首页> 外国专利> Method for cleaning raw sugar-beet juice, comprises preliming the raw juice, first main-liming the prelimed raw juice, and clarifying the pre-limed raw juice after the main-liming in a separation device

Method for cleaning raw sugar-beet juice, comprises preliming the raw juice, first main-liming the prelimed raw juice, and clarifying the pre-limed raw juice after the main-liming in a separation device



The method for cleaning raw sugar-beet juice, comprises preliming the raw juice, first main-liming the prelimed raw juice, and clarifying the limed raw juice after the main-liming in a separation device (30). A non-saccharose containing fraction is separated from the limed raw juice. The pre-liming takes place by adding milk of lime with a concentration of 0.1-0.3 g calcium hydroxide/100 ml at 75[deg]C. The main-liming takes place by adding milk of lime with a concentration of 0.4-0.7 g calcium hydroxide/100 ml at 70[deg]C. The holding time of the limed raw juice in the separating device is 40 min. The method for cleaning raw sugar-beet juice, comprises preliming the raw juice, first main-liming the prelimed raw juice, and clarifying the limed raw juice after the main-liming in a separation device (30). A non-saccharose containing fraction is separated from the limed raw juice. The pre-liming takes place by adding milk of lime with a concentration of 0.1-0.3 g calcium hydroxide/100 ml at 75[deg]C. The main-liming takes place by adding milk of lime with a concentration of 0.4-0.7 g calcium hydroxide/100 ml at 70[deg]C. The holding time of the limed raw juice in the separating device is 40 min. The clarification of limed raw juice takes place at 70[deg]C. The pre-liming takes place in a first alkalization container (10) and the main-liming takes place in downstream second alkalization container (20). A flocculation aid is added to a concentration of 1-8 ppm after the main-liming of prelimed raw juice, and before clarifying the pre-limed raw juice. The flocculation aid exhibits a molar mass on the average of 5x10 6-22x10 6 g/mol. The separating device is a static or dynamic decanter and contains decanter-centrifuge. The separating device is used for separating a saccharose-containing fraction and non-saccharose-containing fraction as thin sludge based on concentration. The obtained saccharose-containing fraction is led back into the separation device as clear juice and/or sweetie juice. Carbonation takes place by introducing carbon dioxide into the main-liming juice and filtration takes place to develop sludge, so that clear saccharose syrup is obtained. The carbonation comprises first carbonation and filtration, and second carbonation and filtration. Independent claims are included for: (1) a method for production of saccharose syrup from raw sugar-beet juice; (2) a method for production of a composition of non-saccharose from raw sugar-beet juice; (3) a method for production of carbolime from raw sugar-beet juice and milk of lime; and (4) a device for cleaning raw sugar-beet juice.
机译:清洁甜菜汁的方法包括:对生汁进行预浸,首先将预浸的生汁进行主浸灰,并在分离装置(30)中对主浸灰后的石灰生汁进行澄清。从糖化的原汁中分离出不含蔗糖的馏分。通过在75℃下添加浓度为0.1-0.3g氢氧化钙/ 100ml的石灰乳来进行预石灰化。通过在70℃下添加浓度为0.4-0.7g氢氧化钙/ 100ml的石灰乳进行主石灰。石灰原料汁在分离装置中的保持时间为40分钟。清洁甜菜汁的方法包括:对生汁进行预浸,首先将预浸的生汁进行主浸灰,并在分离装置(30)中对主浸灰后的石灰生汁进行澄清。从糖化的原汁中分离出不含蔗糖的馏分。通过在75℃下添加浓度为0.1-0.3g氢氧化钙/ 100ml的石灰乳来进行预石灰化。通过在70℃下添加浓度为0.4-0.7g氢氧化钙/ 100ml的石灰乳进行主石灰。石灰原料汁在分离装置中的保持时间为40分钟。石灰原料汁的澄清在70℃下进行。预石灰在第一碱化容器(10)中进行,而主石灰在下游第二碱化容器(20)中进行。在预熟的原汁主熟之后,在澄清预熟的原汁之前,添加絮凝助剂至1-8 ppm的浓度。絮凝助剂的摩尔质量平均为5×10 6> -22×10 6> g / mol。分离装置是静态或动态倾析器,并且包含倾析器-离心机。分离装置用于基于浓度分离作为稀污泥的含蔗糖的馏分和不含蔗糖的馏分。将获得的含蔗糖的级分作为纯净果汁和/或甜心果汁引回到分离装置中。通过将二氧化碳引入主石灰汁中进行碳酸化,并进行过滤以形成污泥,从而获得澄清的蔗糖糖浆。碳酸化包括第一碳酸化和过滤,以及第二碳酸化和过滤。包括以下独立权利要求:(1)一种由甜菜汁原料生产糖浆的方法; (2)由甜菜原汁生产非蔗糖组合物的方法; (3)从生甜菜汁和酸橙汁生产碳水化合物的方法; (4)清洁生甜菜汁的设备。



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