首页> 外国专利> {1ch00ffff / I1} molecules from the Soviet Union to Antarctica include the TNF family link (Divisional request 201701000)

{1ch00ffff / I1} molecules from the Soviet Union to Antarctica include the TNF family link (Divisional request 201701000)

机译:从苏联到南极的{1ch00ffff / I1}分子包含TNF家族链接(分案申请201701000)


T. The P invention and amp; oacute; n refers to the new Moll amp; eacute; uni amp; butt; Iacute; nacute; n a Ant amp; Iacute; gene containing tr amp; amp; amp; amp; family alliance, including at least (a) another member who can combine special and amp; Iacute; Iacute; ate; Ant amp; ute; gene de C amp; ACU; Lula Diana y (b) the first and second polypropylene propyl ester; eacute; ptido EST amp; Aacute; n UNIDO entre S amp; Iacute; is characterized in that the first polyacrylonitrile amp; eacute; consists of two shells or fragments of TNF alliance members; Aacute; n is connected to S amp; Iacute; Iacute; through disulfide link;Through a pept amp can; Iacute; DICO, and due to the second polypropylene ester; eacute; ptido, only one shell or part of it is included in the TNF alliance.
机译:T. P GT;发明和功放ac n表示新的Moll放大器;敏锐单放屁股;不雅c n蚂蚁放大器;不雅含有tr amp的基因; amp; amp; amp;家庭同盟,至少包括(a)可以将特殊和特长相结合的另一名成员;不雅不雅吃了蚂蚁功放ute;基因解离ACU; Lula Diana y(b)第一和第二聚丙烯丙酯;敏锐ptido EST放大器;急性n工发组织实体不雅其特征在于第一聚丙烯腈放大器;敏锐由TNF联盟成员的两个壳或碎片组成;急性n连接到S amp;不雅不雅通过二硫键;通过一个耳放可以;不雅DICO,和由于第二聚丙烯酸酯;敏锐ptido,TNF联盟中仅包含一个或一部分壳。



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