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Object oriented design of a thermo-mechanical FEM code




An object oriented design is presented for a computer program that can performudthermo-mechanically coupled analyzes. The target of the design is a udexible and robustudcomputer program. It should be easy to adapt and extend, re-using existing code, withoutudinterfering with already established algorithms.udThe program uses publicly available toolkits that are currently emerging as C++ pack-udages. First of all the Standard C++ Library (formerly Standard Template Library) isudused for packing items in container classes. Secondly the matrix and vector operationsudare derived from the Template Numerical Toolkit (TNT) and �nally (not essentially forudthe numerical part) a graphical user interface is made, based on the wxWindows package,udthat can generate a GUI for Motif and MS-Windows with the same code.udAttention is given to the design of classes such as speci�c elements and material classesudbased on more general classes. A hierarchy of classes is constructed where general behaviorudis put high in the hierarchy and speci�c behavior low. The choice between inheritance andudaggregation is made at several levels.
机译:提出了一种针对对象程序的设计,该程序可以执行热机械耦合分析。设计的目标是一个 udexible和鲁棒的 udcomputer程序。它应该很容易适应和扩展,重新使用现有代码,而不会 ud干扰已经建立的算法。首先,使用标准C ++库(以前称为标准模板库)包装容器类中的项目。其次,从模板数值工具包(TNT)派生矩阵和向量运算,然后(基于数字部分)(基本上不是数字部分)基于wxWindows软件包制作一个图形用户界面,它可以为Motif生成GUI ud注意基于更通用类的类的设计,例如特定元素和材料类 ud。构造类的层次结构,其中一般行为 udis置于层次结构中,而特定行为则处于较低位置。继承和聚合之间的选择是在多个级别上进行的。



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