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Scottish landform examples : The Cairngorms - a pre-glacial upland granite landscape

机译:苏格兰地貌的例子:Cairngorms - 一个冰川前陆地花岗岩景观



The Cairngorm massif in NE Scotland (Figure 1) is an excellent example of a preglacialudupland landscape formed in granite. Glacial erosion in the mountains hasudbeen largely confined to valleys and corries (Rea, 1998) and so has acted to dissect audpre-existing upland (Figure 2). Intervening areas of the massif experienced negligibleudglacial erosion due to protective covers of cold-based ice (Sugden, 1968) and preserveuda wide range of pre-glacial and non-glacial landforms and regolith. This assemblageudis typical for many formerly glaciated upland and mountain areas around the world.udThe cliffs that sharply demarcate the edges of glacial valleys and corries allow theudmain pre-glacial landforms to be easily identified. The former shape of pre-glacialudvalleys and valley heads can then be reconstructed by extrapolation of contours toudprovide a model of the pre-glacial relief of the Cairngorms (Thomas et al., 2004).udThis relief model (Figure 3) provides a basis for understanding the development ofudthe landscape over timescales of many millions of years, including the role ofudgeology, weathering, fluvial erosion and, lately, glacial erosion in shaping the relief.
机译:苏格兰东北部的凯恩戈姆地块(图1)是花岗岩形成的冰川前 udupland景观的绝佳示例。山区的冰川侵蚀主要局限于山谷和岩心(Rea,1998年),因此也起到了割裂已经存在的山地的作用(图2)。由于保护性的冷基冰覆盖(Sugden,1968),地块的中间地区受到的冰川消蚀可忽略不计,并保留了大范围的冰川前和非冰川地貌及重生石块。这种组合是世界上许多以前冰川化的山地和山区的典型特征。 ud陡峭地划定冰川山谷和岩心边缘的悬崖使 udmain前冰川地貌易于识别。然后可以通过等高线外推来重建前冰川谷和谷头的形状,以提供凯恩戈姆斯冰川前浮雕的模型(Thomas等,2004)。 ud这种浮雕模型(图3) )为了解数百万年时间尺度上景观的发展提供了基础,包括景观学,风化作用,河流侵蚀以及最近的冰川侵蚀在形成浮雕方面的作用。



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