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The INGVterremoti blog: a new communication tool to improve earthquake information during the Po Plain seismic sequence




The INGV sites that deliver information in quasi-realtime are well known. People often connect to the INGV home page (www.ingv.it), to the Centro Nazionale Terremoti (National Earthquake Centre) page (http://cnt.rm.ingv.it) and to the Italian Seismic Instrumental and Parametric(ISIDe) database (http://iside.rm.ingv.it) to obtain information about recent earthquakes. Moreover, people look for more specific and detailed information on the historicalearthquake catalog (http://cpti11.mi.ingv.it), the seismic hazard web pages (http://zonesismiche.mi.ingv.it), the INGVterremoti YouTube channel (http://youtube.com/ingvterremoti), the web-based macroseismic survey (http:// www.haisentitoilterremoto.it/) and others. For all of these sites, some of which are reached by hundreds of thousands,or even millions people in cases of strong earthquakes, people can find a lot of specific information on individual earthquakes, on the seismic history, and so on. However, a placewhere people could find updates and explanations on the ongoing activity was not available. When the Po Plain seismic sequence started on May 20, 2012, through the enormousnumber of hits on the website of the INGV, to the many phone calls, emails and tweets, we soon realized that the request for information was huge. There were 0.61 and 0.93 million visits and 12 million and 26 million accesses on May 20 and 29, 2012, respectively. This was not a surprise, ofcourse, because also during the L'Aquila 2009 sequence there was a similar situation. Indeed, in the months after the April 6, 2009, event, also through the installation of the CentroOperativo Emergenza Sismica (Seismic Emergency Operational Centre) in L'Aquila [Moretti et al. 2011], we understood that the request from the public and local authorities for complete and authoritative information was higher than had been previously thought. In particular, in the 2009 emergency, and even more so in the 2012 emergency, as well as classical information on web sites, many people looked for information and updates on social network sites. For this reason, between 2009 and 2011, the INGV started to test different social media, such as YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and developed an application for the iPhone, to release earthquake information. Social media have proven to be very important for information sharing during crises [Earle et al.2011, Bruns et al. 2012].For all of these media, we observed relevant increases in the number of views and downloads corresponding to the important seismic events, when the attention was high [Amato et al. 2012, Nostro et al. 2012]. For this reason, in the days after the May 20, 2012, mainshock, we decided to open a new blog to provide quick updates and in-depth scientific information, such as articles on the ongoing seismic activity.Providing timely information is particularly important when seismic sequences last for several weeks and are characterized by several M >5 events, as was the case of the Po Plainearthquakes.At the same time, we worked to provide fast, but scientifically sound, information, which was constantly updated and distributed throughout the territory, also to counter the bad information, and to fight rumors.
机译:准实时传送信息的INGV网站是众所周知的。人们经常连接到INGV主页(www.ingv.it),国家地震中心(Centro Nazionale Terremoti)(http://cnt.rm.ingv.it)以及意大利地震仪器和参数(ISIDe) )数据库(http://iside.rm.ingv.it),以获取有关最近地震的信息。此外,人们还在历史地震目录(http://cpti11.mi.ingv.it),地震灾害网页(http://zonesismiche.mi.ingv.it),INGVterremoti YouTube上寻找更具体和详细的​​信息。频道(http://youtube.com/ingvterremoti),基于网络的宏观地震调查(http://www.haisentitoilterremoto.it/)等。对于所有这些站点,在强地震的情况下,成千上万甚至数百万人到达其中的某些站点,人们可以找到许多有关单个地震,地震历史等的特定信息。但是,没有人可以找到正在进行的活动的更新和解释的地方。 2012年5月20日大埔平原地震序列开始时,通过INGV网站上的大量点击,大量电话,电子邮件和推文,我们很快意识到对信息的需求量很大。 2012年5月20日和29日的访问量分别为061万和93万次,访问次数分别为1200万和2600万次。当然,这不足为奇,因为在拉奎拉(L'Aquila)2009年的比赛中,情况也是如此。实际上,在2009年4月6日事件发生后的几个月中,还通过在拉奎拉(L'Aquila)安装了CentroOperativo Emergenza Sismica(地震应急业务中心)[Moretti等。 [2011年],我们了解到,公共和地方当局要求提供完整和权威的信息要比以前想象的要高。特别是在2009年紧急情况中,甚至在2012年紧急情况中更是如此,以及网站上的经典信息,许多人在社交网站上寻找信息和更新。因此,在2009年至2011年间,INGV开始测试不同的社交媒体,例如YouTube,Twitter,Facebook,并开发了iPhone应用程序以发布地震信息。事实证明,社交媒体对于危机中的信息共享非常重要[Earle等,2011; Bruns等。 2012]。对于所有这些媒体,当关注度很高时,我们观察到与重要地震事件相对应的观看次数和下载量都有相应的增加[Amato等。 2012年,Nostro等。 2012]。因此,在2012年5月20日主震之后的几天里,我们决定开设一个新博客,以提供快速更新和深入的科学信息,例如有关正在进行的地震活动的文章。及时提供及时的信息尤其重要地震序列持续了几周,并且以Po Plainearquake地震为例,发生了几次M> 5事件。与此同时,我们努力提供了快速而科学的信息,并不断对其进行更新和分发。领土,还可以应对不良信息,并打击谣言。



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