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Method and system for recovery of used tires wire



method of recovery of zuzytych wire tyre has thewith the wire contained in the tire pocietej band equipments (1) to the janitor and fragmented in polaczonym with przenosnika (2) tasmowego device (3) for grinding.separates in przenosniku (4) tasmowym wyposazonym in separator (5) from the rest of the tyre and then magnetic back up again to the device (3) for grinding.and then separates from the rest of the tyre in the separator (5) magnetic and gives to przenosnik (6) vibratory where giving up heat treatment using a gazow burners (8)s and then clean mechanically in a device (7) for cleaning.wyposazonym in the casing off (9) containing the holes of small srednicach and arrangement lopatek deployed on the circumference of the inside casing and rotor with fixed przegubowo lopatkami,and separates from the other parts of the purified wire tyre with przenosnika (10) tasmowego with bebnem magnetic and then sends her to tasmociagiem (11) wire to the press (12) hydraulicwhere during the pressing input heats up to wzbudnikiem (13) induction.arrangement for recovering wire with zuzytych tire holder przenosniki, devices to cutting and grinding device and magnetic separators has thosewith the device (3) for grinding the combined is przenosnikiem (4) tasmowym wyposazonym in separator (5) with a magnetic przenosnikiem (6) vibration.with the nagrzewana team (8) gas burners and polaczonym with urzadzeniem (7) for cleaning.wyposazonym in the casing off (9) at the bottom of the containing holes of srednicach and affixed to a circuit arrangement lopatek inside housingand inside the housing is placed the impeller with attached przegubowo lopatkami,and through devices (7) for cleaning is connected with przenosnikiem (10) tasmowym with bebnem magnetic and then tasmociagiem (11) of the press (12) hydraulic wyposazona in an inductor (13) inductionto warm-up extruded wire.
机译:zuzytych钢丝轮胎的回收方法是将包含在轮胎pocietej带设备中的钢丝(1)送到看门人,并用przenosnika(2)tasmowego设备(3)打碎以polaczonym命名。在przenosniku(4)中分离,在przenosniku(4)中使用tasmowym wyposazazonym分离器(5)与其余轮胎分开,然后再次用磁力回到设备(3)进行磨削,然后在分离器(5)中与其余轮胎分离,然后通过磁力使przenosnik(6)振动放弃使用高炉燃烧器(8)进行的热处理,然后在清洁装置(7)中进行机械清洁。外壳中的wyposazonym掉了(9),其中包含小球形孔和布置在内部外壳圆周上的lopatek转子和带有固定的przegubowo lopatkami的转子,并与带有przenosnika(10)tasmowego和bebnem磁性的纯金属丝轮胎的其他部分分开,然后将其送至tasmociagiem(11)丝至压力机(12)的液压机中输入加热到wzbudnikiem(13)感应。用于zuzytych轮胎架przenosniki的金属丝回收装置,用于切割和研磨的装置以及磁力分离器的装置与用于组合的研磨装置(3)的装置是przenosnikiem(4)分离器中的tasmowym wyposazonym 5)带有磁性przenosnikiem(6)振动。使用nagrzewana团队(8)燃气燃烧器,用urzadzeniem(7)清洗以polaczonym命名。将外壳中的wyposazonym移开(9)在srednicach容纳孔的底部并固定在在壳体内部和壳体内部的电路布置lopatek处放置了带有连接的przegubowo lopatkami的叶轮,并通过用于清洁的装置(7)与przenosnikiem(10)tasmowym和bebnem磁连接,然后通过tasmociagiem(11)液压wyposazona在感应器(13)中感应到预热的挤出电线。



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