首页> 外文OA文献 >Practice and Outcomes of a Case Study of Kindergarten Practice Teaching:Group Study as an Active Learning Method

Practice and Outcomes of a Case Study of Kindergarten Practice Teaching:Group Study as an Active Learning Method



本研究は,幼児理解のための事例検討を中心とした幼稚園教育実習事後指導とその成果について検討することを目的に,アクティブ・ラーニングの手法によるグループ学習の実践を行った。幼稚園実習後,各自の事例をグループ毎に検討した結果,グループ内の構成員の実際的なねらいや援助方法等の視点が加味されることによって,事例に対する考察が広がりを見せた。グループ学習ならびにポスター発表による成果発表を通して,幼児理解・保育理解が相互に高め合えることが明らかとなった。                  In order to create an active learning environment and assess the procedures and outcome of practice teaching in kindergarten, each student teacher’s case study report was used as a group discussion topic. By sharing their various opinions on their understanding of children, student teachers came to a better understand of how to treat children in the classroom. As a result of the group discussions, the degree of each student’s understanding of children became wider and deeper because other group members were able to add their opinions on the children’s emotional state and on ways to treat the children, depending upon the situation. At the end of the course, each group prepared a poster presentation that summarized their case studies and clarified that students’ understanding of the children and their ability to nurture improved as a result of their mutual cooperation through group study.



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