首页> 外文OA文献 >A simple photograph-based approach for discriminating between free-ranging long-finned (\u3ci\u3eGlobicephala melas\u3c/i\u3e) and short-finned (\u3ci\u3eG. macrorhynchus\u3c/i\u3e) pilot whales off the east coast of the United States

A simple photograph-based approach for discriminating between free-ranging long-finned (\u3ci\u3eGlobicephala melas\u3c/i\u3e) and short-finned (\u3ci\u3eG. macrorhynchus\u3c/i\u3e) pilot whales off the east coast of the United States

机译:一种简单的基于照片的方法,用于区分自由放养的长翅膀(u ci \ G G G G G / / / / / /))))))))))))))))))))))pilot pilot pilot pilot pilot pilot pilot pilot pilot pilot pilot pilot pilot pilot pilot pilot pilot pilot pilot pilot pilot pilot pilot美国东海岸



Line transect based abundance estimation is complicated for long-finned (LFPW, Globicephala melas) and short-finned (SFPW, G. macrorhynchus) pilot whales because of their similarity in appearance and their overlapping summertime range in some areas.We developed a photograph-based approach to distinguish between species of free-ranging pilot whales in the northwest Atlantic.We collected skin samples and photographs during the summers of 2004–2007 and used skin samples to distinguish species based on mitochondrial DNA. Relative morphometric measurements from photographs were examined using mixed-effect models and logistic regression. The best model among 94 candidate models had an overall classification error rate of 2.5%. We tested the presence/absence of pigmentation in four regions of the dorsal body (melon, eye, cape, and saddle) for differences. Pigmentation was present in all four regions in 100% of the SFPWs sampled. Melon patch, blaze, and saddle patch pigmentation were present in 6%, 68%, and 50%, respectively, of the LFPWs, but the cape was completely absent. Both types of analyses provided positive species discrimination of free-ranging animals.We created a cost-effective, simple tool which could ultimately assist in providing appropriate management, mitigation, and conservation strategies for both northwest Atlantic species of pilot whales.
机译:对于长鳍(LFPW,Globicephala melas)和短鳍(SFPW,G. macrorhynchus)领航鲸,由于基于线样线的丰度估计很复杂,因为它们的外观相似且在某些地区具有重叠的夏季范围。我们在2004年至2007年夏季收集了皮肤样本和照片,并使用皮肤样本根据线粒体DNA来区分物种。使用混合效果模型和逻辑回归检查了来自照片的相对形态测量结果。在94个候选模型中,最佳模型的总体分类错误率为2.5%。我们测试了背侧身体的四个区域(瓜,眼,斗篷和鞍形)是否存在色素沉着差异。 100%采样的SFPW中的所有四个区域均存在色素沉着。 LFPW分别有6%,68%和50%存在瓜子斑块,火焰和马鞍形斑块色素沉着,但斗篷完全不存在。两种分析都为放养动物提供了积极的物种歧视。我们创建了一种经济高效的简单工具,最终可以为西北大西洋两种鲸鱼提供适当的管理,缓解和保护策略。



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