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Comparing boosting the high tension



PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a hydraulic brake device to make assisting of a braking force with boosting of a pedal stamping force using a brake booster and increase of a wheel cylinder pressure using a pump, whereby the dead point of the brake booster is sensed properly even in case a gain drop is generated in a hydraulic sensor for sensing the master cylinder pressure without bringing about cost-up and thereby assisting by the pump is performed certainly.;SOLUTION: In the region where the pedal stamping force does not exceed the dead point of a vacuum booster 14, a master cylinder pressure PM/C as assisting for the pedal stamping force is generated by the vacuum booster 14. When the dead point is exceeded, the wheel cylinder pressure PW/C is boosted using a pump 52 as a hydraulic source. Judgement whether the pedal stamping force has reached the dead point is passed on the basis of the time changing rate ΔpMC of the output signal pMC from a hydraulic sensor 62 to sense the master cylinder pressure PM/C.;COPYRIGHT: (C)2000,JPO
机译:解决的问题:提供一种液压制动装置,该液压制动装置通过使用制动助力器来增强踏板踩踏力并通过泵来提高轮缸压力来辅助制动力,从而感测到制动助力器的死点。即使在液压传感器中产生增益下降以感测主缸压力而又不会造成成本增加,并因此肯定地由泵进行辅助的情况下也能正确执行;;解决方案:在踏板踩踏力不超过踏板踩踏力的区域真空助力器14的死点,由真空助力器14产生辅助踏板踩踏力的主缸压力PM / C。当超过该死点时,使用泵52将轮缸压力PW / C升高。作为液压源。基于来自液压传感器62的输出信号pMC的时间变化率ΔpMC来判断踏板踩踏力是否已达到死点,以感测主缸压力PM / C。版权所有:(C) 2000年



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