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Exploring risk factors of non-adherence to immunosuppressive medication in kidney transplant recipients : improving methodology reorienting research goals




8.1. Background and aim of the research programudNon-adherence to the immunosuppressive therapy is an important issue in kidneyudtransplant patients. About 20% of the kidney transplant patients are non-adherent toudthe immunosuppressive regimen. Non-adherence contributes to 20% of late acuteudrejection episodes and 16% of the graft losses, and results in a decreased number ofudquality adjusted life years. A strategy to increase long-term successful outcome afterudtransplantation is to identify patients at risk for non-adherence and to target them forudpreventive and adherence enhancing interventions. Comprehensive research on riskudfactors of non-adherence addressing socio-economic, patient-, condition-, therapy-,udand health care system/worker-related factors is lacking. Especially health care-relatedudrisk factors are understudied. Moreover, existing studies are hampered by a number ofudmethodological shortcomings. An important shortcoming is that accurate measurementudmethods for detecting non-adherence, such as electronic monitoring (EM) are rarelyudadopted. EM, currently the most sensitive adherence assessment method, usesudmicrochip technology to register date and time of openings of a pill bottle. AlthoughudEM’s superior sensitivity to detect non-adherence makes it a potential gold standard ofudadherence assessment, the lack of thorough validation as well as the lack of use ofudappropriate statistical methods for multivariable and/or longitudinal data analysis of EMuddata, hinder progress in the field.udThe main purpose of this research program was to determine prevalence and riskudfactors of non-adherence to immunosuppressive medication in kidney transplantudpatients. As an additional purpose, we aimed to improve the validity of EMudmeasurement by mapping assumptions underlying correct EM measurement. Weudtested these assumptions on adherence data of kidney transplant patients.ud8.2. Methodsud8.2.1. Prevalence and risk factors of non-adherenceudTo study prevalence and risk factors of non-adherence to immunosuppressives, weudconducted a prospective study, in which we measured adherence by EM over a 3-udmonth period in 250 adult renal transplant patients sampled from two outpatientudtransplant centers in Switzerland. We calculated period prevalences of adherence andudexpressed them as the percentage of prescribed doses taken (taking adherence), theudpercentage of days with correct dosing (dosing adherence), the percentage of interdoseudintervals not exceeding 25% of the prescribed interval (timing adherence), andudthe number of drug holidays per 100 days (>48h no intake if once; >24h if twice dailyudintake).udSelected risk factors were socio-economic, therapy related (e.g. number ofudtransplantations, use of medication aids, symptom occurrence and distress), patientudrelated (e.g. self-efficacy, health beliefs, coping styles, busyness, health behaviors),udcondition related (e.g. depression, substance use), and health care system/teamudrelated (e.g. regularity of follow up). Testing of the risk factors occurred by simpleudmixed logistic regression analysis, using a sequence of daily binary adherence data.udFactors significant after correction for multiple testing were entered into a multipleudmixed logistic regression model.ududBecause the EM-study was not designed to extensively investigate health care systemudor health care team-related factors, we performed an additional meta-analysis to lookudwhether non-adherence prevalences differed between continents/countries. This metaanalysisudon individual patient data pooled data from three studies in adult kidneyudtransplant patients from the US (n=1563), the Netherlands (n=85), Belgium (n=187)udand Switzerland (n=342). Adherence was measured by the Siegal scale, a self-reportudinstrument for measuring non-adherence to immunosuppressives. Patients wereudcategorized as non-adherent if they reported to have missed a dose ofudimmunosuppression in the last 4 weeks. Data were analysed using multiple mixedudlogistic regression with center as a random effect and continent/country as fixedudeffects, while controlling for several demographical and clinical characteristics of theudincluded samples.ud8.2.2. Validation of EM assessmentudTo study the validity of the EM measurement, we summarized existing evidence onudprocesses that may bias non-adherence assessment. Unbiased EM assessment requiresudfulfillment of four validity assumptions, being (1) correctly functioning EM equipment,ud(2) correspondence of EM-bottle openings to the actual intake of the prescribed dose,ud(3) absence of influence of EM on a patient’s normal adherence behavior, and (4)udsample representativeness.udWe examined these four validity assumptions using the above mentioned sample ofud250 kidney transplant patients whose adherence was measured by EM. Moreudspecifically, we (1) determined the prevalence of non-functioning EM systems, (2)udexamined the impact of patient-reported discrepancies between cap openings andudactual drug intakes on period prevalence, (3) explored whether non-adherenceudincreased over time after patients started EM, and (4) screened for differencesudbetween participating patients and patients who refused to participate or who droppedudout of the study.ud8.3. ResultsudMean taking, dosing, timing adherence and drug holidays per 100 days were 98%,ud96%, 93%, and 1.1 days, respectively. Variables associated with EM measured nonadherenceudwere: higher self-reported non-adherence (OR= 3.08; 95%CI: 1.69-5.61),udno usage of a pillbox (OR= 0.31; 95%CI: 0.16-0.61), male gender (OR= 0.46; 95%CI:ud0.26-0.81), and lower self-efficacy (OR= 0.49; 95%CI: 0.22-1.07). Furthermore, audgradually declining adherence could be observed between Monday and Sunday (OR=ud1.04; 95%CI: 1.02-1.07).udThe results of the meta-analysis examining self-reported non-adherence differencesudbetween continents/countries showed that the prevalence of non-adherence toudimmunosuppressives in the U.S. and Europe was 19.3% and 13.2.%, respectively Theudhigher prevalence of non-adherence in US patients was confirmed in the multipleudlogistic regression analysis (OR=1.78; 95%CI: 1.10-2.89). Moreover, non-adherenceuddiffered between Belgium (16%) and the Netherlands (14.1%) (OR=0.27; 95% CI:ud0.09-0.80) and between Belgium and Switzerland (11.4%) (OR=0.17; 95% CI: 0.0-ud0.42).udThe validation study of EM showed that not all assumptions underlying EMudmeasurement were fulfilled: (1) one cap malfunctioned, (2) mismatches between bottleududopenings and actual drug intake occurred in 62% of the patients (n=155), and (3)udnon-adherence increased during the initial period of the monitoring, primarily duringudthe first 5 weeks, indicating EM had an intervention effect. The bias caused by this 5-udweek intervention effect was minimal. The effect of mismatches between bottleudopenings and actual drug intake on the measured adherence prevalence was larger,udbut could be minimized by correcting the downloaded EM data using patient selfreportsud(i.e., self-reported adherence to the EM guidelines and notes made by theudpatient to correct mismatches between openings and ingestions).ud8.4. ConclusionsudThis study program aimed to study risk factors of non-adherence in kidney transplantudpatients. Its contribution to the literature lies in the fact that a comprehensive numberudof non-adherence risk factors, including the currently neglected health care systemudfactors, have been explored, and in the fact that improvements of the methodologicaludapproach for adherence studies have been proposed.udThe profile of risk factor appearing in the final results suggest that forgetfulness was audmajor driver of non-adherence. Moreover, system factors might also have an impact onudindividual adherence behavior, as suggested by the found differences in prevalence ofudnon-adherence between European and US patients and among European patients.udThese findings may change the focus of adherence research in the transplantudpopulation.udMethodological improvements put forward throughout this study program primarilyudconcern the measurement of adherence behavior using EM. Novel statistical techniquesudare proposed that allow multivariate analysis of EM data and inclusion of time-varyingudvariables into the statistical regression models. Besides, we showed that, althoughudassumptions underlying valid EM measurement may be violated, bias can to a certainudextent be prevented by correcting incorrect data or omitting them from the analysis.
机译:8.1。研究计划的背景和目标不遵守免疫抑制疗法是肾移植患者的重要问题。约20%的肾脏移植患者不遵守免疫抑制方案。不坚持会导致20%的晚期急性/排异反应发作和16%的移植物丢失,并导致减少的 udquality调整生命年数量。一种增加 ud移植后长期成功结果的策略是确定有不依从风险的患者,并针对他们进行 u预防和依从性增强干预。缺乏对不依从的风险/无素因素的综合研究,以解决社会经济,患者,病情,治疗,和医疗保健系统/工人相关因素。尤其是与保健有关的危险因素未被充分研究。此外,现有的研究由于许多方法论缺陷而受阻。一个重要的缺点是很少/不赞成采用精确的测量检测方法来检测不粘连,例如电子监控(EM)。 EM是目前最敏感的依从性评估方法,它使用 udmicrochip技术记录药丸瓶开封的日期和时间。尽管 udEM对非依从性的检测具有很高的灵敏度使其成为 daherherence评估的潜在金标准,但缺乏透彻的验证以及对EM uddata的多变量和/或纵向数据分析没有使用 udapropriate统计方法这项研究计划的主要目的是确定肾移植患者中不遵守免疫抑制药物的患病率和危险因素。另一个目的是,我们旨在通过映射正确的EM测量基础上的假设来提高EM udmeasure的有效性。我们在肾移植患者的依从性数据中检验了这些假设。 ud8.2。方法 ud8.2.1。不依从的患病率和危险因素 ud为了研究不依从免疫抑制剂的患病率和危险因素,我们进行了一项前瞻性研究,其中我们对250名成年肾移植患者的3个月/月内的EM依从性进行了测量。来自瑞士的两个门诊/非移植中心。我们计算了依从性的患病率,并将它们除以指定剂量(接受依从性)的百分比,正确剂量的天数(服药依从性),服药间隔未服从间隔的25%(和/ ud每100天的放假天数(如果一次不摄入,则> 48h;如果每天两次 udintake,则> 24h)。 ud所选的危险因素与社会经济,治疗相关(例如,移植,使用药物辅助,症状发生和困扰),患者不相关(例如自我效能,健康信念,应对方式,忙碌,健康行为),不舒服状态相关(例如抑郁,药物使​​用)和医疗系统/团队不满意(例如定期随访)。通过使用每日二进制依从性数据序列,通过简单的混合逻辑回归分析对风险因素进行测试。 ud对多项测试进行校正后的重要因素被输入到多元混合逻辑回归模型中。 ud ud因为进行了EM研究并非旨在广泛调查医疗保健系统或与医疗保健团队相关的因素,因此我们进行了另一项荟萃分析,以了解 /各洲/国家之间的非依从性患病率是否有所不同。该荟萃分析乌冬面个人患者数据汇总了来自美国(n = 1563),荷兰(n = 85),比利时(n = 187) udand瑞士(n = 342)的成年肾脏 udud移植患者的三项研究的数据。通过Siegal量表来测量粘附性,Siegal量表是一种用于检测对免疫抑制剂的非粘附性的自我报告仪器。如果患者报告在过去4周内未错过免疫抑制剂量,则被分类为非依从性。使用多重混合/对数回归分析,以中心为随机效应,以大陆/国家为固定/非效应对数据进行分析,同时控制了包括样本在内的几个人口统计学和临床​​特征。 EM评估的有效性 ud为了研究EM度量的有效性,我们总结了关于 udprocess的现有证据,这些过程可能会使非依从性评估产生偏差。公正的EM评估需要满足四个有效性假设,即(1)EM设备正常运行, ud(2)EM瓶口与处方剂量的实际摄入量相对应, ud(3)不受EM影响(4) udsample的代表性。 ud我们使用上述提到的 ud250肾移植患者(通过EM进行测量)的样本,检验了这四个有效性假设。更具体地说,我们(1)确定了无法运行的EM系统的普遍性,(2) udexamine了患者报告的瓶盖开度和实际摄入药物之间的差异对月经期患病率的影响,(3)探讨了患者开始EM后是否不依从 uder随时间增加,(4)筛选差异参与患者与拒绝参与或退出研究的患者之间。 ud8.3。结果 ud每100天平均服用,给药,定时依从性和药物假期分别为98%, ud96%,93%和1.1天。与EM测得的不依从性相关的变量 udre:较高的自我报告的不依从性(OR = 3.08; 95%CI:1.69-5.61), udno使用药盒(OR = 0.31; 95%CI:0.16-0.61),男性(OR = 0.46; 95%CI: ud0.26-0.81)和较低的自我效能感(OR = 0.49; 95%CI:0.22-1.07)。此外,在周一至周日之间观察到 on遵从性逐渐下降(OR = ud1.04; 95%CI:1.02-1.07)。 ud荟萃分析检查了各大洲之间自我报告的非遵从性差异的结果/国家表明,在美国和欧洲,非依从性免疫抑制剂的患病率分别为19.3%和13.2%。在多元对数回归分析中,美国患者的非依从性感染率较高(OR = 1.78; 95%CI:1.10-2.89)。此外,比利时(16%)和荷兰(14.1%)(OR = 0.27; 95%CI: ud0.09-0.80)和比利时与瑞士(11.4%)(OR = 0.17; 95%CI:0.0- ud0.42)。 ud对EM的验证研究表明,并非所有满足EM udmeasure的假设都得到满足:(1)一个瓶盖出现故障,(2)瓶 ud udopens与实际药物之间不匹配在62%的患者中(n = 155)发生摄入,并且(3)在监测的最初阶段,主要是在开始的前5周,粘附强度增加,这表明EM具有干预作用。由这种5- udweek干预作用引起的偏差很小。瓶开孔与实际药物摄​​入量之间的不匹配对测得的依从患病率的影响更大,但可以通过使用患者自我报告 ud(即根据自我报告遵循的EM指南和说明自我报告的依从性)更正下载的EM数据来将其最小化。 ud8.4纠正开口和摄入之间的不匹配。 ud8.4。结论此研究程序旨在研究肾移植患者未坚持治疗的危险因素。它对文献的贡献在于,已经探索了包括当前被忽视的卫生保健系统在内的大量非依从性危险因素,并且对依从性研究的方法/依从性有了改进。 ud最终结果中出现的危险因素特征表明,健忘是不坚持的主要驱动力。此外,如欧洲和美国患者之间以及欧洲患者之间发现的 udnon-坚持的患病率差异所表明的那样,系统因素也可能对个人坚持行为产生影响。 ud这些发现可能会改变坚持研究的重点。移植人口过大。 ud在整个研究程序中提出的方法上的改进主要关于使用EM来衡量依从性行为。提出了一种新颖的统计技术,该技术允许对EM数据进行多变量分析,并将时变 udvariables纳入统计回归模型。此外,我们表明,尽管可能违反了有效的EM测量基础上的假设,但可以通过更正错误的数据或将其从分析中省略来防止偏向特定的/不确定性。


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    Denhaerynck Kris;

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