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Polyphyly of non-bioluminescent Vibrio fischeri sharing a lux-locus deletion




This study reports the first description and molecular characterization of naturally occurring, non-bioluminescent strains of Vibrio fischeri. These ‘dark’V. fischeri strains remained non-bioluminescent even after treatment with both autoinducer and aldehyde, substrate additions that typically maximize light production in dim strains of luminous bacteria. Surprisingly, the entire lux locus (eight genes) was absent in over 97% of these dark V. fischeri strains. Although these strains were all collected from a Massachusetts (USA) estuary in 2007, phylogenetic reconstructions allowed us to reject the hypothesis that these newly described non-bioluminescent strains exhibit monophyly within the V. fischeri clade. These dark strains exhibited a competitive disadvantage against native bioluminescent strains when colonizing the light organ of the model V. fischeri host, the Hawaiian bobtail squid Euprymna scolopes. Significantly, we believe that the data collected in this study may suggest the first observation of a functional, parallel locus-deletion event among independent lineages of a non-pathogenic bacterial species.
机译:这项研究报告了天然存在的,非生物发光的费氏弧菌菌株的首次描述和分子表征。这些“黑暗” V即使在用自动诱导剂和醛处理后,费氏菌菌株仍保持非生物发光,底物的添加通常可使发光细菌的暗菌株中的光产生最大化。出人意料的是,这些深色伏氏弧菌菌株中有超过97%没有完整的勒克斯基因座(八个基因)。尽管这些菌株都是在2007年从美国马萨诸塞州的河口收集的,但系统进化重建使我们可以拒绝这些新描述的非生物发光菌株在费氏弧菌进化枝中呈单生的假说。当定居于费氏弧菌模型宿主的轻器官夏威夷短尾乌贼Euprymna美洲豹时,这些深色菌株对天然生物发光菌株显示出竞争劣势。重要的是,我们认为在这项研究中收集到的数据可能暗示了对非致病性细菌物种独立谱系中功能性平行基因座缺失事件的首次观察。



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