首页> 外国专利> A bile extraction unit, a process of extracting bile from birds (chickens and turkeys) and / or fish (Atlantic salmon, salmon, and Arctic trout) by using a bile extraction unit and a hybrid vaccine system commonly used in systems that kill birds and poultry plants And fish.

A bile extraction unit, a process of extracting bile from birds (chickens and turkeys) and / or fish (Atlantic salmon, salmon, and Arctic trout) by using a bile extraction unit and a hybrid vaccine system commonly used in systems that kill birds and poultry plants And fish.



T. P one extracti amp unit; oacute; n de Bilis, one extracti amp process; oacute; n de Bilis, one from birds (chickens and turkeys) and / or fish (Salm amp; oacute; n ATL amp; Aacute; ntico, salmon coho and trucha arc amp; Iacute; RIS),By using the hybrid systems of extracti amp, oacute, n de Bilis and VAC amp, Iacute, or in the common systems used in poultry and fish slaughterhouses and processing plants, the relaci amp, oacute, N and conservaci amp processes, oacute, N and the bile processes thus obtained can also be used. The purpose of the invention is to overcome the adverse conditions of the countries such as T amp, eacute, cnica, etc., and to convert the wastes in animal tissues into the desirable products of econ amp, oacute and Mecca.The process allows bile to be extracted from birds (chickens and turkeys) and fish (Salm amp; Oacute; N Atl Amp; AACUTE; NTICO, Salmon COHO and rainbow trout AMP; IACUTE; RIS); OACUTE; N, starting with bile extraction using Extracci AMP; OACUTE; N; OACUTE; N, extracting bile from L AMP; IACUT; ANP, using amp. Oacute;N de V AMP;IACUTE;Sceras para los Digestores de las Planes Faenadores y la Contempora Conservaci Amp;Oacute;N de la Bilis con los Qu AMP;IACUTE;MICS,PAR AMP;AACUTE;Migrantes y Cumb. LT;/P GT;
机译:T. P GT;一个提取放大器单元; ac n de Bilis,一个提取放大器过程; ac n de Bilis,一种来自鸟类(鸡和火鸡)和/或鱼类(萨尔姆(salm)或oacute; n ATL amp; Aacute; ntico,salmon coho和trucha arc amp; Iacute; RIS)的鱼,使用提取放大器的混合系统,oacute,n de Bilis和VAC amp,Iacute,或用于家禽和鱼类屠宰场和加工厂的常用系统中,relaci amp,oacute,N和保守的amp过程,oacute,N和由此获得的胆汁过程也可以使用。本发明的目的是克服T amp,eute,cnica等国家的不利条件,并将动物组织中的废物转化为econ amp,oacute和Mecca的理想产品。从鸟(鸡和火鸡)和鱼(萨尔姆; Oacute; N Atl Amp; AACUTE; NTICO,鲑鱼COHO和虹鳟AMP; IACUTE; RIS)中提取; OACUTE; N,从使用Extracci AMP胆汁提取开始; OACUTE; N; OACUTE; N,从L AMP中提取胆汁; IACUT; ANP,使用放大器。 Oacute; N de V AMP; IACUTE; Sceras para los Digestores de las Planes Faenadores y la Contempora Conservaci Amp; Oacute; N de la Bilis con los Qu AMP; IACUTE; MICS,PAR AMP; AACUTE; Migrantes y Cumb。 LT; / P GT;



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