首页> 外国专利> METHOD component testing microprocessors, test oracle component testing microprocessors, METHOD OF WORK test oracles, a method for constructing test oracles

METHOD component testing microprocessors, test oracle component testing microprocessors, METHOD OF WORK test oracles, a method for constructing test oracles



1. A method for testing components of microprocessors by which testing organized as a series of operation cycles of the test component, wherein the beginning of each cycle via the test sequence generator creates another appeal to the test component and transmitting all incoming signals during this treatment the component under test and the oracle in After each stroke, the oracle transmit all the output signals of the component under test, and produce an assessment of their correctness as an answer to all this is received before of torque inputs, if Oracle detects an error in the form of non-compliance of the results needs to the component under test, the test is complete and reports a bug, if the error oracle does not show, then continue testing at the end of the test sequence using a generator test sequence creates zero input signals as many times as the tested component required for issuing the responses to all previously submitted input signals, wherein the via is checked oracle x correct, if Oracle detects an error, the test is complete and reports a bug, if the oracle of all the testing time will not detect an error, the following answers to all previously submitted inputs conclude the correct operation of the component under test, the test is completed and reported the successful completion of the test, the test pattern generator is built from a script that describes a set of different ways of accessing the component under test and oracle using compiler requirements model
机译:一种用于测试微处理器组件的方法,通过该方法将测试组织为测试组件的一系列操作周期,其中,通过测试序列生成器的每个周期的开始对测试组件产生另一种吸引力,并在此处理期间传输所有传入信号在每个冲程之后,Oracle将传送被测组件的所有输出信号,并对它们的正确性进行评估,以解决在输入扭矩之前,如果Oracle检测到错误,则收到所有这些信号的答案。如果结果不符合被测试组件的要求,则测试已完成并报告错误,如果未显示oracle错误,则使用生成器测试序列在测试序列末尾继续测试零输入信号的数量是发出对所有先前提交的输入信号的响应所需的被测组件的次数,其中检查过孔oracle xc正确,如果Oracle检测到错误,则测试已完成并报告错误;如果所有测试时间的oracle均未检测到错误,则对所有先前提交的输入的以下回答将得出被测组件的正确操作,测试完成并报告测试已成功完成,测试模式生成器由脚本构建,该脚本描述了使用编译器需求模型访问被测组件和oracle的一组不同方法


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