首页> 外国专利> METHOD FOR EARLY DETECTION high risk of impaired glucose tolerance in patients with stable angina during beta-blocker WITHOUT ADDITIONAL vasodilating properties

METHOD FOR EARLY DETECTION high risk of impaired glucose tolerance in patients with stable angina during beta-blocker WITHOUT ADDITIONAL vasodilating properties



FIELD: medicine.;SUBSTANCE: invention can be used to identify a high risk of developing impaired glucose tolerance in patients with stable effort angina with underlying administering beta-adrenergic blocking agents with no additional vasodilating properties. Therapy is preceded by conducting 2 exercise tests on the same day to achieve a threshold load power according to the same protocol, initially and 2 hours after administering a single dose of the beta-adrenergic blocking agents. If observing an interval gain of 120 seconds and more from the beginning of the load to the angina attack and/or reduction of an ischemic ST segment on the electrocardiogram not less than 1 mm at the 2nd load as compared to the 1st load, a risk of impaired glucose tolerance is considered to be high. A glucose tolerance test is carried out in these patients 4-5 weeks after the scheduled administration of the beta-adrenergic blocking agents. If impaired glucose tolerance is detected, administering the beta-adrenergic blocking agents is withdrawn. If the 2nd load as compared to the 1st load shows an interval to the angina attack and/or reduction of the ischemic ST segment on the electrocardiogram at a depth not less than 1 mm increasing less than by 120 seconds, a risk of developing impaired glucose tolerance is considered to be negligible. Treatment of these patients with the beta-adrenergic blocking agents is continued without the glucose tolerance test required.;EFFECT: method provides preventing carbohydrate metabolic disorders by the early identification of the high risk of developing impaired glucose tolerance in the given patients by detecting a compensatory increase of the glucose consumption with insulin resistance and a lower availability of free fatty acids to provide myocardial energy needs.;6 ex
机译:领域:药物:本发明可用于鉴定稳定努力型心绞痛患者的潜在糖耐量受损的高风险,该患者可在不给予额外血管舒张特性的基础上服用β-肾上腺素阻断剂。在治疗之前,应在同一天进行两次运动测试,以根据同一方案在施加单剂量的β-肾上腺素能阻断剂后和最初两个小时达到相同的阈值负荷功率。如果观察到从负荷开始到心绞痛发作和/或心电图上的缺血性ST段在第2次负荷下与第1次负荷相比不小于120 mm且间隔增加120秒以上,则存在危险葡萄糖耐量降低的原因被认为是高的。在计划给予β-肾上腺素能阻断剂后4-5周,对这些患者进行葡萄糖耐量试验。如果检测到葡萄糖耐量降低,则停止使用β-肾上腺素能阻断剂。如果第二负荷与第一负荷相比显示出心绞痛发作的间隔和/或心电图上的缺血性ST段减少的深度不小于1 mm,增加小于120秒,则有发生葡萄糖受损的风险公差被认为是微不足道的。继续使用β-肾上腺素能阻断剂治疗这些患者,无需进行葡萄糖耐量试验。效果:该方法可通过检测代偿性药物,早期发现给定患者发生糖耐量降低的高风险,从而预防碳水化合物代谢异常通过胰岛素抵抗增加葡萄糖消耗,并降低提供心肌能量需求的游离脂肪酸的利用率。; 6 ex


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