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Вербальне вираження концепту globalisation в мас-медійному дискурсіud(Verbal expression of concept globalisation in mass media discourse)

机译:大众传媒话语中全球化概念的口头表达 ud(大众传媒话语中概念全球化的口头表达)


У статті розглянуто вербальні засоби представлення концепту GLOBALISATION в дискурсі мас-медіа. На основі даних кількісного та квантативного аналізу вживання слів супровідників до імені концепту сконструйовано домени профілювання досліджуваного концепту. Обґрунтовано найбільш актуальні домени (сфери) вираження концепту GLOBALISATION. ud(The article presents the results of research within the cognitive school of modern linguistics. Verbal means of representation of concept GLOBALISATION in mass media discourse are considered. The research is based on the works of such famous linguists as M. Johnson, G. Lakoff, L. Talmy. Mass media discourse, from which the material was selected, is represented by articles of periodical newspapers and magazines (The Scotsman, The Observer, Yale Global, The Globalist). The domains of concept profiling are constructed on the basis of qualitative and quantitative (statistic) analysis that includes χ2 -test. Linguisticudcollocations are believed to be the main source of concept representation. Acknowledging it, the emphasis is put on researching the compatibility of lexemes «global» and «globalization» which are main representatives of the concept GLOBALISATION.udAll words that observed in the same sentence with words mentioned above are classified into lexico-sematic classes according to their semantic meaning. The results reveal the importance of several classes of nouns («processes / development», «thinking / categories of thinking», «profession / post», «territory / country / government) and adjectives («functional qualities», «positive attitude», «negative attitude»). The usage of χ2 -test enabled us to distinguish more essential lexico-semanticudclasses (parcels), which have more significance for understanding the concept under consideration. Accordingly, parcels are arranged into domains that represent the spheres of concept realization. They are as follows: «processes / development», «politics», «vital functions of living things», «the dimension of globalization», «culture / science», «communication / society».udThe quantitative analysis of data reveals a wide range of topics covered in mass media discourse, which main aim is toudinfluence the readers and form a certain attitude towards events, things and phenomena. Therefore, the domain «politics» was one of the biggest in the discourse. Thus, quantitative analysis enabled more specific consideration of linguistic data. Further research can deal with concept profiling in other types of discourse.)
机译:本文考虑了在大众媒体话语中提出全球化概念的语言手段。基于对同伴的词语使用的名称进行定量和定量分析的数据,构建了所研究概念的概要分析领域。证实了GLOBALIZATION概念表达的最相关领域(领域)。 ud(本文介绍了现代语言学认知学派的研究结果。考虑了在大众传媒话语中以全球化方式表达概念全球化的手段。该研究基于M. Johnson,G.等著名语言学家的著作。 Lakoff,L.Talmy,从中选择材料的大众媒体话语以期刊报纸和杂志的文章(《苏格兰人》,《观察家》,《耶鲁全球》,《全球主义者》)为代表。概念分析的领域是在此基础上构建的定性和定量(统计)分析(包括χ2检验),语言 udcollocations被认为是概念表示的主要来源,认识到这一点,重点在于研究词素“全局”和“全球化”的兼容性。 ud在同一句子中观察到的所有带有上述词的词都被归类为词汇-语义类Accordin g为其语义含义。结果揭示了几种类别的名词(“过程/发展”,“思维/思维类别”,“专业/职位”,“领土/国家/政府”)和形容词“功能功能”,“积极态度”的重要性。 , “持否定态度”)。 χ2检验的使用使我们能够区分更重要的词汇语义 udclass(包裹),这对于理解所考虑的概念具有更大的意义。因此,地块被安排到代表概念实现领域的领域中。它们是:“过程/发展”,“政治”,“生物的重要功能”,“全球化的维度”,“文化/科学”,“传播/社会”。 Ud对数据的定量分析揭示了一个大众传媒话语涵盖了广泛的主题,其主要目的是影响读者,并对事件,事物和现象形成一定的态度。因此,“政治”领域是本篇文章中最大的领域之一。因此,定量分析可以更具体地考虑语言数据。进一步的研究可以处理其他类型话语中的概念描述。)



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