首页> 外国专利> component for protecting healthy eyestherapeutic and preventive component for u043fu0441u0435u0432u0434u043eu0430u0444u0430u043au0438u0447u0435u0441u043au0438u0445 eye and therapeutic and preventive component for eyes with u043du0435u0439u0440u043eu0434u0435u0433u0435u043du0435u0440u0430u0442u0438u0432u043du044bu043c u043fu043eu0440u0430u0436 u0435u043du0438u0435u043c retina

component for protecting healthy eyestherapeutic and preventive component for u043fu0441u0435u0432u0434u043eu0430u0444u0430u043au0438u0447u0435u0441u043au0438u0445 eye and therapeutic and preventive component for eyes with u043du0435u0439u0440u043eu0434u0435u0433u0435u043du0435u0440u0430u0442u0438u0432u043du044bu043c u043fu043eu0440u0430u0436 u0435u043du0438u0435u043c retina

机译:保护眼睛健康的成分预防和治疗眼睛的成分用于眼睛的治疗和预防成分用于眼睛的治疗和预防成分用于眼睛的治疗和预防成分用于眼睛的治疗和预防成分用于眼睛的治疗性和预防性成分用于眼睛的治疗性和预防性成分 u043d u0435 u0439 u0440 u043e u0434 u0435 u0433 u0435 u043d u043d u0435 u0440 u0430 u0442 u0438 u0432 u043d u044b u043b u043c u043f u043e u0440 u0440 u0430 0 u0435 u043d u0438 u0435 u043c视网膜


the invention relates to a transparent u0444u0438u043bu044cu0442u0440u0443u044eu0449u0438u043c components to prevent damage to healthy eyes and for treatment and prevention of eye care u0437u0430u0431u043eu043bu0435 duration (plot) in cases of u043fu0441u0435u0432u0434u043eu0430u0444u0430u043au0438u0447u0435u0441u043au0438u0445 eye and / orwhether the degeneration of yellow spots or u043du0435u0439u0440u043eu0434u0435u0433u0435u043du0435u0440u0430u0442u0438u0432u043du043eu0433u043e lesions of the retina.the invention differswhat is the component of the filter with the yellow pigment on the surface of the transparent or u043fu043eu043bu0443u043fu0440u043eu0437u0440u0430u0447u043du044bu0435 glasses to protect the eyes from long radiation of visible spectrum (intervalwavelengths from 500 to 380 nm).the invention may find application, for example, in the implementation of tasks, where the operator is exposed to light radiation of high u0438u043du0442u0435u043du0441u0438 u0432u043du043eu0441u0442u0438 (fisherieswelding works) or sports (diving, tennis, skiing, etc.).
机译:本发明涉及一种透明的成分,以防止损害健康的眼睛并治疗和预防眼保健。透明的成分用于治疗和预防眼保健。 u043f u0431 u0435 u0435 u0432 u0434 u043e u0430 u0444 u0430 u043a u0438 u0447 u0435 u0445 u0441 u043a u0438 u0445眼睛和 /黄斑的变性或 u043d u0435 u0439 u0440 u043e u0434 u0435 u0435 u0433 u0435 u043d u0435 u04340 u0440 u0430 u0442 u0438 u0432 u0432 u0432 u043d u043e u0433 u043e病变的变性视网膜。本发明的不同之处在于滤光器的组成部分是在透明的表面上具有黄色颜料的,或在表面上具有黄色颜料的滤光器。 u043f u043e u043b u0443 u043f u0450眼镜以保护眼睛免受可见光谱的长时间辐射(间隔波长从500到380 nm)。本发明可以在例如执行任务的过程中找到应用,在该任务中,操作员要暴露在光线下 u0438 u043d u0442 u0435 u043d u0441 u0438 u0432 u043d u043e u0441 u0442 u0438(渔业焊接工作)或体育运动(潜水,网球,滑雪等)。



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