首页> 外国专利> Process for removal of dyes in aqueous solutions by adsorption to dreche brewery and their use in the treatment of aqueous effluents of industrial dyes

Process for removal of dyes in aqueous solutions by adsorption to dreche brewery and their use in the treatment of aqueous effluents of industrial dyes



The present invention relates to a process for the removal of dyes in aqueous solution by adsorption to dreche brewery and their use in the treatment of aqueous effluents of industrial dyes. The reaction of adsorption takes place in descontinuos reactors with balance.The reaction medium is constituu00cddo by aqueous solutions of an acid dye (Acid Orange 7 monoazo AO7) widely used in the textile, which adds the dreche brewery obtained after the operation of mash, the production of beer.The conditions of adsorption (prior treatment of dreche: drying or acid hydrolysis followed by drying; time of acid hydrolysis of the dreche; amount of dreche used; time of adsorption; the pH of the aqueous solution of the dye; the concentration of dye) were optimized according to the metodolo GIA of areas of response.Finally, the results obtained were used in the implementation of the process in the reactor descontu00cdnuo with successive reuse of dreche.
机译:本发明涉及一种通过吸附在德雷什啤酒厂上而除去水溶液中染料的方法,以及它们在工业染料水废水处理中的用途。吸附反应在不连续的反应器中平衡进行。反应介质是由纺织品中广泛使用的酸性染料(Acid Orange 7 monoazo AO7)的水溶液组成的,并添加了糖化操作后得到的德累式啤酒厂。吸附的条件(先蒸馏处理:先干燥或先酸水解再干燥;先进行酸水解的时间;先蒸馏的量;所用的吸附时间;吸附的时间;染料水溶液的pH值)最后,根据反应区域的metodolo GIA优化染料的浓度。最后,将所得结果用于反应器设计中的实施,并连续重复使用。



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