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Interpreting adult distance education students' learning practices from a Melanesian sociocultural perspective :a case study from the University of Papua New Guinea Open College




This thesis explores the pedagogical practices of distance education in Papua New Guinea (PNG)udinvolving adult students as they interact with print media mode of communication. My researchudwas motivated after identification of a gap in the literature with regard to enhanced insight intoudthe adult distance learners in the PNG context.udMy research focus incorporates PNG's unique indigenous cultural practices, forms of socialudorganisation, knowledge and ways in which these 'ways of being' frame the uses of distanceudlearning resources. The research aims to use a concept of 'pedagogic structures' as a way ofudinterrogating these forms of social organisation and social position [re]construction.udCollaboration and interaction as pedagogic themes resonates throughout the research.udMy research design voice takes an interpretive approach, through observation and informed byudethnographic research techniques. Fifteen students (3 females and 12 males), from three studyudcentres and four lecturers, two tutor/mentors and four instructional designers participated withudthe researcher as participant observer.udQualitative analysis of data used a heuristic approach to code and categorise emerging themesudfrom interviews, observations, and questionnaire responses. Distance learning resources andudstudents' records were also examined.udThe intersecting concepts of ososom and osisini are introduced as orientations of learning in auddistance education pedagogy.udMy research is theoretically guided by the ideas of Bernstein, Bourdieu and Moore, opening newudavenues for analysing and shedding light on distance pedagogical practices on the premise thatudpedagogic practices are socially and culturally situated.udMy main research findings reveal that while the transmitter prescribes certain pedagogicudprinciples, the adult distance learners go beyond these prescribed types of interaction to acquireudknowledge. Students draw from their invisible social capital and pedagogic practices of tribaludand communal forms of organisation to manage learning in their invisible world.udThis research points to the prioritisation for the enhancement of more meaningful collaborativeudand communal ways of distance education pedagogic transactions in PNG.
机译:本文探讨了巴布亚新几内亚(PNG)远程教育的教学实践,其中包括成年学生与印刷媒体交流方式的互动。我的研究是在查明文献方面的空白之后,以加强对PNG背景下的成人远程学习者的了解。 ud我的研究重点是结合PNG独特的本土文化习惯,社会组织形式,知识和方式。这些“存在方式”构成了距离学习资源的使用。该研究旨在使用“教学结构”的概念来质疑这种形式的社会组织和社会地位[重构]。 ud随着教学主题在整个研究中引起共鸣和协作。解释方法,通过观察并借助民族志研究技术提供信息。来自三个研究中心和四位讲师,两名导师/导师和四位教学设计师的十五名学生(3位女性和12位男性)以 uded研究人员作为参与者观察者参加。 ud对数据的定性分析使用启发式方法对新兴事物进行编码和分类访谈,观察和问卷答复的主题 ud。远程教育资源和 、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、它该书的学习是由伯恩斯坦,布迪厄和摩尔的思想理论指导的。在 udpedagogic做法在社会和文化上都存在的前提下,用于分析和摆脱远程教学方法的新的 udavenue。 ud我的主要研究发现表明,尽管发射机规定了某些教学 udp原则,但成人远程学习者却超出了这些规定的类型获得 udknowledge的互动。学生利用他们的无形的社会资本和部落 udand社区形式的教学实践来管理他们在看不见的世界中的学习。 ud这项研究指出了优先发展在远程教育教学事务中更有意义的协作 udand communal方式的重要性。 PNG。



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