首页> 外国专利> The system to reward loyalty, the process to reward an owner of the card, loyalty, and award system implemented by computer.The middle legu00ecvel by computer and system for the creation of incentives.

The system to reward loyalty, the process to reward an owner of the card, loyalty, and award system implemented by computer.The middle legu00ecvel by computer and system for the creation of incentives.



"System to reward loyalty, the process to reward an owner of the card, loyalty, and award system implemented by computer.The middle legu00ecvel by computer and system for the creation of incentives. A dual card (202), facilitates credit transactions associated with a credit account, as well as stored value transactions associated with a stored value account.The system includes a loyalty programme implemented by the computer to calculate a value of loyalty based on credit card transactions of the double.The value of loyalty being used to feed the account of stored value card, double. The file contains a discount discount based on the credit transaction.The file of discount (222) is used to assist in the calculation of the value of loyalty.The system comprises, furthermore, a transaction file stored value (215) produced by a processor of stored value (214).The file stored value transaction is used to assist in the calculation of the value of loyalty.The system includes, also, a quantity of money donated to a charitable organization (224) based on the value of loyalty.The system comprises, further, the goods (226) sent to the owner of the card dual based on the value of loyalty.
机译:“奖励忠诚系统,奖励卡所有者,忠诚和奖励系统的过程,该过程由计算机实现。中间部分由计算机和系统共同形成奖励。双卡(202),有助于与信用帐户关联的信用交易以及与储值帐户关联的储值交易。该系统包括由计算机实现的忠诚度程序,该忠诚度程序基于双倍的信用卡交易来计算忠诚度值。用来存储储值卡帐户的信息,要加倍,该文件包含基于信用交易的折扣折扣。折扣文件(222)用于辅助计算忠诚度值。 ,是由存储值(214)的处理器产生的交易文件存储值(215)。该文件存储值交易用于辅助计算忠诚度值。该系统还包括一个根据忠诚度的价值捐赠给慈善组织(224)的现金的价值。该系统进一步包括基于忠诚度的价值双重发送给卡所有者的商品(226)。



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