relaxation, a indivu00ecduo

The composition of perfume, consumer product, compositions for the treatment of fabric, the product personnel, for the treatment of superfu00eccie hard and for the treatment of the air, and,Method for providing benefu00eccios of mood positive, particularly, benefu00eccios of relaxation, a indivu00ecduo

机译:香料的组合物,消费品,用于织物处理的组合物,产品人员,用于处理硬表面和用于空气的组合物,以及提供对情绪有利的,特别是对受益人有益的方法 u00eccios,一个单独的 u00ecduo


The composition of perfume, consumer product, compositions for the treatment of fabric, the product personnel, for the treatment of superfu00eccie hard and for the treatment of the air, and,Method for providing benefu00eccios of mood positive, particularly, benefu00eccios of relaxation, a indivu00ecduo.A perfume composition comprises: (E) at least about 25% by weight of the total at least five relaxing fragrance material selected (R); (f) optionally up to about 45% by weight of matEriais fragrance not relaxing (NR), provided that the right weight of R to NR is at least 0,75; (g) optionally, up to 75% by weight of the total materials of fragrance neutral (n); (H) optionally up to 25% by weight of other fragrance materials (m).Since the right weight of R (M + NR) is at least 0.75; and all percentages are based on the total weight of the materials of the fragrance which form the composition of the perfume.
机译:香料的组合物,消费品,用于织物处理的组合物,产品人员,用于处理硬表面和用于空气的组合物,以及提供对情绪有利的,特别是对受益人有益的方法芳香剂组合物包含:(E)至少选择的至少五种芳香香精材料总量的至少约25重量%(R); (f)任选地至多约45重量%的matEriais不松弛香料(NR),条件是R对NR的正确重量为至少0.75; (g)任选地,以不超过香料中性(n)总量的75%的重量计; (H)最多25%(重量)的其他香料(m)。由于R的正确重量(M + NR)至少为0.75;所有百分比均基于形成香料组合物的香料的总重量。



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