首页> 外国专利> METHOD FOR PROVIDING GUARANTEED TRAFFIC accident-free of surface or submerged SHIP IN VARIOUS EMERGENCY IF submarines and surface POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS OBJECTS (VET) in including in emergency conditions, when using conventional maneuvering of the vessel collision with VET can not be prevented

METHOD FOR PROVIDING GUARANTEED TRAFFIC accident-free of surface or submerged SHIP IN VARIOUS EMERGENCY IF submarines and surface POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS OBJECTS (VET) in including in emergency conditions, when using conventional maneuvering of the vessel collision with VET can not be prevented



FIELD: transport.;SUBSTANCE: invention relates to ship building and navigation. Proposed method comprises continuous reception of satellite navigation data, radar data and that of identification system, ship location, computation of ship speed and keel clearance. Additionally, jobs are performed to obtain 3D picture of underwater situation all around the ship. For this sonars are used arranged fore and aft, at the left and right. In case potential dangerous objects are detected, their identification is carried out either by navigator or by identification hardware to select optimum procedure to avoid collision. Path of avoidance is selected.;EFFECT: safe navigation.;3 cl, 2 dwg
机译:技术领域本发明涉及造船和航行。提出的方法包括连续接收卫星导航数据,雷达数据和识别系统的数据,船舶位置,船舶速度和龙骨间隙的计算。另外,执行作业以获得整个船上水下状况的3D图片。为此,声纳用于前后左右。如果检测到潜在的危险物体,则可以通过导航器或识别硬件对它们进行识别,以选择最佳程序来避免碰撞。选择回避的路径。;效果:安全导航; 3 cl,2 dwg



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