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Necklaces, convolutions, and X plus Y




We give subquadratic algorithms that, given two necklaces each with n beads at arbitrary positions, compute the optimal rotation of the necklaces to best align the beads. Here alignment is measured according to the ℓ p norm of the vector of distances between pairs of beads from opposite necklaces in the best perfect matching. We show surprisingly different results for p=1, p=2, and p=∞. For p=2, we reduce the problem to standard convolution, while for p=∞ and p=1, we reduce the problem to (min,+) convolution and (median,+) convolution. Then we solve the latter two convolution problems in subquadratic time, which are interesting results in their own right. These results shed some light on the classic sorting X + Y problem, because the convolutions can be viewed as computing order statistics on the antidiagonals of the X + Y matrix. All of our algorithms run in o(n 2) time, whereas the obvious algorithms for these problems run in Θ(n 2) time
机译:我们给出次二次算法,给定两条项链,每条项链在任意位置都有n个珠子,计算出项链的最佳旋转度,以最佳地对齐珠子。此处的对齐是根据最完美匹配的相对项链对之间的距离对向量的ℓp范数来衡量的。对于p = 1,p = 2和p =∞,我们显示出令人惊讶的不同结果。对于p = 2,我们将问题简化为标准卷积,而对于p =∞和p = 1,我们将问题简化为(min,+)卷积和(median,+)卷积。然后我们在二次时间解决后两个卷积问题,这些问题本身就是有趣的结果。这些结果为经典的X + Y排序问题提供了一些启示,因为卷积可以看作是X + Y矩阵对角线的计算阶数统计。我们所有的算法都在o(n 2)时间内运行,而针对这些问题的明显算法在Θ(n 2)时间内运行



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