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Further observations on polyculture of finfishes andudPrawns in saltwater ponds and in a net-pen at Mandapam

机译:关于鱼类混养的进一步观察和 ud在mandapam的海水池塘和网上的虾



The paper deals with the results of polyculture experiments with milkfish.udmullets, Sillago and prawns in salt water ponds and in a netpen in the coastaludwaters of Palk Bay at Mandapam, during the period 1979-82. The growth ofudmullet and Sillago was better in the netpen than in the pond, whereas milkfishudshowed better growth in the pond. Significant differences in production from fertilizedudand unfertilized ponds have not been noticed, the result of which is attributedudto poor soil conditions of the farm. Mullets sharply reacted to low levels of oxygenudin ponds. During 1979-80 period, in experiment I, the production per hectare wasud671.1 kg for Chanos chanos, 68.9 kg for Valamugil seheli, 593. 3 kg for Liza macrolepisudand 31.1 kg for Penaeus indicus, thereby recorded the total of 1364.4 kg.udIn experiment II, the production was 1286. 7 kg for C. chanos, 551.1 kg for V.udseheli md 26.7 kg for Sillago sihama with the total of 1864.5 kg. In 1980-81 experiment,udthe total production was 1600 kg with the combination of 1266.7 kg C.udchanos and 333.3 kg V. seheli in the fertilized pond and 1422.2 kg with the combinationudof 1205.5 kg of C. chanos and 216.7 kg of V. seheli in the unfertilizedudpond. During 1981-82 period, the total production was 1377.8 kg in which C. chanosudshowed 1288.9 kg and V. seheli 88.9 kg in the fertilized pond, and in the unfertilizedudpond it was 1469.9 kg with 1405.5 kg of C. chanos and 64.4 kg of V. seheli.
机译:本文研究了1979-82年间在曼达帕姆帕克湾沿海 udwaters中的遮目鱼,淡水鱼,新罗鱼和虾的混养实验结果。网围的 udmullet和Sillago的生长优于池塘,而遮目鱼的udmullet和Sillago的生长则更好。尚未注意到施肥未施肥和未施肥池塘在产量上的显着差异,其结果归因于农场土壤条件恶劣。鱼对低浓度的氧气/乌丁池塘有强烈反应。在1979-80年期间,在实验I中,Chanos chanos的每公顷产量为 ud671.1千克,Valamugil seheli为68.9千克,593。Lizamacrolepis ud的为3kg,印度对虾的31.1千克,从而记录了总产量。 1364.4 kg。 ud在实验II中,产量为1286。C.chanos为7 kg,V。 udseheli md为551.1 kg md,Sillago sihama为26.7 kg,总产量为1864.5 kg。在1980-81年的实验中,受精池塘的总产量为1600千克,其中包括1266.7千克C. udchanos和333.3千克V. seheli,以及1422.2千克,其结合为1205.5千克C. chanos和216.7千克未受精塞顿的V. seheli。在1981-82年期间,总产量为1377.8千克,其中施肥的池塘中的chan chanos产量为1288.9千克,seheli的产量为88.9千克,而未施肥的产量为1469.9千克,其中140.5 kg chan。chanos和64.4公斤雪茄



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