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Land use change, landslide occurrence and livelihood strategies on Mount Elgon Slopes, Eastern Uganda




An investigation of the relationship between the physical, pedological and anthropogenic influences on landslide occurrence on the midslopes within and outside Mt Elgon National Park was carried out. One of the landslides occurred in a protected pristine forest environment within the Park while the other two were located at sites deforested for cultivation within and outside the National Park. Field based surveys, GIS techniques and laboratory tests were used to collect and analyze the data. A household survey was undertaken to establish the main community livelihood strategies, the drivers of land use change and implications for land degradation on the mid slopes of Mt Elgon. Aerial photographs taken in 1960 and orthophoto maps formed the benchmark for the analysis of the respective land use changes between 1995 and 2006, using 30m Landsat TM and 20m SPOT MS images in IDRISI Andes GIS environment. Landslide sites were mapped using a Magellan Professional MobileMapperTMCX and terrain parameters were derived using a 15M Digital Elevation Model. A hybrid supervised/unsupervised classification approach was employed to generate land cover maps from which the areal extent of three land cover classes (agricultural fields, woodlands and forests) was calculated. Particle size distribution and atterberg limits were used to test the hypothesis that soils at the landslide sites are inherently ‘problem soils’ where slope failure can occur even without human intervention. Shear strength parameters (internal of friction and cohesion) were used calculate the slope factor of safety to ascertain slope stability at pristine and disturbed landslide sites. Results from the socio-economic survey revealed that smallholder subsistence agriculture and encroachment on the National Park resources are the main sources of livelihoods for the communities surrounding the Park. The communities also have a strong socio-cultural attachment to the National Park, as it is the source of items used during traditional rituals like circumcision. Encroachment is driven by the high population pressure and the prevalent political climate. Farmers mainly use slash and burn technique to prepare land for cultivation and those close to the National Park are reluctant to adopt appropriate farming and soil conservation practices due to the uncertainties surrounding their future on such plots. Slash and burn iii techniques were observed to accelerate various forms of erosion including rills, gullies and sheet. Soil and water conservation techniques were mainly practiced on privately owned farms. The period 1960 and 1995 was characterized by minimal land use changes and no encroachment into the designated Mount Elgon National Park. Conversely, the period 1995 – 2006 marked a significant loss of woodlands and forest cover particularly on steep concave slopes (36º – 58º) within the National Park. The land use change trends were attributed to the prevalent land politics and exponential population growth in the region. The encroachment onto the critical slopes was noted to have induced a series of shallow and deep landslides in the area. Deforestation on Mt Elgon was reported to have both onsite and offsite climate variability and implications in the form of drought, heat waves, flash floods, economic dislocation, crop failure and associated malnutrition in surrounding low lying areas. The soils on pristine and disturbed slopes contain high amount of clay (>10 percent), are fine textured (>50 percent of the material passing the 0.075mm sieve) and highly plastic. These soil attributes imply low permeability, excessive water retention and high susceptibility to expansion and sliding. The vertic nature of soils at Nametsi was confirmed by the extremely high plasticity indices (averaging 33percent), while, high liquid limits at Buwabwala (53 percent) and Kitati (59 percent) qualified the soils as vertisols which are associated with landslides. The results point to the fact that soils at landslide sites are inherently ‘problem soils’ where slope failure can occur even without human intervention. Therefore, the hypothesis that soils at three landslide sites are inherently ‘problem soils’ where slope failure can occur even without human intervention is accepted. Notwithstanding the fact that the study was focussed on mid-altitude slopes of Mt Elgon, the results are in tandem with investigations carried out earlier on the lower densely populated slopes, thus confirming the widespread nature of problem soils on Mt Elgon. There is an urgent need to control human population growth and restore forest cover on the heavily deforested steep slopes particularly within the National Park, and restrain communities from encroaching on the pristine slopes of Mt Elgon. This will be achieved if the politicians, Park Authorities and local communities jointly participate in the design and implementation of CFMs. Future research could focus on climate change implications of deforestation of Mt Elgon environments and quantification of carbon loss related to deforestation and soil degradation in the mountain environments.
机译:对埃尔贡山国家公园内外中坡滑坡发生的物理,人为和人为影响之间的关系进行了调查。其中一个滑坡发生在公园内受保护的原始森林环境中,而另外两个则位于国家公园内外的森林砍伐地区。基于现场的调查,GIS技术和实验室测试用于收集和分析数据。进行了一次家庭调查,以确定主要的社区生计策略,土地用途变化的驱动因素以及埃尔贡山中坡土地退化的影响。 1960年拍摄的航拍照片和正射影像图成为分析IDRISI Andes GIS环境中的3000万个Landsat TM和20m个SPOT MS图像的基准,分别用于分析1995年至2006年之间的土地利用变化。使用Magellan Professional MobileMapperTMCX绘制了滑坡地点,并使用15M数字高程模型得出了地形参数。采用混合有监督/无监督分类方法来生成土地覆盖图,从中计算出三种土地覆盖类别(农业领域,林地和森林)的面积范围。粒径分布和atterberg极限用于检验以下假设:滑坡部位的土壤本来就是“问题土”,即使没有人为干预也可能发生边坡破坏。使用抗剪强度参数(摩擦和内聚力的内部参数)计算安全性的坡度因子,以确定原始坡度和扰动滑坡部位的坡度稳定性。社会经济调查的结果表明,小农自给农业和对国家公园资源的侵犯是公园周边社区生计的主要来源。社区对国家公园也有很强的社会文化依恋,因为它是包皮环切术等传统仪式中使用的物品的来源。人口压力和普遍的政治气氛推动了这种侵犯。农民主要使用刀耕火种的技术来准备耕地,而靠近国家公园的农民由于周围耕地的不确定性,不愿采取适当的耕作和水土保持措施。观察到采用刀耕火种的技术可加速各种形式的侵蚀,包括小溪,沟壑和薄板。水土保持技术主要在私有农场上实行。 1960年和1995年这段时期的特点是土地用途的变化很小,并且没有侵占指定的埃尔贡山国家公园。相反,1995年至2006年期间,尤其是在国家公园内的陡峭凹面坡度(36º至58º)上,林地和森林覆盖率显着减少。土地使用变化趋势归因于该地区普遍的土地政治和人口指数增长。据指出,侵蚀临界坡度已在该地区诱发了一系列浅层和深层滑坡。据报道,埃尔贡山的森林砍伐具有现场和异地气候变化性,并以干旱,热浪,山洪,经济错位,农作物歉收和周围低洼地区相关的营养不良的形式出现。原始坡度和受干扰坡度上的土壤含有大量的粘土(> 10%),质地细密(> 0.075mm筛子的材料> 50%)和高塑性。这些土壤属性意味着渗透率低,保水能力强以及对膨胀和滑动的敏感性高。极高的可塑性指数(平均为33%)证实了Nametsi的土壤的垂直性质,而Buwabwala(53%)和Kitati(59%)的高液位使土壤成为与滑坡有关的松散质。结果表明,滑坡部位的土壤本来就是“问题土壤”,即使没有人为干预也可能发生边坡破坏。因此,三个滑坡点的土壤天生就是“问题土壤”的假设,即使没有人为干预也可能发生边坡破坏。尽管该研究集中在Mt Elgon的中海拔斜坡上,但结果与早先对较低人口稠密的斜坡进行的调查相吻合,从而证实了Elggon上有问题的土壤的普遍性质。迫切需要控制人口增长,并在森林严重砍伐的陡坡上恢复森林覆盖,特别是在国家公园内,并限制社区侵占Elgon原始坡。如果政客们能够做到这一点,公园管理局和当地社区共同参与CFM的设计和实施。未来的研究可能集中在艾尔贡山(Mt Elgon)环境的毁林对气候变化的影响以及与山区环境中的毁林和土壤退化有关的碳损失的量化。


  • 作者

    Mugagga Frank;

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  • 年度 2011
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  • 正文语种 English
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