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EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards (BIOHAZ) Panel; Scientific Opinion on the risk posed by pathogens in food of non-animal origin. Part 1 (outbreak data analysis and risk ranking of food/pathogen combinations)




Food of non-animal origin (FoNAO) is consumed in a variety of forms, and a major component of almost all meals. These food types have the potential to be associated with large outbreaks as seen in 2011 associated with VTEC O104. A comparison of the incidence of human cases linked to consumption of FoNAO and of food of animal origin (FoAO) was carried out to provide an indication of the proportionality between these two groups of foods. It was concluded that outbreak data reported as part of EU Zoonoses Monitoring is currently the only option for EU-wide comparative estimates. Using this data from 2007 to 2011, FoNAO were associated with 10% of the outbreaks, 26% of the cases, 35% of the hospitalisations and 46% of the deaths. If the data from the 2011VTEC O104 outbreak is excluded, FoNAO was associated with 10% of the outbreaks, 18% of cases, but only 8% of the hospitalisations and 5% of the deaths. From 2008 to 2011 there was an increase in the numbers of reported outbreaks, cases, hospitalisations and deaths associated with food of non-animal origin. In order to identify and rank specific food/pathogen combinations most often linked to human cases originating from FoNAO in the EU, a model was developed using seven criteria: strength of associations between food and pathogen based on the foodborne outbreak data from EU Zoonoses Monitoring (2007-11), incidence of illness, burden of disease, dose-response relationship, consumption, prevalence of contamination and pathogen growth potential during shelf life. Shortcomings in the approach using outbreak data were discussed. The top ranking food/pathogen combination was Salmonellaspp. and leafy greens eaten raw followed by (in equal rank) Salmonellaspp. and bulb and stem vegetables, Salmonellaspp. and tomatoes, Salmonellaspp. and melons, and pathogenic Escherichia coli and fresh pods, legumes or grain.
机译:非动物源性食品(FoNAO)的食用形式多种多样,几乎是所有膳食的主要组成部分。这些食物类型可能与2011年与VTEC O104相关的大规模爆发有关。对与食用FoNAO和动物源性食品(FoAO)相关的人类病例的发生率进行了比较,以表明这两类食品之间的比例。结论是,作为欧盟人畜共患病监测报告的一部分的暴发数据目前是欧盟范围内比较估计的唯一选择。使用2007年至2011年的数据,FoNAO与10%的暴发,26%的病例,35%的住院治疗和46%的死亡相关。如果不包括2011年VTEC O104疫情的数据,则FoNAO与10%的疫情,18%的病例,但仅8%的住院率和5%的死亡相关。从2008年到2011年,报告的与非动物源性食物相关的暴发,病例,住院和死亡人数有所增加。为了识别和排序最常与源自欧盟FoNAO的人类病例相关的特定食物/病原体组合,使用了七个标准开发了一个模型:基于欧盟人畜共患病监测机构的食源性暴发数据,食物与病原体之间的关联强度( (2007-11),疾病的发病率,疾病负担,剂量-反应关系,消费,污染发生率和病原体生长潜力。讨论了使用暴发数据的方法的缺点。排名最高的食物/病原体组合是沙门氏菌。生吃绿叶蔬菜,其次是(相等等级)沙门氏菌。和鳞茎和茎类蔬菜,沙门氏菌。和西红柿,沙门氏菌。和瓜类,以及致病性大肠杆菌和新鲜豆荚,豆类或谷物。



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