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Extract of the seedless pod of gleditsia amorphoides and its use as an agricultural adjuvant



Extract of the seedless pod of Gleditsia Amorphoides and its use as an agricultural adjuvant, characterised in that it has a content of soluble solids between 250 - 270 g/kg; of triterpene saponins between 60 - 75 g/kg; a conductivity (5 Brix) of 6 +/- 4mS/cm; an absorbance at 400nm (with 1.1% of the product in water) of 0.500 AU; a foam production (5 Brix) of 160 ml; a pH (direct) equal to 3 +/- 0.3; whilst its chemical determination in g per 100g of the extract expressed as elements is total Ni = 0.51; available P = 0.28; K = 1.22; S = 0.63; Mg = 0.08 and Fe = 0.0022; whilst available P (expressed as 05P) = 0.64 and K (expressed as KO) = 1.47; moreover, the total quantity of phenols is approximately between 8.5 and 10% and of tannins is between 0.9 and 1.5%. Said adjuvant extract, which is highly soluble in water, gives the following results when subjected to tests: Oral toxicity in rats 4000mg/kg; inhalatory toxicity at a maximum nebulisable concentration of 4.89 mg/l; Primary Dermal Irritation and Ames Test, Cytotoxicity: showing that it lacks toxicity. Its absorbance at 3 Brix is between 1,230 and 1,120, and 1 g/l of Na benzoate can be used as a compatible preservative. It is produced by treating the husk of the seedless pod of Gleditsia Amorphoides.;For its use as a fertiliser, it is made up of two essential components, wherein a first component consists of the natural organic coadjuvant extract consisting of 30/60cc of an aqueous solution of said extract of the fruit of Gleditsia Amorphoides containing 250-270 g/kg of total soluble solids; 60-75 g/kg of triterpene saponins, and presenting a conductivity (5 Brix) of 5.6+/-4; an absorbance at 400 nm (with 1.1% of the product in water, v/v) of 0.500 AU; a foam production (5 Brix, ml) of 160ml; a pH (direct) of 3.9 +/-0.3 and a surface tension of 38 to 40 dyn/cm; whilst the second active component consists of 1000cc of a solution in pure water of granulated urea with a low Biuret content, 0.5%, with a Ni content of 20%. Said solution is made up using pure water with pH 7 and with no hardness in the form of Ca+ and Mg+ ions.;For a glyphosate type herbicide at a proportion of 672 g of active substance/ha, 0.06% v/v of the extract is added as an adjuvant.;For formulations of herbicides, 1.0 a 1.5% v/v of the extract is added to the final formulation of the product.;In a pyrethroid type insecticide used for controlling the citrus leafminer (Phyllocnistis citrello Staiton), between 0.25 and 0.50% of the adjuvant is used with 0.15% of avermectin.;For a Paraquat type defoliant, the formulation comprises approximately 0.25% v/v of the aqueous extract, an emulsifiable oil at 1% and a 1l/ha concentration of Paraquat.;For a nitrogenated fertiliser, the formulation is made up of between 10 and 46 g/100g of organic Ni and between 30 and 60 cc of the aqueous extract, with a pH of 6.9, a Biuret content of 0.15g/100g and a surface tension of 36.6 dyn/cm.;For a spray solution, 30 to 60 ml of said aqueous extract is added directly for each 100 litres of solution.;Technical specifications:;It has a content of soluble solids between 250 - 270 g/kg; of triterpene saponins between 60 - 75 g/kg; a conductivity (5 Brix) of 6 +/- 4mS/cm; an absorbance at 400nm (with 1.1% of the product in water) of 0.500 AU; a foam production (5 Brix) of 160 ml; a pH (direct) equal to 3 +/- 0.3; whilst its chemical determination in g per 100g of the extract expressed as elements is total Ni = 0.51; available P = 0.28; K = 1.22; S = 0.63; Mg = 0.08 and Fe = 0.0022; whilst available P (expressed as 05P) = 0.64 and K (expressed as KO) = 1.47; moreover, the total quantity of phenols is approximately between 8.5 and 10% and of tannins is between 0.9 and 1.5%.
机译:无神果的无籽荚果的提取物及其用途特征的农业佐剂,其可溶固体含量为250-270 g /公斤;三萜皂苷的含量在60-75 g / kg之间;电导率(5白利糖度)为6 +/- 4mS / cm;在400nm处的吸光度(产品中有1.1%的水)小于0.500 AU; 160毫升的泡沫产量(5白利糖度); pH(直接)等于3 +/- 0.3;每100克以元素表示的提取物的化学含量以克为单位,总Ni = 0.51;有效P = 0.28; K = 1.22; S = 0.63; Mg = 0.08,Fe = 0.022;而可用的P(表示为05P)= 0.64,K(表示为KO)= 1.47;此外,酚的总量约为8.5-10%,单宁的含量为0.9-1.5%。所述高度溶于水的佐剂提取物在进行测试时得出以下结果:对大鼠的口服毒性> 4000mg / kg;最大雾化浓度为4.89 mg / l时的吸入毒性;初级皮肤刺激和艾姆斯试验,细胞毒性:表明它没有毒性。它在3白利糖度下的吸光度在1,230至1,120之间,并且1 g / l的苯甲酸钠可用作相容的防腐剂。它是通过处理 Gleditsia Amorphoides 的无核荚果壳而制成的。作为肥料,它由两个基本成分组成,其中第一个成分由天然有机辅剂提取物组成包含30 / 60cc上述所述的无刺参果实的提取物的水溶液,其中含有250-270 g / kg的总可溶性固体; 60-75 g / kg三萜皂苷,电导率(5白利糖度)为5.6 +/- 4;在400 nm处的吸光度(产品在水中为1.1%,v / v)<0.500 AU; > 160毫升的泡沫产量(5白利糖度,毫升); pH(直接)为3.9 +/- 0.3,表面张力为38至40 dyn / cm;而第二种活性成分则由1000cc的纯净尿素颗粒水溶液组成,尿素含量低,<0.5%,镍含量20%。所述溶液由pH 7的纯净水组成,且不具有Ca +和Mg +离子的形式的硬度。对于草甘膦型除草剂,活性物质的比例为672 g / ha,提取液的0.06%v / v添加作为佐剂;对于除草剂配方,将1.0%1.5%v / v的提取物添加到产品的最终配方中。用量为0.25至0.50%的佐剂与0.15%的阿维菌素一起使用;对于百草枯型脱叶剂,该配方约占水提取物的0.25%v / v,乳油为1%百草枯的浓度为1l /​​ ha。对于硝化肥料,该配方由10至46 g / 100 g的有机Ni和30至60 cc的水提物组成,pH值为6.9,是Biuret。含量为0.15克/ 100克,表面张力为36.6达因/厘米。对于喷雾溶液,使用30至60毫升的上述水性每100升溶液中直接添加t 。;技术规范:;其可溶性固体含量在250-270 g / kg之间;三萜皂苷的含量在60-75 g / kg之间;电导率(5白利糖度)为6 +/- 4mS / cm;在400nm处的吸光度(产品中有1.1%的吸光度)<0.500 AU; 160毫升的泡沫产量(5白利糖度); pH(直接)等于3 +/- 0.3;每100克以元素表示的提取物的化学含量以克为单位,总Ni = 0.51;有效P = 0.28; K = 1.22; S = 0.63; Mg = 0.08,Fe = 0.022;而可用的P(表示为05P)= 0.64,K(表示为KO)= 1.47;此外,酚的总量约为8.5-10%,单宁的含量为0.9-1.5%。


  • 公开/公告号EP1803351A1


  • 公开/公告日2007-07-04




  • 发明设计人 PROLA GUSTAVO;


  • 分类号A01N65;A01N57/20;A01N53;A01N43/90;A01N43/40;A01N25/30;C05G3/06;

  • 国家 EP

  • 入库时间 2022-08-21 20:42:27


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