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Distributed execution coordination for web caching with dynamic content



A system and method are disclosed, according to which, the responsiveness of client/server-based distributed web applications operating in an object-oriented environment may be improved by coordinating execution of cacheable entries among a group of web servers, operably coupled in a network. In an exemplary embodiment, entries are considered to be either commands or Java Server Pages (JSPs), and the system and method are implemented by defining a class of objects (i.e., CacheUnits) to manage the caching of entries. An entry must be executed before it can be stored in a cache. Since this is computationally costly, each cacheable entry has an associated coordinating CacheUnit, which sees to it that only one CacheUnit executes an entry. Once the entry has been executed, a copy of it resides in the cache of the coordinating CacheUnit, from which it can be accessed by other CacheUnits without having to re-execute it.
机译:公开了一种系统和方法,根据该系统和方法,可以通过在可操作地耦合在网络中的一组Web服务器之间协调可缓存条目的执行,来改善在面向对象环境中运行的基于客户端/服务器的分布式Web应用程序的响应性。 。在示例性实施例中,条目被认为是命令或Java服务器页面(JSP),并且该系统和方法是通过定义对象的类别(即,CacheUnits)来管理条目的缓存来实现的。必须先执行一个条目,然后才能将其存储在缓存中。由于这在计算上是昂贵的,因此每个可缓存条目都有一个关联的协调CacheUnit,从中可以看出只有一个CacheUnit执行一个条目。一旦执行了该条目,该条目的副本将驻留在协调CacheUnit的缓存中,其他CacheUnit可以从该缓存中访问该条目,而不必重新执行它。


  • 公开/公告号US6807606B2


  • 公开/公告日2004-10-19


  • 申请/专利权人 IBM;


  • 申请日2000-12-18

  • 分类号G06F130/00;

  • 国家 US

  • 入库时间 2022-08-21 23:19:50


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